EA Launches Gameplay Trailer of The Sims 4

Seriously, hipsters and video game pixel tshirts, ear-rings and beards that look ridicules? Is there what girls really like?
To build closets with no doors around your Sims and delete the ladder in the swimming pool and watch them die of course.

Yes. Watching your Sims soil themselves because you won't let them go to the bathroom. The apogee of entertainment right there.

from EA?

HAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahaha...yeah, get right on that
Yes. Watching your Sims soil themselves because you won't let them go to the bathroom. The apogee of entertainment right there.

Um. I let mine go to the bathroom. But, as my sim was walking out to the car to go to work, the carpool guy just drives off. So, unemployed and he sat around pissing himself all the time. I gave up. Everything was there, he just didn't do anything.
what the appeal of these Sims games are is lost on me...it seems like a game for toddlers
as with most "sim" games, they tend to be more about creativity than anything else.

if you are creative you find ways to enjoy those types of games like spore, the sims ect.
I predict that it will have some vague "multiplayer" mode where your sims will interact (poorly) with others sims. No one will really want or use this "feature", but it will require you to be connected online 100% of the time. When gamers complain, EA execs will reply saying that the online functionality is crucial to the game, and that the game is too complex to run just on the PC as standalone software.

All I can say is anyone stupid enough to pre-order this deserves what they get.
I predict that it will have some vague "multiplayer" mode where your sims will interact (poorly) with others sims. No one will really want or use this "feature", but it will require you to be connected online 100% of the time. When gamers complain, EA execs will reply saying that the online functionality is crucial to the game, and that the game is too complex to run just on the PC as standalone software.
The scary thing is that the scenario you just described is more likely to happen than not.
Is EA going to make this with a required internet link to the SimCity servers so nobody can have a stable game and the house sizes are limited to 600sf?
Is EA going to make this with a required internet link to the SimCity servers so nobody can have a stable game and the house sizes are limited to 600sf?

Hahahha. The plumbing won't work and everyone will try to use the kitchen at the same time.

Sims player are used to receiving a bug ridden game so they won't complain as much
The Sims always reminded me of Second Life, never saw the point in either game lol

Don't compare Second Life to the pile of shit game called The Sims. Second Life is so much superior in so many ways.

Can be free
Interact with other people
True player created contents
no overpriced expansions to deal with
Truly endless creativity possibles.
Educational, schools and business created contents in game to educate people

Bottom line is SL > SIMS
My interest in this game is purely morbid. I don't build houses, I build Cemeteries.
I build a pool, start a family of eight, put them in the pool, take ladder out of pool, let them drown and create a tombstone. Rinse and repeat.
By the time I'm done I'll have a ton of Gravestones. I'll then move one person in and spend the cash from him to build plants, hedges and fences for the Gravestones. I'll build him a small house as part for him to be caretaker of the Cemetery. The only problem is that he goes around crying at all the gravestones all day and can't get sleep from the hundreds of ghosts that visit him at night.
as with most "sim" games, they tend to be more about creativity than anything else.

if you are creative you find ways to enjoy those types of games like spore, the sims ect.

I would agree if you were talking about previous sims versions (well... I havnt played sims since the first or second one...), but from that video, it seems like its geared to sociopaths or looser with no friends who need to get emotionally involved with video game characters...

in the previous versions, it was mostly about building the house and getting a job and whatnot. this version seems more about manipulating (virtual) people emotionally, and being able to recreate real-life situations to act out, and play social-god.

its the next iteration of facebook.... just what we needed.
This ^ It looks almost identical to Sims3 (better animations?). And the question is, after the 20 DLC packs, will it take 15minutes just to load and then perform like trash?

Bet it needs a constant connection to central server as well, like EA learns anything from massive cock ups?
Never been a Sims fan, and am certainly not an EA fan (haven't bought an EA game for years), but honestly....why would ANYBODY pre-order a game from this company after the last fiasco?
My Wife and I both enjoy her copy of The Sims 3 but for different reasons. I like to design and assemble buildings, then she enjoys making the families and playing them in the houses I build her.

Graphically it looks like the same engine as TS3 with a new UI. The creation tools seem far more intuitive, but dear god I hope they spend more time optimising it such that you can play a single town for more than a week without it getting corrupted or needing to install the NRASS mod's.

It's good fun for when you're in a creative mood. But it's still annoying when you know that everything they added in the dozen's of expansions for the previous game will be stripped out so they can sell it to you again peacemeal until the next one comes out.