I never thought I would be an iOS convert, but here I am.

Keep harping on the big bad issue that was fixed literally 5 weeks after it began. Because android never had any issues, ever.

Android never claims 'it just works' while insulting and lying about the competition, it doesn't claim to be magical, and Android users aren't a cult.

The point is Apple and its fans like to pretend like its devices are special and better than others, and they have just as many problems.
The point is Apple and its fans like to pretend like its devices are special and better than others, and they have just as many problems.

Yeah like Droid doesn't have the same type of fan base. I'm a huge iOS fan and am not biased. I use what works well for me as I've tried both. Don't generalize. Some people like American cars, some like German cars, some like Japanese cars. Some like the Green Bay Packers, some like the San Francisco 49ers. Some people think St. Louis BBQ is better than Memphis style BBQ. Some people think real chili doesn't have beans some people do. It is what always will be. A faith, and to each their own.

My philosophy is choose what works for you and don't be an ahole to those that like it the other way.
Yeah like Droid doesn't have the same type of fan base. I'm a huge iOS fan and am not biased. I use what works well for me as I've tried both. Don't generalize. Some people like American cars, some like German cars, some like Japanese cars. Some like the Green Bay Packers, some like the San Francisco 49ers. Some people think St. Louis BBQ is better than Memphis style BBQ. Some people think real chili doesn't have beans some people do. It is what always will be. A faith, and to each their own.

This is exactly the point. If Apple have their way there won't be any choices. I started out with Apple but it's clear they're patent trolling and trying to kill competition and consumer choice. Perfect example, Apple claims infringement with the Galaxy Epic 4G which I actually own. At the time I didn't want an iPhone but something different with a full slide out physical keyboard and OS that's smarter than iOS. iOS 7 now resembles a heck of a lot more of the Epic 4G back than the other way around.

Apple consumers are usually ignorant and biased and the ones invading the non-Apple XDA forums claiming their shit don't stink with their specs don't matter, iDevices only need 1GB DRAM while the competition need 3GB, it performs perfect unlike the competition blah blah blah. Usually have to plug their hole with facts like the low memory crashes, blue screen of death and just recently pointing out what I see within 5 minutes with the ugly jello effect casually scrolling in Safari due to GPU not being able to keep up with the resolution on iPad Air. I have no issues telling people my shit, Apple, Cisco, HTC, Nvidia, etc. stink.
This is exactly the point. If Apple have their way there won't be any choices. I started out with Apple but it's clear they're patent trolling and trying to kill competition and consumer choice. Perfect example, Apple claims infringement with the Galaxy Epic 4G which I actually own. At the time I didn't want an iPhone but something different with a full slide out physical keyboard and OS that's smarter than iOS. iOS 7 now resembles a heck of a lot more of the Epic 4G back than the other way around.

Patent infringement is patent infringement. There's no "claim" of infringement anymore when the case was lost by Samsung. Now it's a matter of assessing the value of those damages.

Apple consumers are usually ignorant and biased and the ones invading the non-Apple XDA forums claiming their shit don't stink with their specs don't matter, iDevices only need 1GB DRAM while the competition need 3GB, it performs perfect unlike the competition blah blah blah. Usually have to plug their hole with facts like the low memory crashes, blue screen of death and just recently pointing out what I see within 5 minutes with the ugly jello effect casually scrolling in Safari due to GPU not being able to keep up with the resolution on iPad Air. I have no issues telling people my shit, Apple, Cisco, HTC, Nvidia, etc. stink.

I'll agree but this is a two-way street. Both Droid and iOS fanboys think their shit doesn't stink. They both stink, it's just a different color and consistency.
Android never claims 'it just works' while insulting and lying about the competition, it doesn't claim to be magical, and Android users aren't a cult.

The point is Apple and its fans like to pretend like its devices are special and better than others, and they have just as many problems.

