Gateway's FPD2185W: a 21in widescreen 2005fpw killer!

Avengeance said:
Oh, you want it so it does those resolutions WITHOUT stretching the picture. Is that right?

Exactly. It would also be nice if the 4:3 could be made to zoom proportionally to fit screen height but allow black bars on sides.

Does your card allow 4:3 without stretching?
Hello All,

I've had this monitor about a week or so since it came out (Oct 17th I believe)... now, one of the main reasons I bought this thing was to use it for both my PC needs, and consoles. Now it looks absolutely beautiful with the PC and a DVI-D connection. And it also looks good with both the PS2 and the GameCube over component. Now here's my problem...

On the X-BOX 360 it is stretching the image. I'm currently using the VGA out from the X-BOX 360, but it was stretching the image on component too. The 16:9 image the X-BOX 360 outputs turns into a 16:10 image on this monitor... it's missing the black bars/letter boxing I was expecting to have happen. Does anybody know how to resolve this issue, I've tried contacting both MS and Gateway about this issue, but I would have had more luck rubbing a magic lamp.

If anybody could resolve this, I'd be very grateful!

Charax said:
Exactly. It would also be nice if the 4:3 could be made to zoom proportionally to fit screen height but allow black bars on sides.

Does your card allow 4:3 without stretching?
Yes, you can do this. I own a 7800gtx. What I do is go the digital panel settings, and then select the radio button "fixed aspect ratio". Everything that is displayed on screen will keep the correct aspect ratio. I tested this out by changing my screen resolution to 1280x720. The output on my monitor was exactly what I wanted in terms of keeping the 16:9 aspect ratio on my fpd2185w.

Also, if you want an exact 1:1 pixel mapping (ie... 800x600 will take up exactly those amount of pixels on the monitor with no scaling), then select the radio button named "centered output".

So as long as you get a solid midrange Nvidia card, you should be set to go.
TheLastKamikaze said:
Hello All,

I've had this monitor about a week or so since it came out (Oct 17th I believe)... now, one of the main reasons I bought this thing was to use it for both my PC needs, and consoles. Now it looks absolutely beautiful with the PC and a DVI-D connection. And it also looks good with both the PS2 and the GameCube over component. Now here's my problem...

On the X-BOX 360 it is stretching the image. I'm currently using the VGA out from the X-BOX 360, but it was stretching the image on component too. The 16:9 image the X-BOX 360 outputs turns into a 16:10 image on this monitor... it's missing the black bars/letter boxing I was expecting to have happen. Does anybody know how to resolve this issue, I've tried contacting both MS and Gateway about this issue, but I would have had more luck rubbing a magic lamp.

If anybody could resolve this, I'd be very grateful!


VGA does not allow for you to set the scaling mode (ie... 1:1, fixed aspect ratio, etc...). You need to put the Xbox360 on the component input. I currently have my Xbox360 connected via the component inputs and the image is in the correct 16:9 aspect ratio. Also, make sure make sure the Xbox360 component cable switch is on HDTV.

Regarding your issue, assuming you have the Xbox360 connected via component @720p, make sure that the aspect is set to 1:1. If it still looks stretched. Use the reset option for the component, then turn off your monitor and Xbox360 and unplug the monitor's power cable for more than 10 seconds. Then turn on your Xbox360 and monitor (of course, after plugging back the power cable). The Xbox360 should be in the correct aspect ratio now. Just go and adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation settings.

These are my settings under component:
Brightness: 70
Contrast: 54
Saturation: 55
...aspect ratio: 1:1

My only gripe is that the output looks a little dark via component. The settings I've listed are the best I could do for now with the Xbox360.

Also, when you finish setting up the Xbox360 via component @720p, let me know what games you're playing and how it looks on the fpd2185w.
Gmeister said:
< snip, snip>

So as long as you get a solid midrange Nvidia card, you should be set to go.

Many thanks for your reply -- just what I needed to know!


