How Bad is Your Backlog?

My current backlog is longer than that and it also includes only games that I currently own. If I were to add on every game that I would like to play but haven't, then it would be considerably longer.

Word, those just games he wants to play. My list of misery is far more miserable
My current queue:

Timeshift (Played like 10% initially)
Far Cry 2 (20% or so)
Jericho (Yeah i know it sucks, but I almost made it to the end last time)
Dead Space
CODMW2 (ongoing)
Crysis & Crysis Warhead (again for like 5th or 6th time apiece)
PC: Mirror's Edge

PS3: Force Unleashed, GTA4, Uncharted 2, Prince of Persia
Uh, yeah, I kinda have ALL of you beat.

I am still looking for games to add to my backlog. Most of those games in that list are only 2008-2009 games. I'd like to play the most popular games from Doom 3 up until 2008 as well but not many suggestions. Please post there and help fry my brain with more backlogged games that I might have overlooked. ;)

Well, to be honest, I only counted this [console] generation. I've kind of decided to do better from this generation on and forget about the past. But if we wanted to count my true backlog, we'd have to start with my 70+ game library of Xbox games, of which I still need to beat 55 or so, the 30+ PS2 games of which I need to beat a good 15, the 5 GameCube games I bought after getting a Wii, probably about 20 of my 40+ PlayStation games, and I probably have about 10 for PC that I need to finish too :(.
I consider my backlog as single player campaigns that I haven't completed yet. I still have a bunch of multiplayer games that I haven't tired of and rotate into my free time but I'm leaving out for brevity's sake. Anyway, in no particular order...

Assassin's Creed
STALKER: Clear Sky
Company of Heroes + Expansion
Medieval 2: Total War
Fallout 3 (on hold until I can get GFWL working)
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
Grand Theft Auto IV (on hold until I can get GFWL working)

Super Mario Galaxy
It's so bad that I don't want to play games anymore. I've got about 80 unplayed Steam games (from xmas) and about a dozen 360, ps3, ds games that I haven't played.

It's nice getting more sleep and excercise though!
None. All I am doing now is playing through ME2 again as different classes. Shit, I thought I played a lot of games, but after reading this thread I realize I'm a lightweight.
I probably have the largest backlog list out of any of you and yet I still buy new games from retail and from Steam with deals.

I bought Mass Effect 2 on launch day and my brother has already beat it whereas I haven't touched it because I haven't even beaten the first game yet! It sits on my shelf above my monitor, taunting me....... :(
I think we oughta all make a commitment to sorting our backlogs down :D

I think i'll start by beating the original Bioshock which I haven't done :(

i made it to near the end on the PS3 version but got so busy with college + work that I never finished it.

Playing the second one is making me wanna crush the first.
I've been on the last chapter of Dead Space for like a week. Got distracted then I got distracted then I got distracted some more.
Check mine out:

Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
No One Lives Forever 2
Call of Duty
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Quake 4
Left 4 Dead (only one level I haven't beat yet)
Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Pretty much the only games I've ever made it all the way through are No One Lives Forever and Star Wars: Republic Commando. All of those games above I've started, but never finished.
working on:
Dragon Age (PC)
ME2 (360)

Need to get back to:
Sacred 2
Monkey Island
Overlord 2
ME (2nd character)

Backlog (haven't started):
FO3 DLC (didn't buy yet but counts 'cause I have been waiting for GOTY since finishing FO3)
Dante's Inferno (360)
Lucas Arts pack (that's a FEW games. . . .eep)
Titan's Quest + IT replay (love this game)
Marvel Alliance (360)
STALKER + sequel (oops....)

The bioware RPG's are meant to be SAVORED and I'm loving every second of them. I have a second ME character that I have to bring through to ME2 'cause, well, it's EPIC and stuff.....
Games I have that I need to beat?

Killzone 2
.Hack GU Series (That was an IMPOSSIBLE find. )
Infinite Undiscovery
Last Remnant
Lost odyssey (I'm in the last area, then I stopped playing.. )

I recently found time and money for gaming apparently.

Recent kills are...

Bioshock 2 (WASTE! I Didn't enjoy it very much. )

But now STO has my life... <_<

Assassin's Creed
Killzone 2
Mass Effect
Mirror's Edge
Stalker: Clear Sky
The Witcher

It's starting to go down a bit
Anyone else think it was easier to get your backlog down when practically no good games came out after Christmas until mid-Summer?
I think we oughta all make a commitment to sorting our backlogs down :D

I've seen other websites have a thread where you post once and update it throughout the year with a list of your completed games. Maybe we should have a [H]ard version so we can get on each other for constantly reading and posting on gaming message boards, but not actually playing/beating the games (a sin I often find myself guilty of :p).
I've decided I'm not buying any more $50+ games (except Diablo 3) because my backlog is so big.
For the count, I'm only going to count the games I actually want to play and not the ones I bought but decided I wasn't really interested.