Not only is the fan base just as bad on android I would go as far as to say its actually been WORSE since the SIII.
Yeah like Droid doesn't have the same type of fan base. I'm a huge iOS fan and am not biased. I use what works well for me as I've tried both. Don't generalize. Some people like American cars, some like German cars, some like Japanese cars. Some like the Green Bay Packers, some like the San Francisco 49ers. Some people think St. Louis BBQ is better than Memphis style BBQ. Some people think real chili doesn't have beans some people do. It is what always will be. A faith, and to each their own.

My philosophy is choose what works for you and don't be an ahole to those that like it the other way.

Btw this conversation got derailed because someone posted about how you should avoid the competition.
Patent infringement is patent infringement. There's no "claim" of infringement anymore when the case was lost by Samsung. Now it's a matter of assessing the value of those damages.

Which is BS because you can't expect any other outcome when the case is tried in Apple's home court with jurors rooting for their home player. Meanwhile, the rest of the world disagrees with Apple's court.

Which is BS because you can't expect any other outcome when the case is tried in Apple's home court with jurors rooting for their home player. Meanwhile, the rest of the world disagrees with Apple's court.


Germany didn't agree nor did Japan in another Samsung vs Apple lawsuit. This is a hopeless debate as are most comments on threads about their lawsuits. Don't buy apple products if you despise their "tactics". They're both guilty on some level in my opinion. Choose the lesser of two evils.

Meanwhile I'm gonna watch football on my Samsung TV then go surf the net on my iPad Mini 2 while I sit on the pot.
I always find it amusing when someone tries to portray Apple as the devil incarnate... and promptly embraces Samsung. You know, the company which explicitly copied Apple design, faces antitrust investigations due to its abuse of standards-based patents, deals with its own labor condition problems, and has a chairman convicted of large-scale bribery. I'm not saying you should boycott Samsung, but don't pretend you're taking a moral stand when you pick up a Note 3... or any other Android phone, for that matter. (This is from someone using a Nexus 5, for reference)

On that tip, I'm frankly baffled by the tendency of some extreme Android fans to label iPhone owners as conformists ("iSheep") while promptly touting Android's 80 percent market share. It's akin to declaring yourself an indie music fan because you like Miley Cyrus soooo much. It's fine to enjoy Android, but understand that you represent the status quo. You'd get an iPhone or a Windows Phone if you really wanted to buck the trend.
You can't be sheep if you have choices.
How many choices do you have for high end Android phones? Many and the consumer decide what is best.
How many choices do for high end iPhone? You don't get choices and the company herd you down one path and decide what is best for you.

Apple isn't an angel either with being guilty of abusing child labor, environmental, hiding money overseas to avoid paying their fair share of tax, etc. At least Samsung and other companies aren't patent trolling to kill competition and Samsung is even supplying Apple with top notch components to be competitive. Heck, Apple even pick on non-competition suing the Polish supermarket a.pl over the name. Apple turned from a likable underdog into an industry bully but it's working against them as reflected with the shrinking world marketshare. Lastly, I've used both iOS and Android and iOS 7 is looking a lot more of a copy than what they accuse others of doing.
You can't be sheep if you have choices.
How many choices do you have for high end Android phones? Many and the consumer decide what is best.
How many choices do for high end iPhone? You don't get choices and the company herd you down one path and decide what is best for you.

Apple isn't an angel either with being guilty of abusing child labor, environmental, hiding money overseas to avoid paying their fair share of tax, etc. At least Samsung and other companies aren't patent trolling to kill competition and Samsung is even supplying Apple with top notch components to be competitive. Heck, Apple even pick on non-competition suing the Polish supermarket a.pl over the name. Apple turned from a likable underdog into an industry bully but it's working against them as reflected with the shrinking world marketshare. Lastly, I've used both iOS and Android and iOS 7 is looking a lot more of a copy than what they accuse others of doing.

