EK pump stops working randomly.


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2013
Yesterday I noticed all my fans ramped up to max while it was mining and the computer shut down. I notice that my pump was not working when I turned it back on. I figured my pump just shat the bed. I tried turning it on this morning and pump was working fine. Do EK pumps have overload or thermal protections shut offs if they reach a certain point? I assume it is going bad but weird it works again after some time. It doesn't make any strange noises. I also noticed that I can't control the speed in bios anymore. It was reading 0 rpm but running full blast.
EK pumps are not "smart" pumps, just mechanical pumps with pwm functionality. It sounds like your issue is with the pwm header not the pump. If pwm pumps do not get a signal they run at 100%.
I ended checking and reconnecting all cables and everything is working fine. BIOS is picking up the rpm signal and I am able to control the pump again. Nothing seemed loose 🤷
Glad to hear its working. If it happens again I would move the pump to a different header, any on the mobo will due as long as they are pwm.
First thing i thought of were my old 2009ish laing ddcs that wouldnt always start up. If i tapped on them i could sometimes get them to start up. I had clear acrylic res tops on them and could watch them jerk a little as they tried to start. Never figured out what was wrong with them after hours and hours of fiddling with them. So into the parts bin they went and stay :(
Good to hear you got it fired back up!
First thing i thought of were my old 2009ish laing ddcs that wouldnt always start up. If i tapped on them i could sometimes get them to start up. I had clear acrylic res tops on them and could watch them jerk a little as they tried to start. Never figured out what was wrong with them after hours and hours of fiddling with them. So into the parts bin they went and stay :(
Good to hear you got it fired back up!
Probably a bad capacitor or cracked solder joint on the PCB would be my guess.