2 games on ps3
~8 games on x360 (assassin's creed & Mass Effect, Fable 1&2, Lost odyssey, and some others)
20+ on PC (AVP, Dirt2, Civ IV,BC2, Medieval 2, Gothic 2/3, Fallout 3, Dragon Age, SC2, Stalker, Stalker COP, Overlord 1&2, Braid, Company of Heroes, on and on....)

I buy too many games that I just don't have time for.
Backlog? Eh, Gothic 3 I need to redo since I lost my savegame. I also need to finish New Vegas. Other than that...I actually play the games I buy :D
Trying to finish Crysis Warhead before I leave for Canada so I can start on an older game that'll work on my laptop. Haven't decided yet but I'm leaning towards brothers in arms series.
My backlog is so large that I'm thinking of just playing the single-player modes on most of them for a couple of hours and just take them off, that's how bad it is. And it gets bigger every week thanks to Steam and such. ;)

Some of the games I bought from Target months ago with their killer clearance prices are still sealed on the shelf above my monitor....mocking me....
My backlog-

Rainbow Six Vegas 2
GTA IV (got like 5 hours in and stopped, got bored)
Dirt 2
Metro 2033
Just Cause 2
I've had Alan Wake since launch day and only played a few chapters of it. Right now I've only got new vegas to work on.
This makes me sad just thinking about it...

- HL2: Ep2 (almost done)
- BF: BC2 (single player)
- Deus Ex: Invisible War
- LFD2
- Mass Effect (I keep meaning to go back, but it looks like a real time sink)
- Metro 2033 (stupid Steam and their amazing sales)
- Portal
- Civ V
- Starcraft 2
- TF2 (I've never even played this online, probably should see what all the fuss is about)

Most of list is Steam's fault with all their sales.....I'm weak :D
I'm currently sitting on a few because of the halloween sale on steam. I picked up Mass Effect 2 not long ago and it made the backlog even more "back".

Steam sales and my growing backlog are always related :p
I don't understand how it could be backlogging. I play games when I want to and actually enjoy doing so. You guys make it sound like a job. I can understand having a list of games you want to play, but it sounds like paperwork piling up on your desk that you're weeks behind on.
I'm terrible at playing games, but I keep buying them for some reason :(

13 beaten, 551 unbeaten

My backlog of PC games is ~500. ~450 have never even been installed.

I continue buying to support the devs.

But I just finished Serious Sam 2 (I bought that five years ago on the week of release), and it was 10 hours of gameplay, and it took me two weeks. At that rate, that's ~24 games/year, so it may take me 21 years to get through my backlog if I stop buying games completely?
Yeah, most of my games have either never been played or never installed as well. The pc list on my backloggery is almost entirely made up of my steam library, I'm just too lazy to find the few dozen games I have actual CD versions of and adding them to the list. I do like to support devs/authors/artists with my purchases as well, but there really isn't much point in doing so if we never get around to playing the games :/
I do like to support devs/authors/artists with my purchases as well, but there really isn't much point in doing so if we never get around to playing the games :/

What if we stopped buying games, the devs stopped developing due to lack of sales, and in 21 years when we're done with our backlog, there are no more games to play? :eek:
What if we stopped buying games, the devs stopped developing due to lack of sales, and in 21 years when we're done with our backlog, there are no more games to play? :eek:

I wonder what we'll be playing in 21 years anyway. :(
I wonder what we'll be playing in 21 years anyway. :(

With motion tracking and etc, I think when I finish my final game in my backlog, people will be looking at me funny that I'm sitting on my ass to play a game!

(And just WTH is this "2-D", you say?)
I don't understand how it could be backlogging. I play games when I want to and actually enjoy doing so. You guys make it sound like a job. I can understand having a list of games you want to play, but it sounds like paperwork piling up on your desk that you're weeks behind on.

It kind of is. Except all that paperwork that's piling up on your desk are all issues of Hustler and you wish your wife would stop nagging you so could finally have the time to see every pair of tits known to man.
Not even going to list them I have some 50 xbox 360 titles mostly xbox live arcade games and a few games on demand (havent beaten a single one)
About 15 ps3's & the only one I'm close to finishing is Killzone 3
Pc some 140 games and I just finish Gears of War 1 which came out like what 4 years ago? lol
fallout 3(lol i got bored after killing everything that walks in that game)
read dead(got bored)
gta4(same as red dead)
crysis comeple(only bought it as it was cheap on steam)