Gamer loving my new Asus 26" VK266H


Feb 1, 2006
Hardcore gamer here. I've been looking for an upgrade to my Samsung 226bw for a couple weeks. It came down to the BenQs G2400WD and the HP LP2475w but the prices just didn't sit well with me. The HP (IPS panel) was a couple hundred over my budget while the Benq $350 price for 2" more screen didn't jell right.

So I did something I rarely do, bought a piece of hardware with no official reviews. I went off what little info I could find online and the newegg reviews.

Getting to the point. :p I'm glad I took the leap. I have an 26" lcd that looks great and handles games just as well as my Samsung. I ordered it last week when newegg had a instant $60 off promotion bringing it to $360. Nice score IMHO.

Wrapping up

- Viewing angle you ask? I see the entire screen with no variance in clarity. I play in front of my monitor, not from sides or above. ;)

- I took the chance and bought it from Newegg (crappy lcd return policy). Fortunately I only have one stuck pixel on the far bottom right and no light bleed! :D

- Fantastic picture, I've only had TN panels so that's what I'm basing it on. I only game so I really don't need the higher end panels. This more than fits my requirements.

- I agree with the possitive reviews on neweggs sight. Thats all we can go on till some professional reviews hit the web. hmm, just found one. It's negative towards the style and design, (shrug) I plug it in, sit it on my desk and look at the screen not at how pretty the housing of the panel is. ;)

- The VK266 vs VW266? Same specs but one has a webcam. That's the only difference.

- In case your wondering what games I've tried. UT3, Quake 4, COD WaW and WoW.

Hope this helps anyone going through a similar decision.
Nice post & I must agree. :cool:

I too took a chance on this monitor & have been nothing but impressed so far... :)
Good. Mine is coming on Thursday. Thinking about having delivery delayed until Friday when the wife is at work and I have the day off. ;)
Were you satisfied with the color defaults / do you have any settings you like better?

I also got one of these (the non-webcam version, anyway), and the colors look very blue-ish despite all the tweaking I've tried so far.

The big screen size is definitely nice, and mine has 0 dead pixels, but I can't quite get the colors. It's sitting next to an old Dell 2001FP, so maybe it wouldn't look quite the same being TN vs S-IPS, though.
Were you satisfied with the color defaults / do you have any settings you like better?

I also got one of these (the non-webcam version, anyway), and the colors look very blue-ish despite all the tweaking I've tried so far.

The big screen size is definitely nice, and mine has 0 dead pixels, but I can't quite get the colors. It's sitting next to an old Dell 2001FP, so maybe it wouldn't look quite the same being TN vs S-IPS, though.

I don't see a bluish tint to my LCD at all - colors look really good to me right out of the box.

I'm going to calibrate/adjust it today though - I'll report back what I end up with settings-wise.
It looked good right out of the box. I did change the auto setting from standard display to scenery. I haven't delved to much further since I don't really know what I'm doing once I start fiddling with all the settings on the panel and in the video card control panel.

I am confused though. When I hook up both monitors with the 26" being main the resolution keeps getting set to the lower of the two lcds 1680x1050. I must be doing something wrong but don't know what. If anyone has any advise on that it be much appreciated. I would like to be able to play a game and have the other showing say a website.
I have never seen a game full screen on one LCD and have a working desktop on the other (from one computer).

Even on a computer with multiple video cards, I don't think this is possible.
That deal has been going on since Sunday. I think they keep extending the promo code date.
I just ordered mine today! Woot Woot! Hopefully I don't have the horrible experience that I had with my Gateway FHD2400 ... massive backlight bleeding and HORRIBLE Gateway customer service!
That deal has been going on since Sunday. I think they keep extending the promo code date.

I have been checking since Sunday and the Promo has been till 2/4 since then... so perhaps its a different Promo code you are thinking of... or I'm just an idiot :rolleyes:
How is the input lag on this for your games? I am looking into this as a gaming console monitor. I play some competitively and I can "feel" the input lag so little to no lag is what I am looking for. :)
I'm also interested in the input lag, can any of you guys test this versus a CRT? Also, does it do 1:1?
UPS has mine scheduled for tomorrow.. assuming all goes well, I'll set it next to one of my old CRTs and get some definitive numbers.
I should get mine in a few hours when I get home from work.
Now I need to buy my wife the nice Rubbermaid wheelbarrow cart thingy for $200 so she's happy and doesn't feel like I'm just spoiling myself.
I picked up the 1080p one, the VH226H and loving it so far. Looking for wallpapers atm.

