EVE Online, Amazingly Deep

OldPueblo said:
All three. Patch notes:


And keep in mind, only newly created characters will have the extra skillpoints. Already existing characters get no change.

unfortunately, the firewall here prohibits me from accessing the site... so I'll take your word for it :))

If everything is increased (i.e. shields).. I wonder if I would still need 3 shield extenders?.. I may be able to take 1 or 2 off and fit something else in the mids.. I know that NPC will have more as well, but still... If i'm able to tank the damage, it doesnt really matter how long the enagagement lasts because the DPS will be the same... hmmm!
Iratus said:
Actually they do, if you have a character with less than 800k skill points it will get skills to make it up to 800k sp's.

It's a lottery what skills you get though,.

Ah very interesting. I wish they'd let you pick, I do have one alt that I use regularly for POS maintenance that I wouldn't mind having a few more skills. No reason to take training away from my main though.
OldPueblo said:
Ah very interesting. I wish they'd let you pick, I do have one alt that I use regularly for POS maintenance that I wouldn't mind having a few more skills. No reason to take training away from my main though.

Since they are revamping the whole skill/race/profession generation and will make your 800K SP rather specific to your race/specialty, I bet they give the skills dependant based on that. or maybe I'll have an alt with Lvl 5 in POS Deployment? lol
aye, I'm sure they'll come up with some way to bone my alts out of anything useful.

Back in my day you didn't have this help training, 45k sp's to start. No advanced learning skills, no implants, no tutorial (technically it did but ti was bugged and you couldn't finish it), pirates that concord couldn't kill, no extra races with uber skills, was great :-/
sqerl said:
Since they are revamping the whole skill/race/profession generation and will make your 800K SP rather specific to your race/specialty, I bet they give the skills dependant based on that. or maybe I'll have an alt with Lvl 5 in POS Deployment? lol

I'd love for all 800 to be taking my Caldari Industrial to V or navigation to make the hauling go faster. :p
sqerl said:
unfortunately, the firewall here prohibits me from accessing the site... so I'll take your word for it :))

If everything is increased (i.e. shields).. I wonder if I would still need 3 shield extenders?.. I may be able to take 1 or 2 off and fit something else in the mids.. I know that NPC will have more as well, but still... If i'm able to tank the damage, it doesnt really matter how long the enagagement lasts because the DPS will be the same... hmmm!

You will still need 3 shield extenders if you want the same recharge rate. The shield recharge time was also increased accordingly, although you will have more shields. ;)

So whats the deal with the HardCorp?

are you guys in contested space? Do you have your own POS? Do you have sovreinty?

and what is the NPC in your area? I'd like to get a feel for what's out there before making the trip. .. and give me something to ask waiting for Revelations.... :)
sqerl said:

So whats the deal with the HardCorp?

are you guys in contested space? Do you have your own POS? Do you have sovreinty?

and what is the NPC in your area? I'd like to get a feel for what's out there before making the trip. .. and give me something to ask waiting for Revelations.... :)

I'm not actually a member of HardCorp, I was already well-ingrained in my current corp. I'm with www.defendersoforder.com. I joined them with several other real life friends.
[H]ard Corp has its current HQ in Juddi which is in the Derelik region (Ammatar space). We don't have a POS ourselves, but our alliance, Brotherhood of Steel, has a number of POSs and 4 sovereign systems in the Providence region (0.0 region next to Derelik). Most of our members frequent the systems between Providence, Derelik, and Heimatar (Rens).
Farseer said:
[H]ard Corp has its current HQ in Juddi which is in the Derelik region (Ammatar space). We don't have a POS ourselves, but our alliance, Brotherhood of Steel, has a number of POSs and 4 sovereign systems in the Providence region (0.0 region next to Derelik). Most of our members frequent the systems between Providence, Derelik, and Heimatar (Rens).

