Free Cottonelle roll cover

Thank you. Nothing I can't live without but will look neat in the bathroom.
I dont know what purpose this serves, but for the price I am in for 1
OMG I'm so glad I ordered this! I was just takin' a dump and I'm like "oh shit! I'm out of toilet paper!" Thinking I had to walk over to the closet as bent over as possible, I remembered this and turned and looked and there it was on the back of the toilet with a full roll in it! This is the greatest freebie EVER!!! :D lmao
My wife put it in her SUV for inconvenient emergency stops. This way it protects the roll and people don't make fun of her for having it in there. Free happiness for her = major score for me.
I received mine yesterday... USPS sent it to my neighbor, but our neighbor was nice enough to drop it off to us. I got the orange design one. Seems well built, my kids has been playing with it all day before I got home from work. It was still in one piece after I got home so yeah it's pretty durable, will be putting this in our car to hold the toilet paper to wipe my kids nose with it :)
I saw the commercial the past month or so a few times, promoting this "toilet paper box" thing. I was thinking.... WHO IS GOING TO USE THIS?!

I just set the toilet paper on the damn counter (when I am too lazy to use the roll thing)

Why would someone want every ones dirty d-beaters all over the damn thing, potentially getting a few crap stains on the side of it? Just so I can get irritated and have to take it out of the box every time? And then the lid would probably fall into the toilet, etc :D

I can see it being useful in the car though.... but they TOTALLY were promoting it as a bathroom "gift" when it really is just a useless box around your toilet paper roll.
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I saw the commercial the past month or so a few times, promoting this "toilet paper box" thing. I was thinking.... WHO IS GOING TO USE THIS?!

I just set the toilet paper on the damn counter (when I am too lazy to use the roll thing)

Why would someone want every ones dirty d-beaters all over the damn thing, potentially getting a few crap stains on the side of it? Just so I can get irritated and have to take it out of the box every time? And then the lid would probably fall into the toilet, etc :D

I can see it being useful in the car though.... but they TOTALLY were promoting it as a bathroom "gift" when it really is just a useless box around your toilet paper roll.

Mine is holding 3 inch screws in my shop :p