Disappionted with NEC 2490


Jun 11, 2008
I just received NEC LCD2490WUXi today after months of researched and my first impression was great, nice big box and neat looking design. After turning it on there was the wow factor to it due to the bright crisp picture but as soon as I ran some tests the black light bleed was absolutely horrible. I currently don't have a camera with me at the moment except for phone camera but the bleed resemble these pictures:


The panel felt loose on all four corners with the bleed and the screen showing hints of green, strong purple hue at almost any angle. This is on a full black screen!!!! I thought the polarizer on the NEC suppose to eliminate that purple hue, what is going on here? Also after viewing a few movies, in a full dark condition I found the screen to not be dark enough compare to my lcd TV in the living room, in one dark scene pictures turn green making me really disappoint even more after high expectation and money wasted. I've messed around quite a bit in the osd including the advance menu but it doesn't seems to improve at all especially the black level, am I doing anything wrong? Does these problems happens to you guys with 2490/2690 as well? This thing will definite get replace.

PS. I haven't calibrate the monitor yet.
Sometimes you get poor examples of normally good quality kit. If it is new and has a problem just send it/take it back to where you bought it from for a refund/replacement.
yeah, that doesn't look anything like mine. I think yours might be faulty.
side note# My monitor is calibrated.
There's supposed to be hints of red and green with the polarizer. That's normal. That should only be visible on a black screen in a dark room.

Without the polarizer, there'd be a much stronger white glow, about as strong as the purple glow in those pictures, but those pictures are way overexposed. If yours looks like that normally, then something's not right. I adjusted the last picture to show how it should look in real life:


The cloudy backlight bleeding in the corner is typical of what I've seen with the NEC 2690, and those pictures seem to be of a 2690, so I'm not surprised.
I also have a reddish tint from an angeled view when I look at a dark screen. Thats pretty normal from what I've read
I will let you in on a secret. LCDs suck. All of them.

Look for issues with any LCD and you will find them. Turn up the backlight, put up a black screen and turn out the lights. You will be disappointed. All LCDs will fail this "test".

What really counts is what it is like in real world conditions. Set your room lighting to normal, set the backlight to a comfortable level. Sit down and use the thing. If you still have an issue, then that is something to deal with.

Spend a lot of time looking at black screens in Dark rooms, you need a CRT.

I recently had a Dell 3007-HC that failed the sitting down using it normally test for uniformity. One corner would glow white all the time and it was annoying and distracting in actual usage. Another part was too dark and I was straining to read on that part of the screen. It had the worse uniformity I have ever seen.

This puts me in mind of the guy in the other thread who has returned 15 monitors! Most of them had too much back light bleed by his reckoning.

I haven't seen your monitor so I can't judge, you may want to try one more to verify that there isn't a defect, but you also have to realize that black screen in a dark room, off angle is always going to be unpleasant with LCD.
Wow, if those are full black screen pix, then that is horrid.

That seems defective to me. Mine has a loose panel when it is cold, but when it warms up after 15 minutes or so of constant usage, the panel tightens up a fair bit. I think they did this to make up for panel expansion and contraction based on temperature.

My original panel never tightened up after warmup and had multiple stuck and a couple of dead subpixels. I called NEC directly and my current monitor was the replacement. You may want to endeavour to call the reseller or NEC directly. I do hope you find satisfaction.

This is surprising because other trusted forum members have said they felt the LCD2490 was slightly better built than the LCD2690.

I have the slight backlight clouding in the bottom left corner, but it is very slight, as the camera tends to amplify this effect.

Here are some examples of what I have:

This is my LCD2690WuXi-BK taken at a half second exposure with an all black screen in the dark:


This is a similar shot at 1 second exposure:


I just received NEC LCD2490WUXi today after months of researched and my first impression was great, nice big box and neat looking design. After turning it on there was the wow factor to it due to the bright crisp picture but as soon as I ran some tests the black light bleed was absolutely horrible. I currently don't have camera with me at the moment except for phone camera but the bleeding resembles these pictures:


The panel felt loose on all four corners with the bleed and the screen showing hints of green, strong purple hue at almost any angle. This is on a full black screen!!!! I thought the polarizer on the NEC suppose to eliminate that purple hue, what is going on here? Also after viewing a few movies, in a full dark condition I found the screen to not be dark enough compare to my lcd TV in the living room, in one dark scene pictures turn green making me really disappoint even more after high expectation and money wasted. I've messed around quite a bit in the osd including the advance menu but it doesn't seems to improve at all especially the black level, am I doing anything wrong? Does these problems happens to you guys with 2490/2690 as well? This thing will definite get replace.

PS. I haven't calibrate the monitor yet.
During the normal view in normal room condition a dark image will have extreme white glow on all four corners, worst than my old TN I replaced with. Those purple hue really are that strong at those viewing angle shown in the pics(2nd one is the most accurate representation), I was really surprise myself to see that. Also I checked in the advance menu in tagE and the spectraview settings has been removed in this Australian version. I have Spectraview kit ordered from USA too so I don't know if that will hardware calibrate the monitor. Nothing is going right with me and this monitor today :(
Snowdog is right, there is hardly a perfect LCD technology, every is a sort of compromise.

But what should help is to turn on ColorComp, it is supposed to provide better backlight homogenoity. Altough in my case it does not work.
I will let you in on a secret. LCDs suck. All of them.

Look for issues with any LCD and you will find them. Turn up the backlight, put up a black screen and turn out the lights. You will be disappointed. All LCDs will fail this "test".

What really counts is what it is like in real world conditions. Set your room lighting to normal, set the backlight to a comfortable level. Sit down and use the thing. If you still have an issue, then that is something to deal with.

Spend a lot of time looking at black screens in Dark rooms, you need a CRT.