Thanks for the info! Are any of the regions soverign to some pirate faction? I'd like to get into a corp with gurista regions....
[RCKY] Thor said:
Be careful using shield extenders as you move to lvl4's. They increase your signature radius, which will allow larger ships to hit you for more damage. With the proper skills, a ferox can tank like a beast without them, and should be able to handle almost any lvl3.

My Ferox can do any level 3 mission almost in my sleep. Three best named shield extenders, 1 named/faction rat-specific hardener, and 1 domination invulnerability field. The domination invulnerability field has low activation cost.

The shield extenders are nothing to worry about. By the time one gets to level 4 (if they're flying Caldari) they should not be using shield extenders if they fly a Raven and active shield tanking.
doh said:
My Ferox can do any level 3 mission almost in my sleep. Three best named shield extenders, 1 named/faction rat-specific hardener, and 1 domination invulnerability field. The domination invulnerability field has low activation cost.

The shield extenders are nothing to worry about. By the time one gets to level 4 (if they're flying Caldari) they should not be using shield extenders if they fly a Raven and active shield tanking.

what do you keep in your lows? I switched from a combo of PDS II and BCS II to SR.... Once my skills improve, I'll put the PDS/BCS back in. Hopefully in Revelations, I can use rigs to help with the shield regen to make the switch faster...
sqerl said:
what do you keep in your lows? I switched from a combo of PDS II and BCS II to SR.... Once my skills improve, I'll put the PDS/BCS back in. Hopefully in Revelations, I can use rigs to help with the shield regen to make the switch faster...

You really can't beat the shield relays for passive shield tanking. The key to a passive shield tank of course though is to use passive modules so that cap is not an issue since shield relays kill your recharge time. Its all about balance. If you want a full blown awesome passive shield tank, then you have to go without cap sucking modules. Otherwise you need to boost your cap recharging and fit a shield booster/amplifier, and just be smart about using it. PDS can never compare to a shield relay in terms of passive shield tanking benefits though.
man, all you guys have seriously made me want to sign up, can someone send me a trial key? and current directions to a corp after tutorial?
OldPueblo said:
You really can't beat the shield relays for passive shield tanking. The key to a passive shield tank of course though is to use passive modules so that cap is not an issue since shield relays kill your recharge time. Its all about balance. If you want a full blown awesome passive shield tank, then you have to go without cap sucking modules. Otherwise you need to boost your cap recharging and fit a shield booster/amplifier, and just be smart about using it. PDS can never compare to a shield relay in terms of passive shield tanking benefits though.

My Ferox has 2 shield relays, 1 PDS II, 1 BDU II. I can run through any level 3 mission with the domination invuln. field and a named hardener running all the time and still not run out of cap. Pick the longest mission and it's not a problem. Even Massive Attack and Downing The Slavers (2of2) which requires a warp out after a few BCs are down.
doh said:
My Ferox has 2 shield relays, 1 PDS II, 1 BDU II. I can run through any level 3 mission with the domination invuln. field and a named hardener running all the time and still not run out of cap. Pick the longest mission and it's not a problem. Even Massive Attack and Downing The Slavers (2of2) which requires a warp out after a few BCs are down.

Nice. Yeah I'm talking shield relays VS power diagnostic systems. The two combined work great for a good overall ship fitting. :)
I guess I should have read for content before now with the coming changes in Revelations...

* Signature radius penalty on shield extenders have changed so meta modules in general give less of a penalty.
this is a good thing as we were just discussing this topic a few posts ago...

* The speed modifier on cargo expanders have been changed to a percentage instead of a flat rate.
I didnt realize cargo extenders modified speed!

* The volume of all ammo has been halved in size, as well as the capacity of all turrets/launchers.
This means my launchers will no longer have 36 heavy missles! that means realoading twice as often and that blows DPS... while its fair against PvP, I dont think the NPCs ever have to reload...

* All doomsday weapon damages have been increased by 25%.
too bad I cant fit one on a Kestrel :)

* A close range high damage alternative for missile users has been added. A new missile launcher type called the heavy assault missile launcher, 4 new tech 1 missiles and 8 new tech 2 missiles have been added.
factor in the idea that launchers hold half the load they used to, these assault missle launchers will run out of ammo very fast...

sigh... 5 more hours? maybe?
sqerl said:
This means my launchers will no longer have 36 heavy missles! that means realoading twice as often and that blows DPS... while its fair against PvP, I dont think the NPCs ever have to reload...

