Homefront - March 2011

Gotta say I'm firmly on the fence at this point with this game.

I'm waiting until it is out for sure. Reason is that Kaos Studios is making it. If the name isn't familiar that is because they haven't done a lot, their previous title being Frontlines: Fuel of War which was a pace of crap. Digital Extremes is also working on it but there again is not someone with a fabulous history. For example recently they did the Bioshock 2 multi-player (just the multi-player part) development. Anyone play that? Anyone? There you go.

Now that doesn't mean it is going to suck, could be great, but I'm going to wait for it to hit the shelves and some reviews to come out before I commit any money. That track record is not a strong one.
I'm waiting until it is out for sure. Reason is that Kaos Studios is making it. If the name isn't familiar that is because they haven't done a lot, their previous title being Frontlines: Fuel of War which was a pace of crap. Digital Extremes is also working on it but there again is not someone with a fabulous history. For example recently they did the Bioshock 2 multi-player (just the multi-player part) development. Anyone play that? Anyone? There you go.

Now that doesn't mean it is going to suck, could be great, but I'm going to wait for it to hit the shelves and some reviews to come out before I commit any money. That track record is not a strong one.

They also (well a good few of them) made the mod desert combat under the name trauma studios.
i'm not sure. according to Steam's Retail CD Key Page:

no idea if that means the D2D keys will work.

From D2D: "This product is not eligible for refunds and requires a 3rd party download to play." - This usually means it requires Steam when they put that on a games page.
Would this work for crysis 2 also? Buy it from d2d and activate the key and link the game to steam? Can't find any info on this.
I hope this game starts downloading before the release at midnight though...
Would this work for crysis 2 also? Buy it from d2d and activate the key and link the game to steam? Can't find any info on this.

I'm pretty sure that crysis 2 will not be a steam works only game from would i looked up a month ago.
Would this work for crysis 2 also? Buy it from d2d and activate the key and link the game to steam? Can't find any info on this.

EA does not use steamworks. They have EA downloader as their primary digital distribution source. EA games have to be bought through steam if thats where you want to acquire them.
EA does not use steamworks. They have EA downloader as their primary digital distribution source. EA games have to be bought through steam if thats where you want to acquire them.

Direct 2 Drive has it available. That's what I was asking about. Buying it from there and then activating it on steam. Not from EA.
i think what Viper87227 is saying is that no EA games utilize steamworks, because steam is a direct competitor to EA's own digital distribution source. don't know if this is in fact the case, but i suppose it makes sense.
Ya that's true just wasn't sure if the game had to be a steamworks game for it to be activated on steam or not.
Ha. It's funny how so much discussion is over whether the game is Steamworks and not whether it's good.
D2D probably gives you an EA key you use with the EA downloader. Nothing wrong with that. It won't work on steam though.
The gameplay footage for single player looks surprisingly generic. It looks just like any other corridor FPS I've seen.

It's also a tad worrisome that the developer, when talking about his game as he's playing it, boasts about 'an availability of gasoline barrels to shoot at'. Note to developers: conveniently placed gasoline barrels are no longer exciting - all you're doing is demonstrating that you have no clever or original ideas, and that your game might be stale.

Right now, I wouldn't touch this thing with a ten foot pole.
The fact that the majority of (review/preview-level) material out thus far about Homefront seems to be for/about the X360 version and not the PC version worries me. That said I probably shouldn't be surprised...
The fact that the majority of (review/preview-level) material out thus far about Homefront seems to be for/about the X360 version and not the PC version worries me. That said I probably shouldn't be surprised...

A lot of the preview stuff seems to be handled by Kaos or targeted towards the game's biggest market. Digital Extremes is bound to make a good port. Whether the actual game will be good or not is a different story.
A lot of the preview stuff seems to be handled by Kaos or targeted towards the game's biggest market. Digital Extremes is bound to make a good port. Whether the actual game will be good or not is a different story.

My guess is that the port will be fairly bad at first (until patched if anyone actually plays it) and that the FOV will be nauseating.
I really wish they would release a multiplayer demo shortly after launch. I don't care to play the single player. Multi looks kinda fun though.
Pass. Next please. These guys either have bad management that forces them to neuter the game right before launch or otherwise botch what began as a promising concept. This is frontlines part 2. Another could have been decent but isn't game.
Pass. Next please. These guys either have bad management that forces them to neuter the game right before launch or otherwise botch what began as a promising concept. This is frontlines part 2. Another could have been decent but isn't game.

Ding Ding Ding. We have a winner. I said the same exact thing on another forum, a lot of people are gonna be disappointed when they realize this isn't the next battlefield.
Pass. Next please. These guys either have bad management that forces them to neuter the game right before launch or otherwise botch what began as a promising concept. This is frontlines part 2. Another could have been decent but isn't game.

+1 Here. I agree with you and it's why I am not buying this game. I might pick it up in a few months on a steam sale if (a big IF) the mp community is still playing it in large numbers. I bit on frontlines as a day 1 purchase and played quite a bit of it but always felt sorta like I made a mistake. I watched as the mp community dwindled to very little in a couple of months. Not again.
Why does anybody consider this to be a shitty storyline? It wasn't that long ago that a single tiny country was able to nearly take over the European continent and could possibly have achieved it if we didn't join in after being sucker punched.

A united Korea could achieve a similar affect, especially with China's backing.