I just got this monitor.. very nice, only problem is... i dont know where to download the driver for it, does anyone know where the driver is for this monitor?
Avengeance said:
I just got this monitor.. very nice, only problem is... i dont know where to download the driver for it, does anyone know where the driver is for this monitor?
Why on earth do you need a driver for it?
Gmeister said:
VGA does not allow for you to set the scaling mode (ie... 1:1, fixed aspect ratio, etc...). You need to put the Xbox360 on the component input. I currently have my Xbox360 connected via the component inputs and the image is in the correct 16:9 aspect ratio. Also, make sure make sure the Xbox360 component cable switch is on HDTV.

Regarding your issue, assuming you have the Xbox360 connected via component @720p, make sure that the aspect is set to 1:1. If it still looks stretched. Use the reset option for the component, then turn off your monitor and Xbox360 and unplug the monitor's power cable for more than 10 seconds. Then turn on your Xbox360 and monitor (of course, after plugging back the power cable). The Xbox360 should be in the correct aspect ratio now. Just go and adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation settings.

These are my settings under component:
Brightness: 70
Contrast: 54
Saturation: 55
...aspect ratio: 1:1

My only gripe is that the output looks a little dark via component. The settings I've listed are the best I could do for now with the Xbox360.

Also, when you finish setting up the Xbox360 via component @720p, let me know what games you're playing and how it looks on the fpd2185w.

Thanks... the unplugging trick worked!!! (as well as leaving behind the VGA cable) The only problem now is that whenever I use another console (i.e. the PS2 or the Cube)... the monitor does its stretching thing again, and needs to be unplugged. Good to know that the thing can display a 16:9 image though. I hope it's some issue with my component selector... maybe powering off and on the monitor in between selections will solve it (I'll post back later with more results)

Also... as you mentioned the colours on the component inputs are a lot darker... and it's very hard to get them set like my DVI-D or VGA settings were with respect to the brightness settings.

The best I've come up with so far for use on the 360 are

Bright = 100
Contrast = 65
Sat = 60
Tint = 51 (50 has too much green, and 52 too much red... 51 is just perfect though)

The games I'm playing are

Call Of Duty 2
Project Gotham Racing 3 (this game is always way to dark... and the colors seem off)
Kameo (this game is great because it lets you adjust the brightness within the game too... so there's never a problem with this one... hopefully something that most or all future 360 games will let us do!).

Thanks again for the unplugging trick... who would have thought that would have worked??

I'll continue to post my settings hoping that I get something better than I have right now...
Gmeister said:
You guys who supposively can't hear the buzz nead to post your brightness and contrast settings. Right now under DVI, my brightness and contrast are set to 60 and 50 respectively. Keep in mind that I'm still trying to find the setting that I want for the DVI. I'd appreciate some of you guys to post your brightness and contrast settings. That would definitely be useful information.

51 brightness and 50 contrast....buzzing is VERY low, can't hear it unless my ear it LITERALLY, a foot away or closer to the right lower corner....
Avengeance said:
I just got this monitor.. very nice, only problem is... i dont know where to download the driver for it, does anyone know where the driver is for this monitor?
No drivers needed. Also, don't install that eztune crap if you own an nvidia card.
How does TV look on this monitor. I have a 15" SyncMaster 150MP from 2000 and TV looks pretty bad, but still watchable. I assume the tuner is built in, correct?
TheRapture said:
Actually, some older cards willl have issues with has something to do with the frequency and/or strength of the DVI output of the card...for instance it takes more "force" to run a 21" LCD at 1680x1050 than it does say, a 15" LCD at 1024x768....for grins, try running your display on the DVI connection at say 1280x1024, see if your condition gets any better....

But I seriously doubt the monitor has a problem. There is an articale out there describing what you are seeing, and it is related to the vid card....

Thanks. I tried plugging the monitor into my friend's system (6600 XT) and there were no problems at all, so it seems to simply be a matter of having too weak a video card. I'm glad I won't be having to return the monitor.

Also, just to put another voice into the buzzing debate, I have mine set to 48 Brightness and 51 Contrast and there is no audible buzzing from where I am sitting and with my computer on, even with my system fans turned low. Even moving very close I cannot hear the buzzing unless my PC is turned off.
Avengeance said: sold out :( bestbuy is my only choice now... wish I had a 10% off from them, cause then I would buy it.

