Gears of War coming to PC?!

i hope so, but so far away, i hope epic games now focus's on UT2007 and some bonus packs for it!
I think someone at Epic mentioned a PC port not long after GoW was first announced. Epic followed up immediately with an official statement along the lines of "We're not ruling it out, but we're focused on the X360 for now".

Which gave me the impression that a PC port is in the works (and has been for a while), but they want it to look like an X360 exclusive for as long as they can. Possibly because they've been given some form of incentive to do so. Perhaps by some third party with an interest in selling Xboxes.
It'll be nice for those who'd rather buy a 360 gamepad than the whole console. Still, I'd have liked to see a version of this in FPS format, on KB+M.
I think by the time we see a PC version not to mention the trend of making PC games with the constraints of a console happening more and more I don't have big hopes for a decent copy of this game on the PC.

I might be wrong but I'm certainly not holding my breath.
LuminaryJanitor said:
I think someone at Epic mentioned a PC port not long after GoW was first announced. Epic followed up immediately with an official statement along the lines of "We're not ruling it out, but we're focused on the X360 for now".

Which gave me the impression that a PC port is in the works (and has been for a while), but they want it to look like an X360 exclusive for as long as they can. Possibly because they've been given some form of incentive to do so. Perhaps by some third party with an interest in selling Xboxes.
If a port to the PC is going to happen, the publisher will also need to approve I believe (Microsoft in this case).
Uh huh....we also heard Halo and Halo2 were coming to PC....we only had to wait 2+ years for Halo, and we are still waiting on Halo2.....
todlerix said:
Why can't the just let us use KB+M on the friggin xbox/ps3/wii

You can use a keyboard and mouse on ps2 and ps3....why play with them though, go play a "Friggin" pc - I do.
Obi_Kwiet said:
It'll be nice for those who'd rather buy a 360 gamepad than the whole console. Still, I'd have liked to see a version of this in FPS format, on KB+M.

I think it would still work fine as is (mostly 3rd person) with a keyboard/mouse combo. You could map the "action/dodge/cover" button to the right mouse button and it would be just like using the pad. The only real difference you'd run into is the analog movement...and I have yet to ever "walk" in the game anyway.

The issue would be "what kind of hardware do you need to run it correctly?"
Chaoticon said:
You can use a keyboard and mouse on ps2 and ps3....why play with them though, go play a "Friggin" pc - I do.

Maybe somepeople don't wanna spend $1K for a decent PC, whereas a $400 console and $100 Keyboard seems like a good deal.

I own both and I can see where the appeal of a ekyboard and mouse would come into play with certain games.
To me the 1k computer is 10 times better than 360, you can change the software and hardware, have individual or a full warrenty on each part. Better internet capabilities, hook my laptop ipod and other things to it, print things, watch tv. Play games. blah blah blah.
And oh yeah you dont have to put microsoft crap software on there either and bide by there rules. Heh your not even suppose to open the 360 with out some sort of legal EULA or something. 360 - you have to use microsoft points to buy something. They dont make a 3rd party power adapter, it only looks really nice if you have a HDTV. Its very nice for the 360 just a little expensive.
jebo_4jc said:
Uh huh....we also heard Halo and Halo2 were coming to PC....we only had to wait 2+ years for Halo, and we are still waiting on Halo2.....

No big loss, there.

I do hope GoW comes to PC and is not in "console form".
mozes said:
To me the 1k computer is 10 times better than 360, you can change the software and hardware, have individual or a full warrenty on each part. Better internet capabilities, hook my laptop ipod and other things to it, print things, watch tv. Play games. blah blah blah.
And oh yeah you dont have to put microsoft crap software on there either and bide by there rules. Heh your not even suppose to open the 360 with out some sort of legal EULA or something. 360 - you have to use microsoft points to buy something. They dont make a 3rd party power adapter, it only looks really nice if you have a HDTV. Its very nice for the 360 just a little expensive.

Where I stopped reading was "To me...". After that its all personal opinion. I fully support the PC (Take a look at my sig :p) but there are games, like Gears of War, where I can just call up a couple of my buddies, they'll driver over and we'll have a great time playing a game. Period. Some people also like the casualness of a console with the full online support it comes with, if you're too blind to see that then there is no point in even responding.
Entropy said:
Where I stopped reading was "To me...". After that its all personal opinion.
What, there's something wrong with posting opinions on internet forums nowadays?
He even presented it as an opinion and gave some reasons for it, rather than just becoming the 500th person to post "PC > 360" :rolleyes: .

Don't be such an asshole. I guarantee that if I dug through your post history I could find an opinion or two.
You can use a keyboard/mouse on the xbox 360.. it just depends on the game support for it. But, they do make adapters for keyboard/mouse support in all 360 games if you know where to look. ;)
There's a "console vs pc" thread here, so talk about it there and keep things here on topic please. :)
Frosteh said:
I think by the time we see a PC version not to mention the trend of making PC games with the constraints of a console happening more and more I don't have big hopes for a decent copy of this game on the PC.

I might be wrong but I'm certainly not holding my breath.

This is Epic we're talking about. They are busy as heck making a quality engine for PC's and consoles. You can think of GoW as a close brother of essentially their latest incarnation of what will be the console Unreal 3 engine.