It really annoys me when people act so smug and secure. The Roman military was the single greatest fighting force the world had seen, right up until it rotted out from within and fell apart. We have states that can't even pay their own workers and a national debt that largely belongs to China. If we can't pay our military, there will be no military. And I am a veteran so I am not just talking out of my ass.

All I am saying is that nobody knows what the world will look like tomorrow. What would the Japanese have said the future was going to be two weeks ago? Who knows what the world will look like in a few years?

It's fiction, enjoy it.

I don't care what the game looks like.as long as it plays well. I don't understand why companies cannot build on the improvements from previous games. We have had cover systems implemented well yet nobody builds that system into their own games. We still trip on or get blocked by stupid walls that don't even come to our knees. We have had games at least partially implement damage systems that allow us to destroy buildings and track bullet damage through thin walls yet nobody continues to improve on this.

If each game took gaming technology just a few steps forward with every new release we would have not only photorealistic worlds but worlds that reacted realistically, with physics applied to every object within.

Our games are not advancing at the same level as the hardware running them. Personally I blame the consoles and the greed of the gaming publishers. Why create something new when the old stuff continues to break selling records? Why take advantage of the increased processing power of the PC when the majority of their customers use the old tech present in the consoles?

This rant went on longer than I meant it to. I bought the game mainly because I got Metro 2033 in the deal and I am somewhat enjoying it. Between the two games I believe it was a good deal. There are things about this game that I really hope Battlefield 3 implements, such as the ability to spawn your own vehicles based on how you are performing in the game. This could be a massive improvement on the Battlefield 2 method of waiting for a vehicle to spawn and getting shot by a teammate.
North Korea cant even feed its population, let stage an trans-oceanic invasion against the most advanced navy and air force in the world, by far. Hell the US would crush an invasion attempt from all the countries from Europe and Asia combined. And even if the US sufferers economic collapse its not going to disband its military.
Yeah, the US couldn't be invaded by any forces in the world today. The only way would have to be first a serious destabilization, a major attack with deployed ground-nukes or something, to really paralyze, and then invade.
I find it really odd that there is so much negativity about the PC version of this game ... all from xbox 360 videos etc.

I would expect the 360 version to be a bit dated... the console is like 6 years old now.

Im hoping the PC version looks and feels a lot better. A 5hr campaign doesnt worry me... its the multiplayer I want to be good fun too as I will be spending most of my time there.

In the UK its not available on Steam because THQ did a deal with everyone else instead. That sucks, but then again amazon and play.com offer it for £25. At that price its probably worth a gamble and may be fun.

It may not be a Battlefield 3, but it looks a lot better than Battlefield 2, and like it or not, a lot of people play COD because thats a fun game. So combine the two and you have potential.
Yeah, the US couldn't be invaded by any forces in the world today. The only way would have to be first a serious destabilization, a major attack with deployed ground-nukes or something, to really paralyze, and then invade.

The US could easily be invaded...

a massive surprise strike against key US allies causing a regional war, drawing the majority of US forces to the region to assist, whilst a 2nd or 3rd party (eg. China + Russia) invades the US once forces on US soil are depleted.

Once on US soil, the threat of using nukes becomes much less of an option, and both China/Russia are more than capable of launching their own nukes if attacked by them.

One heck of a gamble... but possible if US forces are spread thinly globally.
Hell the US would crush an invasion attempt from all the countries from Europe and Asia combined.

Riiiiiight....Pass that crackpipe this way please so i can indulge in the fantasy. :p
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The US could easily be invaded...

a massive surprise strike against key US allies causing a regional war, drawing the majority of US forces to the region to assist, whilst a 2nd or 3rd party (eg. China + Russia) invades the US once forces on US soil are depleted.

Once on US soil, the threat of using nukes becomes much less of an option, and both China/Russia are more than capable of launching their own nukes if attacked by them.

One heck of a gamble... but possible if US forces are spread thinly globally.

You think any massive force in the world can amass an invasion capable of that ( launch is most likely by sea) and not have us pick up on that immediately?
I picked it up. I liked the justin tv stuff and I suspect the game will be lots of fun.
A 5hr campaign doesnt worry me...

It worries me because what I'm seeing is ordinary.

If an FPS single player campaign is mind blowing, from start to finish, then I don't mind if it's only five hours long, because in that case it's a near certainty I'll play again. But this game, based on what I've watched at Utube, is just ordinary. Hope I'm wrong. I would love to see people coming back here saying that the single player campaign was a wild ride.

At this point, I just don't see that happening.
Jesus, are we seriously going to argue about the validity of the plot for this game? I'm sorry, but the geek factor there is just a little too much for me to handle on a Monday afternoon.
Riiiiiight....Pass that crackpipe this way please so i can indulge in the fantasy. :p
I'll pass you a book on modern warfare. There's something called sea and air supremacy that will be needed to launch an invasion over an ocean. The US has aircraft and ships in a league of their own. Do you even know how many operational carriers Russia and China have combined?
My guess is that the port will be fairly bad at first (until patched if anyone actually plays it) and that the FOV will be nauseating.

Depends on how long DE had to work on it I guess. DE is a great studio. They have a ton of experience on the platform and the engine. They have the best chance of making a good port.
I'll pass you a book on modern warfare. There's something called sea and air supremacy that will be needed to launch an invasion over an ocean. The US has aircraft and ships in a league of their own. Do you even know how many operational carriers Russia and China have combined?

Qft. This is exactly right.
just got my key from d2d, actually have to wait for steam instead of the other way around edit: installing now