I don't think that how that works. I think what they said is that both the ammo volume and the turret/launcher ammo storage volume are both halfed. This means that you will be able to fit the same number of shots in the turret/launcher, and be reloading at the same rate as before. (same clip size) The only thing that changes is that now the spare ammo takes up half as much volume in the ship's cargo hold.
T-Minus one hour... i guess you cant download the patch until the server goes live? sigh....
and thanks SCSI-Term!... i figure the more stuff I post wrong, the more people will post to correct me and eventually I'll understand! lol
Iratus said:
Podding is basically what costs you the money, even in most t2 ships you don't lose that much money when you die. If you get podded it can be an enormous impact, aside from usually waking up miles away from where you were the costs can be immense.

I have to get the 64m SP clones which cost something like 16m isk from what I remember. Then the implants on that level of player will be at least 40m isk each. Probably more. So bascially you're looking at a 220m isk loss for your average veteran, that can go up to about 4Bn isk if you're really unlucky.

No fighters wear that kind of isk in their heads unless they are crazy. My t2 ships cost a lot more when they pop than my pod. All that fancy equipment plus the t2 ship insurance rates sucketh. T1 ship insurance is good though.
MartinX said:
Like the clone price cuts :)

Yeah my clone upgraded automatically to 32mil. I guarantee you I'll be dying before I hit that. :p I'm only at 15mil now.
(313)dnoyeb said:
No fighters wear that kind of isk in their heads unless they are crazy. My t2 ships cost a lot more when they pop than my pod. All that fancy equipment plus the t2 ship insurance rates sucketh. T1 ship insurance is good though.

Wrong. So wrong.

I know many many people that have full sets of t2 implants and pvp in them on a very regular basis, half my eve friends are in Black Nova Corp and personally I've been in KIA for about 2.5 years so you could so I'm pretty au fait with pvp.

Indeed the implants are half the reason WHY a lot of pvp'ers don't die as often as people can only ever match vets in skill points as we'll invariably be maxed out skills wise in whatever ship we fly and so our implants are a major differentiator. If you are doing 15% more damage and are hugely faster/better tanked/more armoured then it takes an exponentially greater effort for someone to kill you. It's true that a lot of people only wear the low grade t2 ones instead of the 3bn isk sets but that's still a huge loss of isk if you do get podded.

The old days of not fighting with implants are long gone I promise you.
* Ship, module, weapon, ammunition and drone balancing for improved Player versus Player and Player versus Environment experiences.

let me say that this has drastically changed the one mission I tried to do last night.

Lvl 3 the blockade

Please notice there are a total of 17 ships and 900K isk in bounties... the highest bounty being 87K...

This is a screenie from this morning....

Some notes... last night I tried this mission.. the ships here are simialar, but they are different than the ones there last night. So it appears there is a randomizer when it comes to mission spawns... Also, after killing at least 10 ships last night, there were still 6 ships with bounties greater than 250K, 17 BC greater than 130K and another 10 frigates. There is also a stasis tower that needed to be taken out.

My setup (that you can see in the screenshot) is not capapble of tanking this mission. It used to be previously to Revelations.

On top of this, the agent only offered me 60K for completing the mission and 75K as a bonus for completing in under 4 hours. Lvl 3 missions usually give me rewards in the 6 figures... (my agent is lvl 3 quality 18)...

Now you folks that have been playing a while may think that this mission is nothing. Still being relatively new, this is a difficult mission for me to complete . So the folks that didnt like people solo'ing missions, you got your wish. I'll have to refit my ship to better balance cap recharge and active support as this passive setup aint cutting it.

