Help me design an Insane system


Jul 27, 2005
so for school my instructor wants to build a machine for Flight Sim X. They will probably upgrade to the new one once its out.

budget is 3K CDN. i think its overkill but hey its not my money!!

im pretty out of the loop on whats good right now so i know nothing

parts that we need are...

CPU - 3930X - $655
MOBO - MSI X79A-GD65 $315
RAM -Corsair DDR3-1600 Vengeance 16GB 4X4GB DDR3 - $117
Video Card - 7970? - $600 ...something to run 5 monitors
SSD - OCZ Vertex 3 120GB - $230
PSU - Corsair HX750W 750W - $160
Case - $200
OS - already have
Monitors - already have
CPU Cooler - the best air.... Thermalright silver arrow? 80$
DVD drive - $30

computer will not be overclocked

will be building in the near future
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Okay, what specific flight sim will he be running on the machine? That's very important to determine what kind of graphics card/cpu you need, but I doubt there's any out there that requires a 3930X, you'll probably be fine with a 2600K OCed at most.
Ok see here you have a limitation of software. It doesn't matter how awesome of a computer you build, Flight Simulator X is a very old program (2006) that runs on DX9. As such, it will not be able to take advantage of the latest hardware specs and capabilities offered on top end computers today.

For Flight Simulator X, an i5 2400, 8 gigs of ram, SLI 6870s or 6950s, and a 64GB SSD will be plenty. In fact, you can probably ramp that budget to 1.2k CDN and you'll still have more than enough. Buying the latest and best hardware will be a complete waste if all he plans to do is run Flight Sim X.
Ok see here you have a limitation of software. It doesn't matter how awesome of a computer you build, Flight Simulator X is a very old program (2006) that runs on DX9. As such, it will not be able to take advantage of the latest hardware specs and capabilities offered on top end computers today.

For Flight Simulator X, an i5 2400, 8 gigs of ram, SLI 6870s or 6950s, and a 64GB SSD will be plenty. In fact, you can probably ramp that budget to 1.2k CDN and you'll still have more than enough. Buying the latest and best hardware will be a complete waste if all he plans to do is run Flight Sim X.

SLI is out of the question if you want to run 5 monitors.
so is SLI / X-fire not an option for flight sim x? is it not supported?

Unfortunately, FSX does not take advantage of SLI or XFire. As such, your best bet for optimal performance is the fastest single GPU card you can buy which is the HD 7970 at this point in time.

As for the CPU, that's a bit trickier: FSX out of the box doesn't take advantage of multiple cores. However there are supposedly workarounds for this but I can't say if they actually work. But from what I can tell so far, with FSX, clock speed matters. As such, the 3.4Ghz Core i7 2600K might actually edge out the 3.2Ghz Core i7 3830X.
dont forget to include a couple hundred for a nice yoke, throttle, and pedals. ive never enjoyed flight sims myself, but a buddy of mine did and i think a nice set of flight sim controls can be around $200-300.
Unfortunately, FSX does not take advantage of SLI or XFire. As such, your best bet for optimal performance is the fastest single GPU card you can buy which is the HD 7970 at this point in time.

As for the CPU, that's a bit trickier: FSX out of the box doesn't take advantage of multiple cores. However there are supposedly workarounds for this but I can't say if they actually work. But from what I can tell so far, with FSX, clock speed matters. As such, the 3.4Ghz Core i7 2600K might actually edge out the 3.2Ghz Core i7 3830X.

i will let my instructor know about these details

dont forget to include a couple hundred for a nice yoke, throttle, and pedals. ive never enjoyed flight sims myself, but a buddy of mine did and i think a nice set of flight sim controls can be around $200-300.

right now we just have a joy-stick but those controls might we good. We are mostly learning about the auto pilot and flight control systems so the yoke and stuff is rarely used
40" tvs for the 2 in front and im not sure what will be used for the other 3

if we were to use 2 cards...would it be possible to display 3 windows on one and 2 on the other?