Circuit City has them for $527 right now (12% off $599). Print out the Circuit City screen and take it to Best Buy and they'll price match it on the spot at the register. The Best Buy I went to in SoCal had them in stock today. The Office Depot I went to also had some in stock and they'll price match Circuit City. Staples doesn't stock this monitor, but they do sell it online and they'll beat the Circuit City price with their 110% price guarantee. Your Visa / Master card 'might' double the factory one year warranty, so check that out before buying an extended service plan ;)
Gmeister said:
No drivers needed. Also, don't install that eztune crap if you own an nvidia card.

Well wtf! I just bought this one today. I have nvidia driver as well and when I install EZtune it crashes my system.

So, now what are we supposed to do with portrait mode. Simply by rotating the monitor it doesnt switch?

Any ideas?
I just picked up two of these guys. Believe it or not, but the first two had DVI problems and would not display a picture through the DVI. I figured it was my problem because I thought there was no way that the DVI on BOTH could have a problem, so I swapped out one of them at a different Best Buy (notifying them of the DVI issue) and sure enough the new one worked perfectly! I swapped out the other and have been happy ever since. I do notice a little bit of flickering every now and then at very low brightness (I run it at 0 a lot of the time), but I think that could be wall power issues (coupled with a crappy power circuit in the monitor possibly).

I'm running both off of a dual DVI Nvidia Quadro FX card. How did I ever survive without two monitors?? It's great! :D

MechEE said:
I just picked up two of these guys. Believe it or not, but the first two had DVI problems and would not display a picture through the DVI. I figured it was my problem because I thought there was no way that the DVI on BOTH could have a problem, so I swapped out one of them at a different Best Buy (notifying them of the DVI issue) and sure enough the new one worked perfectly! I swapped out the other and have been happy ever since. I do notice a little bit of flickering every now and then at very low brightness (I run it at 0 a lot of the time), but I think that could be wall power issues (coupled with a crappy power circuit in the monitor possibly).

I'm running both off of a dual DVI Nvidia Quadro FX card. How did I ever survive without two monitors?? It's great! :D

Damn....I noticed the flickering also when playing COD2....what could that be....Im worried. Maybe these might take a little bit consideration since I got 13 days remaining to return the product
monster3 said:
Well wtf! I just bought this one today. I have nvidia driver as well and when I install EZtune it crashes my system.

So, now what are we supposed to do with portrait mode. Simply by rotating the monitor it doesnt switch?

Any ideas?
Tell gateway to update that crappy software to be more compatible with Nvidia.
monster3 said:
MechEE said:
I just picked up two of these guys. Believe it or not, but the first two had DVI problems and would not display a picture through the DVI. I figured it was my problem because I thought there was no way that the DVI on BOTH could have a problem, so I swapped out one of them at a different Best Buy (notifying them of the DVI issue) and sure enough the new one worked perfectly! I swapped out the other and have been happy ever since. I do notice a little bit of flickering every now and then at very low brightness (I run it at 0 a lot of the time), but I think that could be wall power issues (coupled with a crappy power circuit in the monitor possibly).

I'm running both off of a dual DVI Nvidia Quadro FX card. How did I ever survive without two monitors?? It's great! :D

Damn....I noticed the flickering also when playing COD2....what could that be....Im worried. Maybe these might take a little bit consideration since I got 13 days remaining to return the product
No flickering here although a the buzzing noise is still driving me crazy.
I swung by BestBuy today with my brother to check these LCDs out. While I realize it's not the quiestest of places (it wasn't really busy first thing in the morning), we played around with the contrast and couldn't hear any buzzing noises, even with our ears up on the LCD (which btw, got some pretty hilarious reactions from the employees there, lol). Maybe it was just a certain batch that makes an audible buzzing noise?

At any rate, we're printing out the Circuit City page and picking up 2 of these LCDs a lil later on in the week. :D
Circuitcity doesnt have any more, so if I printed that out and brought it to them... they would see that its sold out (and an online only offer.)