Anyway, thought I'd share my experience so far... I cant wait to get my drake! the 2 extra missle launchers will help! and if I can get my shield tank better, the heavy assaults will be fun!
and for what its worth, on the In Game Help channel, it was mentioned that the requirements for Salvaging will be lowered next week... possibly tuesday... and that was mentioned by a Mod....
sqerl said:

For your lows you may find that a ballistic diagnostic unit (BDU) will help more than a fourth shield relay. Further, a power diagnostic system (PDS) may help with cap recharge.

That looks like a fun mission! :) I might start doing level 3s again.
Thanks, I had missed it. Wasn't bad, I liked No Other Destiny better though.
I tried the trial awhile back. I found it to be REALLY boring. It was so repetative; go out, mine... do nothing, log off, log on, mine, do nothing, log off...
And lets face it... space looks the same, and so does every other scene in this game. Different shades of black and red do not make for an interesting scenery
Tylerdurdened said:
I tried the trial awhile back. I found it to be REALLY boring. It was so repetative; go out, mine... do nothing, log off, log on, mine, do nothing, log off...
And lets face it... space looks the same, and so does every other scene in this game. Different shades of black and red do not make for an interesting scenery
you have to play with other people/a corporation in eve
WaterIsTasty said:
you have to play with other people/a corporation in eve

well you dont HAVE to, but having friends in EVE makes a HUGE difference. and if all you do is mining, then yes, its boring as all hell... that is until you train long enough to ice mine and use a non-secure container and someone comes along and tries to steal your ice then the mercenary that you paid to protect your macro-ice mining operation chases after the thief..... yea, mining is boring :))

Seriously though, there is a lot to do... and with the latest patch, you start out with ALOT more skill points... and you can always hunt NPC in the asteroid fields for ISK, It may not be alot, but its something else to do rather than mining. You can also look up 1/10 complexs to hunt NPC pirates. Its takes a while to get ISK in order to buy more stuff but it also takes time to train your character to have the skills to use more stuff. Find a player corporation to get more isk/stuff at the start, otherwise be prepared for the long task of earning it yourself while your skills train.
Can anyone post the changes that will be deployed with the patch scheduled for 12-5?

They've been updating them like mad up till today:

Changes, Fixes and Improvements

The Nighthawk's description has been corrected to reflect its actual bonuses.
Armor hitpoints are no longer stacking nerfed.
Modules, Weapons and Drones

Probe Launchers can no longer be set to auto-repeat.
Scan Probes cannot be launched while within the scan range of other scan probes belonging to the same pilot.
Selecting 'All Groups' for scan results no longer results in an exception error.
The scan strength of drones has been increased to 7.5 for ligth drones, 12.5 for medium and 22.5 for heavy. This only affects for probe scanning as they can not be target jammed.
New programming has been added to drones. They will no longer attempt to become self-aware and will not pick random targets on their own.
Valkyrie and Hammerhead drones no longer share the same icon.
Backup arrays now give a bonus to the sensor type listed in their description. Tech 2 versions now give a 48% bonus.

The Salvaging skill requirements have been lowered to Mechanic level 3 and Survey level 3.
The Gas cloud harvesting skill book has description changed.
The Leadership, Siege Warfare and Skirmish Warfare skill descriptions listed incorrect primary and secondary attributes, these have changed to reflect other skills in the group.
Character Creation and Tutorial

Some spelling errors in the descriptions of the Soldier and Prospector specializations have been fixed as have some errors in various tutorials.
In the character creation, the Caldari race could appear to be a better racial selection. Skill distributions have been adjusted for racial parity.
Slight visualization changes have been made to the Character Creation process.
In the tutorial missions, NPCs set to guard or orbit an object will now return to guard their focus object after being destroyed and respawning.
Some VERY diligent griefers were able to exercise considerable effort with no gain to spoil the new player experience for new players. This has been resolved.
Corporations and Alliances

