Elephants Send Text Messages to Rangers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Yes, you are reading that headline correctly…elephants are sending text messages to rangers, and get this, to tell on themselves when they raid villages. Can you imagine getting a message from an elephant that says “OMG, we R so efFn DIS viLaG3 ^?” Thanks to Lethal for the link to this one.

The huge bull elephant had a long history of raiding villagers' crops during the harvest, sometimes wiping out six months of income at a time. But this time a mobile phone card inserted in his collar sent rangers a text message. Lesowapir, an armed guard and a driver arrived in a jeep bristling with spotlights to frighten Kimani back into the Ol Pejeta conservancy.
WOO First POST!! LOLz /jk

I just cant wait to see where [H] takes this...

But on a real note, I guess this is a good thing, because now they dont have to shoot them when they raid a village. Guess this means they must have good cell phone coverage in the area tho. I can imagen a kenyan Kenyan ATT commercial with a village thats all destroyed and elephants everywhere, "More bars in more places, is your village on the safest network?"
Or how about Verizon? A old guy is in a village and sees a bunch of elephants coming toward his crops and he looks at his friend. "were so screwed". He says back to him, its kool, I got the verizon network. He points behind him and sees hundreds of guys in hardhats, "Its good" and then old guy looks back at the elephant and its walking the other direction

Ahh... Way to early....
“OMG, we R so efFn DIS viLaG3 ^

haha that is way to funny for this early on a Monday. I had to about gag myself to keep from laughing out loud imagining bad ass elephant texting that.

Thanks for the laugh.
Are they serious?

Why are they using text messages?
There are hundreds of ways to track an elephant. Unless you are a 14 year old girl who loves receiving texts, I would go with one of the other more effective ones.
What about the good ol mr sparky fence? It keeps even elephants out.
Arent elephants afraid of mice? ... cant they just keep some robotic mice running around like roombas?

I should patent this and sell it to the Kenyan govt...
Are they serious?

Why are they using text messages?
There are hundreds of ways to track an elephant. Unless you are a 14 year old girl who loves receiving texts, I would go with one of the other more effective ones.

Seems to me that there are actually very few ways to get information on an elephants movements when you're out driving around doing your ranger thing. A text message triggered by the elephant entering an off-limits area seems very effective and straight forward.

If you actually read the article they also use other methods to track the elephants movements for other purposes, the text alert is just one aspect.
I think people missed the part where they rigged a device on their collars to automatically text rangers when they leave the "geo-fence". So it's not the elephant's intentions to text rangers and spoil their habit of raiding people's crops.


If I lived in a village oevr there.. I bet I could come to an "agreement" with my fellow villagers.

Elephant comes to destroy village, etc.... we shoot it with a rocket launcher or the likes.

IDIOTS... if a person wreaks havoc on a village or whatever... they get sent to prison or worse... If an Elephant does it... oh noes.. we can't kill it.. gotta scare it to go back to it's "home"...

I say fry the sucker and hang it's remains on posts to keep other Elephants from pulling the same crap!
haha that is way to funny for this early on a Monday. I had to about gag myself to keep from laughing out loud imagining bad ass elephant texting that.

Thanks for the laugh.

No problem sir, no problem at all ;)

[UPS] Sorce;1033160651 said:
He's in yer villagez, eatin yer foodz.
In yer village, stompin yer doodz

Pretty much made me loose a chunk of my peach danish.

Mmmm, recycled danish!