Also, the color banding on it (i guess thats what you call it, where its dark looking directly on at the screen and lighter when you look from the side of the screen) can get pretty bad depending on the picture. I was wondering if this is just my monitor and if i should exchange this for another?
Avengeance said:
Circuitcity doesnt have any more, so if I printed that out and brought it to them... they would see that its sold out (and an online only offer.)

Also, the color banding on it (i guess thats what you call it, where its dark looking directly on at the screen and lighter when you look from the side of the screen) can get pretty bad depending on the picture. I was wondering if this is just my monitor and if i should exchange this for another?

Well I returned it.....Got myself a Dell 2005 for 573 CAN with taxes and shipping...
Avengeance said:
Circuitcity doesnt have any more, so if I printed that out and brought it to them... they would see that its sold out (and an online only offer.)

Also, the color banding on it (i guess thats what you call it, where its dark looking directly on at the screen and lighter when you look from the side of the screen) can get pretty bad depending on the picture. I was wondering if this is just my monitor and if i should exchange this for another?
No, it's a problem inherent with the panel type that was used.
Cause looking at it head on almost makes it look like you are looking at a non-active matrix (i think thats what its called... the old laptop screen) from the side, sometimes it actually makes my eye (left eye) feel weird, still cant figure it out though.
I have been watching vidoes, testing out this monitor and everything, and it makes it very hard to watch a video that is dark. If its for instance, a night scene it is almost impossible to see whats going on around the people.
I'm curious as to why the component input is so dark. I tested out my xbox and ps2 using both the composite and component inputs, and contrary to what I first believed, the component inputs are dark on both systems, while composite is very acceptable in the brightness department.

The component input was one of the reasons I liked this monitor; however, the darkness makes some games unplayable, while not effecting others at all. Do other monitors with component inputs display this problem?

I found pictures of PGR on the 360 through vga and component on a 2405fwp, and it seems like the components are darker in this case too, though I can't tell if this is the case as the surroundings are darker as well.
Lepy said:
I found pictures of PGR on the 360 through vga and component on a 2405fwp, and it seems like the components are darker in this case too, though I can't tell if this is the case as the surroundings are darker as well.

Man oh man that's bad! I thought people were exaggerating, or just playing their games in bright rooms or something. I haven't tried the component inputs yet because the only component-out device I have is a DVD player and the computer works fine for that purpose, but it might affect my future plans. Apparently the cable company is using old HD boxes that only have component outputs. If I want HD, I might either have to wait for them to upgrade their boxes to DVI (moving the computer back to VGA) or go with satellite.

Is everyone *sure* you're not missing some adjustment somewhere?
I dont think this monitor will do 1080i or p through the DVI connection. I could be wrong though.
Jim S. said:
Man oh man that's bad! I thought people were exaggerating, or just playing their games in bright rooms or something. I haven't tried the component inputs yet because the only component-out device I have is a DVD player and the computer works fine for that purpose, but it might affect my future plans. Apparently the cable company is using old HD boxes that only have component outputs. If I want HD, I might either have to wait for them to upgrade their boxes to DVI (moving the computer back to VGA) or go with satellite.

Is everyone *sure* you're not missing some adjustment somewhere?

Those are pictures of Dell's 2405fwp, not the Gateway. The component picture looks darker in all respects (even the wall behind the screen) though that doesn't mean that the screen image is darker (perhaps a different camera setting?).

Anyway, on my Gateway I just tested the Xbox through component cables running at 480i, and the image is bright, almost as it is through the composite cable; however, when switching to 480p, the image is dark again.

I used COD2:Big Red One (480i/p), and FIFA06 (480i/p and 720p) for comparisons. COD2 is bright at 480i but dark at 480p.

Since FIFA06 is a relatively bright game, I couldn't tell much difference at any resolution (except that 720p looks amazing, filling the whole screen). However, FIFA06 at 480p and 720p is still darker than 480i (shown by the difference in the black levels of the loading screen, but the darkness issuse doesn't really hamper this game being played) though the darkness at 480p and 720p seem to be the same.

I wasn't able to test this on the PS2 as there is no 480p support option, just if you are using Component or Composite cables, and selecting Composite turns the screen blank.