Corporations can now set their Tax rate anywhere between 0.0% and 100.0%
Removed "Jove" and "Pirate" from the list of "allowed member races" on the corp application window. This is merely for posterity and removes confusion for new CEO's.
Remotely viewing corporation hangars via the Corporations tab in the Neocom will display the entire list.
The Title Management window size has been increased and the layout improved.
In some instances, Blueprints were not displayed in the corporation Science & Industry Interface. This has been resolved.
Player Owned Structures and Starbases

A Starbase in reinforced mode contributes to Sovereignty.
Missions and NPCs

The difficulty for the mission 'Stop The Thief' has been adjusted.
A number of missions, including some COSMOS missions, have been added to the game.
Mission information windows will warn players if their route to the mission location travels through low security space.
Some NPCs in hidden complexes have been made more aggressive.
Market & Contracts

Expanded Cargohold I, Shield Boost Amplifier I and Recon Probe Launcher I blueprints have been added to the market.
Booster Reactions now have market entries.
Gallente and Amarr Encryption method skills have been added to the market.
Data Cores and Data Interfaces are now correctly listed under ‘Manufacture & Research -> Materials’ on the market.
Contracts involving a ship now use the repackaged volume of the ship, not the assembled volume.
User Interface and Disply

The missing 'loot with/without criminal flagging' (yellow and blue respectively) box that should surround wrecks in the overview will be resolved. Until the patch has been deployed, this may be activated by unchecking the 'Apply to Ships Only' option in the Overview settings under the Appearance tab. It might be necessary to change session, or reboot the client for this manual change to take effect.
Wrecks that have been inspected no longer have the same icon as wrecks that have not been inspected.
An option has been added to the Wreck right click menu to toggle whether the wreck has been inspected or not.
You may now right click in space and select active Expeditions from the 'Warp To' list.
You can now leave your ship while docked, resulting in you appearing in the station in a pod and your ship in your shipbay.
The 'Deliver to' option in the right click menu has been removed.
The Map now remembers whether to flatten or remain 3D between uses.
In some instances, Overview settings were not retained between client restarts. This has been resolved..
When a gang loses its leader, notification will be given in the gang window header.

All player owned and item bookmarks within a 25km radius of a station or stargate will be deleted, including itemized Instajump bookmarks. Loading time for players with a large number of bookmarks should decrease drastically.
The eight new regions now have moon materials available.
The EVE client will run on Linux using Cedega from Transgaming again. This resolves a post deployment issue.
New landmarks are no longer clustered together on the map.
The client no longer crashes to the desktop when warping to a stargate.
Killmails are sent to the killer and the victim.
Well I for one welcome the changes to salvaging and look forward to getting components for the rigs. With enough people mission running, its better known which missions have better drops. So you can always decline a missions and only take the ones that you know will have better drops... At least thats my plan... I need to make some ISK because I should be moving up in ships by end of year as my skills become more specialized... Here's hoping they dont nerf things anymore before then...
mashie said:
I think it is sad they did turn salvaging into a "half day training mini-profession" when it was supposed to be a real mini-profession for people that specialized. Now it's just a generic skill for everyone to enjoy.

It probably wouldnt have happened if there wasnt such a drastic change to looting methods with the release of Revelations... Had the cans stay when loot was available instead of the "1 wreck per ship that may or may not have loot and or rigs components and there is nothing you can really do except take 3x as long to loot your mission", then I dont think salvaging would have become the sub-mini-profession so fast. I enjoy the game but dont find it "fun" to need 2 hours to loot a mission that took 30 minutes to complete.

I would have been happy with level 4 in both skills... 3 seemed to be overkill...
For those of you at work and want something fun to read, check out

In particular, read post #92 - Sausage Dogs
Its an amazing tale of deceit... Of imporatnt note is the tale as told by "Littlest Hobo"
This is one of the ingame scariest things I could imagine. I cannot imagine that the person running the victim corp is still playing today after the losses that happened in 2 minutes....

Of interesting note to all carebears in Eve, post #91 is even more interesting...
If you were not aware that BoB is intent on total and utter EVE assimilation, you might want to read...

Fun stuff! lol
Heh, I started awhile ago and am still on #57. I hate the format, but yeah its a good read.