These guys don't just make games. I see them going deeper into this business on the console side now. Hope this isn't too console vrs. PC just because they are both mentioned. I'm trying to give props to Epic. They make awesome engines and games at the same time.

I suck at first person shooters on consoles. I am an old keyboard and mouse man.

I saw this in a copy of PC Gamer, it 'seems' Gears of War is coming to PC.

I heard from 360 people thats its an awesome game, i hope it comes out for PC!!
GJohn said:
I heard from 360 people thats its an awesome game, i hope it comes out for PC!!

I have played it on my 360 and it's a hell of a game, but I can't hit the broadside of a barn with the control pad. Give me a mouse and a keyboard...
it is one hell of a game, if i'm lucky enough to play it for more than 20 minutes.. the game must be so power hungry it overheats my 360 and freezes it up, never had any freezing issues in the past year either.. I wouldn't get it for pc if it did come out since I already own it but I'd love to see it in higher res's
r0n said:

I saw this in a copy of PC Gamer, it 'seems' Gears of War is coming to PC.

oh snap! proof! lol. Sure hope it arrives soon assuming thats not a mistake, which I doubt it was.. because why would they go through the whole trouble of setting up a display for a photo shoot in a magazine and not have a game premiere thats pictured.
GJohn said: its 100% confirmed its gonna come out for PC?
I wouldn't say that. Technically, it's not 100% confirmed until it actually comes out :)

Officially, there has been no announcement. It's possible MS/PC Gamer may have just needed a box cover so they picked GoW.
jebo is essentially correct:

Michael Wolf said:
Here's what happened: These images were created using draft templates for the Games for Windows box art and a variety of Microsoft Game Studios cover images. Gears of War was accidentally included by the artist as one of the MGS titles used as examples to show what our retail setup would look like. This DOES NOT indicate a confirmation that Gears of Wars will be a Games for Windows title -- it was a concept image created by a concept artist, nothing more. In fact, if you look closely you’ll also see that Age of Empires III and Rise of Legends are also branded Games for Windows, and this is not actually the case (Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs is a Games for Windows branded game, but not the original Age III).

We created this image around the E3 timeframe when we were first preparing to announce and show our Games for Windows retail efforts. Shortly after the insanity that is E3, we noticed the box art, and the image was supposed to be removed from circulation. When we provided the package of art assets to PC Gamer for their cover story, we zipped up a directory of our already-public E3 assets as well as more current images (many of which PC Gamer did not use). Unfortunately, we didn't realize that this image was in that directory, and it just happens to be the one that PC Gamer figured prominently in their story. Our bad.

also if you guys want the latest news on GoW or UT2007 you should be looking here:
w1retap said:
oh snap! proof! lol. Sure hope it arrives soon assuming thats not a mistake, which I doubt it was.. because why would they go through the whole trouble of setting up a display for a photo shoot in a magazine and not have a game premiere thats pictured.
LOL Oh snap, the internet got me again. jk:p
In other words, they're going to require that you upgrade to Vista in order to play it. No thanks Microsoft, I'll stick with the non-bloatware OS. I'll buy a 360 if I seriously want to play the games you bought so badly.
finalgt said:
No thanks Microsoft, I'll stick with the non-bloatware OS.
What, you mean DOS? :p

I don't think XP qualifies as "non-bloatware" when you put it next to 98SE. Vista may look bloated now, but it won't seem that way by the time Microsoft brings out their next OS...

(My apologies if you're running Linux... but I think it's a fair assumption that just about everyone in the PC Gaming forum is running XP)
LuminaryJanitor said:
What, you mean DOS? :p

If only we could run our current XP games in straight DOS with a boot disk. AAhhh the old days, one boot floppy per game.....
It would be nice if developers made games for PC more often. I just don't like the idea of $60 games, no modability, and a monthly subscription just to use the internet you already pay for.
I really do hope GoW comes to PC because then it will truly shine in all its glory.
mozes said:
To me the 1k computer is 10 times better than 360, you can change the software and hardware, have individual or a full warrenty on each part. Better internet capabilities, hook my laptop ipod and other things to it, print things, watch tv. Play games. blah blah blah.
And oh yeah you dont have to put microsoft crap software on there either and bide by there rules. Heh your not even suppose to open the 360 with out some sort of legal EULA or something. 360 - you have to use microsoft points to buy something. They dont make a 3rd party power adapter, it only looks really nice if you have a HDTV. Its very nice for the 360 just a little expensive.

agreed, sure 1k comp at the release of the 360 wasn't as powerful, but upgrading it to something MORE powerful won't be very expensive, and the 1K comp you got is already pretty decent.

My mentality is 400 of my $ goes into the gaming aspect
the other 600 is for all the thousands of other things my computer can do!
nullzero said:
I will be happy with UT2007... since gears of war is a heavily modded UT2007.

You've got to be kidding me...

I suppose Rainbow Six: Vegas is just a heavily modded UT2007, too.

Newflasharoo: you can't mod something that's not even done.
Frosteh said:
I think by the time we see a PC version not to mention the trend of making PC games with the constraints of a console happening more and more I don't have big hopes for a decent copy of this game on the PC.

I might be wrong but I'm certainly not holding my breath.

Agreed. More and more, developers are getting lazy and just doing direct ports, meaning mouse support is an add-on and will never feel "right" compared to native PC games.