While 480i over component isn't quite as good as 480p, it is worlds ahead of using the composite, and since I hope to run a PS3 on this and perhaps a 360, I want to make sure that I can run next-gen and current-gen component devices well. Because besides this component issue, this monitor is very near perfection imo.
Just got my replacement. The backlighting is much better and I don't hear any buzzing.

I am, however, noticing some tearing when playing World of Warcraft. I have Vsync turned off but I'm still getting it. I'm using a 7800GT with an X2 4200+ processor.

Any ideas what would cause the tearing with this monitor?
flwolf said:
Just got my replacement. The backlighting is much better and I don't hear any buzzing.

I am, however, noticing some tearing when playing World of Warcraft. I have Vsync turned off but I'm still getting it. I'm using a 7800GT with an X2 4200+ processor.

Any ideas what would cause the tearing with this monitor?

flwolf said:
I have Vsync turned off

I just tested the banding issue using dual display with a crt, and the gradient banding also shows up on the crt as well. I will test more, but it seemed that the banding might not necessarily be a problem with the monitor, but a problem with my video card. I guess this is a reason for upgrade :D now I all I need is some money
I think I am going to bring my monitor back cause I cannot stand the color banding. It makes my eyes feel weird, and its hard to make out objects in dark areas. I am going to pick up a 2005FPW after I return this monitor.
jokerx225 said:
This is the Worst Software ive ever seen its installing and after it restarts it says that i need to reinstall Eztune do to an error. I try to open Eztune and it keeps asking me to update but there isent a update out yet.

I keep on telling people time and time again. Use the tech support link (click on EzTune icon in the system tray) to send a support request for the software. The only way Gateway can address issues in the field is if people report it. Gamers especially have VERY unique configuration with lots of tweaks. The EzTune software works great for me ... its the ONLY way to get the auto-rotation feature to work without using hot-keys.

With a heavy heart, I returned my (third) 2185 to BB for the last time.

And came away with a Canon EOS 350D! :D

I'm going to suffer with my 19" Viewsonic CRT (horrible text blurring) for a couple of months, and hope that the hardware issues with the Gateway panel are resolved in that time. I absolutely loved the 2185 - it was incomparable in regular Windows work (surfing, .NET dev, ripping, etc), but the uncommon technical issues with it prevented me from being 100% happy.

Good luck with your 2185s. If you get a good one, I'm jealous! I'll keep checking back and see if things have improved.
Should I feel odd that I'm not experiencing a single problem mentioned here? No buzzing, no banding (save in fear on high res), and no lighting issues. Was I just lucky?
amalgamas said:
Should I feel odd that I'm not experiencing a single problem mentioned here? No buzzing, no banding (save in fear on high res), and no lighting issues. Was I just lucky?

No. I'm the one that's unlucky for living in Cincinnati, and not Scottsdale!
Anyone have issues with their usb ports? I just exchanged my last one because of dead pixels and this one has zero dead pixels but i think the usb hub is dead :(

If i plug any usb device into it nothing happens and when connecting the hub to my computer windows detects nothing. Guess i have to exchange it again.. Can it be exchanged at any best buy store or does it have to be at the store of purchase.
Mine wouldnt run my keyboard, but it runs my mouse... maybe my keyboard takes too much power (logitech g15 keyboard)
Jim S. said:
Man oh man that's bad! I thought people were exaggerating, or just playing their games in bright rooms or something. I haven't tried the component inputs yet because the only component-out device I have is a DVD player and the computer works fine for that purpose, but it might affect my future plans. Apparently the cable company is using old HD boxes that only have component outputs. If I want HD, I might either have to wait for them to upgrade their boxes to DVI (moving the computer back to VGA) or go with satellite.

Is everyone *sure* you're not missing some adjustment somewhere?

OK, before I switched over to VGA on the 360 (and since having returned to component do to aspect problems with the VGA)... I had the component on the 360 and PGR3 looked bright (at least brighter than it currently does)... I'm still tweaking the settings, and once I get them back, I'll post my component settings. Don't give up hope, I've had it before... and I'll be hell bent to get it back again.