Have not gamed with it.

No dead pixels that I can see... any tips on looking for them?

One downside thus far is the shakiness, meaning when I type (maybe I'm a hard typist) the monitor jiggles a little. It could also by my shitty desk.
Alright guys. If you're considering this LCD and you don't have a 24" currently, buy it. If you have a crappy 24" and you'd like better, buy this screen. It is beautiful. Just spent 30 minutes looking for dead / stuck pixels and it is flawless.
It is still a TN panel, but it looks really, really good to me. The best TN I've seen.

The red speck in the lower right hand side is NOT a stuck pixel. Apparently it's a flaw with my camera. Also, the backlight bleeding in the picture looks MUCH worse than it actually is.
I don't really notice any backlight bleeding and no dead pixels here (that I've seen, looked for a couple minutes)

I played Drakes on it so far, gorgeous.
It does have 1:1 pixel mapping. There is a weird glitch on mine though when I change from "Full" or "Overscan" to 1:1 mapping when hooked up to the Ps3: namely, the audio doesn't play unless I change the scan mode after activating the playback of the video. This is only for movie clips. It plays audio fine for games on the ps3.

After initiating video playback then changing the scan mode back to 1:1 works fine though. It's kinda neat that it has built-in speakers. Now I can use this for a secondary HD screen.
Man I am so on the fence between this one and the Hanns-G 28" for my PC monitor...


I can't decide
I am going to throw my praises in as well, I just picked up this monitor last week and it rocks. Its big and the picture is nice. Very little back light bleed when booting up and loading screens, I dont notice it during games even in dark scenes. colors are nice and can use a tiny bit adjusting. Viewing angles are good enough, screen looks uniform when I am in my chair. Didnt get any dead/stuck pixels :). Seems to be the general consensus that the screen arrives as it should, no dead pixels! Anyways hope all of you enjoy this screen as much as I do.

Just ordered the VW266H, this'll be the first LCD that I have ever bought, I hope it doesn't disappoint :).
friend of mine just picked this screen up. anyone have color profiles, settings?

many thx
VW266H is currently $300 after MIR with promo code HARDOCP2920.

just ordered this +$9.62 cashback through $290 (although it will take a while to get that money and the MIR $)

Seems to have just about everything to make it perfect.
Now that is getting rediculous. $320 - $20 MIR? $30 price drop in one week?!

Newegg should be giving a discount to those of us who bought it a week ago for $350-$20 and promoting it here, thereby increasing sales.
I'm ordering one of these today. Can't wait to go from a 22" to a 26".
Hello everyone. I currently run a dual 24 inch monitor setup consisting of a Gateway FPD2485W and a Gateway FHD2401. I am considering buying two of these Asus monitors to replace them. The VW266H.

I do mostly gaming on my comp with a a good bit of internet, and some video/movie watching thrown in. These will not be a home entertainment setup. They will strictly be used by me behind the desk so the viewing angles should be ok unless too many beers cause me to slouch. :D

I guess what i am getting at is will these be an upgrade (besides the larger workspace)? My 2485 has good viewing angles but is horrible for gaming. My 2400's color has proven hard to dial in and having one glossy screen and one matte screen is how do i say, odd to say the least. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just ordered mine from newegg with the HARDOCP2920 code. Total was $329.99 with free shipping and a $30 MIR rebate putting the massive monitor at my doorstep for $299.99. Can't wait until it gets here Saturday.
Ordered mine yesterday for the final price of $299.99 also. ;):D It will be on my door step tomorrow ! :cool:
Get rid of both the Gateways! They are crap! I had them both and with the 2485W the inverse ghosting sucks in games. The FHD2400 has horrid horrid viewing angles, backlight bleed and color reproduction.

I bought the ASUS last week and am never looking back! Awesome viewing angles (especially for a TN)... I have no backlight bleed... and the color on my was fantastic out of the box!
Just got mine about an hour ago. Very pleased with it. It's absolutely enormous coming from a 19" monitor. Color looks good with minor adjustment. Slight backlight bleed across the top, but nothing I can't live with. No stuck/dead pixels that I've noticed yet. Very pleased so far.

Only con is the stand is a bit flimsy, but that's pretty much to be expected it seems.
I'm having trouble with mine...

I just hooked my XBOX 360 up to my monitor via the official VGA cable. However, whenever it is in 1980 x 1200 and 1:1 there is a weird line about an inch down on the screen that appears to split the picture (as if the two pieces don't match up). If I put it on FULL then it doesn't appear. And this is only on my VGA cable and 1:1...

any help?