I recently had a Dell 3007-HC that failed the sitting down using it normally test for uniformity. One corner would glow white all the time and it was annoying and distracting in actual usage. Another part was too dark and I was straining to read on that part of the screen. It had the worse uniformity I have ever seen.

This puts me in mind of the guy in the other thread who has returned 15 monitors! Most of them had too much back light bleed by his reckoning.

I haven't seen your monitor so I can't judge, you may want to try one more to verify that there isn't a defect, but you also have to realize that black screen in a dark room, off angle is always going to be unpleasant with LCD.

This is the best LCD advice I've read in a long time. Sometimes you just have to accept the minor flaws if they do not affect your normal usage. I have a hard time with this as well, because I know some chump out there has the perfect screen even though we both paid the same amount of money for it.

It's much easier to enjoy the screen if you stop worrying about its minor flaws that are only present when looking for them.

If there are glaring issues I would definitely return it right away, however.
I will let you in on a secret. LCDs suck. All of them.

Look for issues with any LCD and you will find them. Turn up the backlight, put up a black screen and turn out the lights. You will be disappointed. All LCDs will fail this "test".

What really counts is what it is like in real world conditions. Set your room lighting to normal, set the backlight to a comfortable level. Sit down and use the thing. If you still have an issue, then that is something to deal with.

Spend a lot of time looking at black screens in Dark rooms, you need a CRT.

I recently had a Dell 3007-HC that failed the sitting down using it normally test for uniformity. One corner would glow white all the time and it was annoying and distracting in actual usage. Another part was too dark and I was straining to read on that part of the screen. It had the worse uniformity I have ever seen.

This puts me in mind of the guy in the other thread who has returned 15 monitors! Most of them had too much back light bleed by his reckoning.

I haven't seen your monitor so I can't judge, you may want to try one more to verify that there isn't a defect, but you also have to realize that black screen in a dark room, off angle is always going to be unpleasant with LCD.

I understand where you are coming from. However if my old TN didn't have the same problems to the same extent as this much more expensive IPS in a normal condition straight in front of the screen (all four corners have strong white glow on dark images especially in the black bar during movie viewing), I wouldn't have been this disappointed. I strongly think that this model might be defective. It doesn't help either that NEC took out spectraview setting in advance OSD on this Australian version too.
I will let you in on a secret. LCDs suck. All of them.

Look for issues with any LCD and you will find them. Turn up the backlight, put up a black screen and turn out the lights. You will be disappointed. All LCDs will fail this "test".

What really counts is what it is like in real world conditions. Set your room lighting to normal, set the backlight to a comfortable level. Sit down and use the thing. If you still have an issue, then that is something to deal with.

Spend a lot of time looking at black screens in Dark rooms, you need a CRT.

Seriously though, if those pictures are somewhat accurate representations of black screens, there is something very wrong with the monitor, Bianconeri.

The first pic I posted is pretty accurate of real world at a pretty high brightness.

Snowdog I think you need a nice PVA panel to tide you over until OLED and FED become more mainstream :)

I'm gonna buy you a nice Dell 2405FPW. How's that sound LOL.


Snowdog I think you need a nice PVA panel to tide you over until OLED and FED become more mainstream :)

I'm gonna buy you a nice Dell 2405FPW. How's that sound LOL.


Nothing highlights subjectivity to me like the Dell 2405. It was best of monitors, it was the worse of monitors...
After one day of usage the screen seems to get tighter, only prominent bleed now seems to be on the top right hand corner, will this get even better? or should I replace the screen? I think I'll wait couple more days.
One other user had NEC suggest to him that he run the monitor at 100% brightness for a month to resolve inconsistent backlight.

That's a bit too long for my tastes, but if you can, try running it at a high brightness for the next little while to get the panel warmed. NEC mounts these panels strangely methinks. The BLB may get better.

If not, get a new one from them if you are not happy. The NEC costs a large premium over others, may as well get your money's worth, and they'll bend over backwards to help you.



After one day of usage the screen seems to get tighter, only prominent bleed now seems to be on the top right hand corner, will this get even better? or should I replace the screen? I think I'll wait couple more days.
I agree with 10e, if you feel unhappy about the screen, do not hesitate to contact the NEC tech support. Also, did you try the ColorComp?
I kept using it until now and magically the bleed almost gone!!! the movable panel now locked into place as well and so far I am very impress with this screen. Images is very very clear without loss of details and the viewing angle is great. Purple hue is only visible if viewing from top down at extreme angle and way less dramatic than before (represent pretty much the pictures i posed). This make me speculate that NEC purposely make the panel to be flexible to counter bleed for a non uniform panel. Overall I am now very happy:) Yes Biges i turned the colourcomp on.
Glad to hear it!

Yes on the left side you see a red hue from above (closely) and the right, a green cast.

Other S-IPS monitors will show a violet hue for the entire screen (like my TV and 2005FPW monitor).

I am pretty sure that NEC mounts the panel on some spring loader device to compensate for panel expansion, as IPS panels can get fairly warm. Once it warms up it locks better into place, depending on how bright you have it too.

In fact, upon cleaning it yesterday, my Dell 2005FPW (older S-IPS) also has this built in expansion, just to a lesser extent.

Best of luck down under, Bianconeri. I hope it continues to improve over time.

I kept using it until now and magically the bleed almost gone!!! the movable panel now locked into place as well and so far I am very impress with this screen. Images is very very clear without loss of details and the viewing angle is great. Purple hue is only visible if viewing from top down at extreme angle and way less dramatic than before (represent pretty much the pictures i posed). This make me speculate that NEC purposely make the panel to be flexible to counter bleed for a non uniform panel. Overall I am now very happy:) Yes Biges i turned the colourcomp on.