It's entirely possible to be a mindless follower if you have choice -- we see that happen in politics all the time. There's a difference between theoretical freedom of choice and being informed enough to make that decision knowing what you'll get. Ever had a relative buy something crappy solely because it had the lowest price tag or a nice ad? That. Don't stereotype either side, please.

I'm not excusing Apple, but you've also made a few unsupported statements.

Apple isn't a patent troll. A patent troll is a company that relies primarily on lawsuits as a business model, and often didn't invent what it's suing over (see: Personal Audio, Lodsys). While Apple's patents are sometimes too vague, it did at least invent the technology, and its business is in selling hardware, not lawsuits. Keep in mind that it's suing over trade dress as well, not just patents; in that regard, Samsung's copying of Apple is just about irrefutable. It's hard to hold Samsung up as a pro-competition advocate when it's facing antitrust investigations (by definition, meant to stop anti-competitive behavior).

You've also made a false correlation between Apple's legal posture and its market share. Android is leading due to the sheer number of manufacturers, price points and market coverage it offers, not some kind of noble ideological stance. Most buyers worldwide aren't even going to be aware that Apple sued Samsung in the first place; why would they interpret Samsung (or Google, for that matter) as David fighting Apple's Goliath? If Apple is struggling, it's because the company is out of sync with market tastes... not because people are sticking it to The Man.
I am the opposite.... I went from IOS to Android. And I love android's flexibility of modding things. But I love Apple products for their ability in battery life.
Apple 'invented' rounded corners and black rectangles? They invented 'slide to unlock'? The fact is there is very little innovation/invention, most of their patents are granted because Apple is a very big name in the US, hell the USPTO practically worships Apple. Most of their patents are designed to be as vague and broad as possible, are granted without any research into prior use, and Apple ends up 'owning' the tech.

If their court case against Samsung had not been in the US with its incredibly biased jurors, it would've been laughed out of court.

Apple copies more than anyone else. Notification in iOS - total ripoff of Android. A 100x more blatant than anything Apple accuses others of. If Google had the same mentality as the psychotic Jobs and had patented and sued Apple, they could wipe Apple.
Too bad Google doesn't have the "psychotic Jobs" mentality, they`d at least be a super hit at something right :p Its not like there the Apple of search engines, map data, social communication and trade...

*turns off sarcasm voice, and turns on realistic voice

Apple, Google, and any other tech company knows that to be successful you have to choose a path and stick with it. If that path includes creating and drumming up anticipation from customers even thought the tech idea that you are launching is mediocre at best, its ok, as long as at the end of the day, their name is associated with a certain product and it sells well.

Its a leading principle of capitalism, either sell or be sold. Apple knows how to be effective in selling niche products and they're financial quarters are astounding for a company that holds a small amount of market space.

Is it crazy that people stand in lines for devices from Apple that are releasing with features already present in competitor's Droid or W8 devices whereas the same Droids launches are pretty mundane Hell Yea
Is the reason why people flock to apple for those features that can be had on any mid to upper tier droid ? Maybe (apple advertises simplicity and other "easy" features, while droid doesnt really advertise to that scale for each release).

Court Case Against Samsung and Apple:LOL
Maybe the US is biased in favor of Apple. Have you considered what would be the outcome if this case was in say S. Korea. Wouldn`t it be right to say, based on what you said the "jurors maybe biased towards Sammie"?
Blanket statements like that are ehhh at best. Biased and POVs are everywhere. Its the burden of proof and their legal departments that decide who wins and who loses.
Apple 'invented' rounded corners and black rectangles? They invented 'slide to unlock'? The fact is there is very little innovation/invention, most of their patents are granted because Apple is a very big name in the US, hell the USPTO practically worships Apple. Most of their patents are designed to be as vague and broad as possible, are granted without any research into prior use, and Apple ends up 'owning' the tech.

If their court case against Samsung had not been in the US with its incredibly biased jurors, it would've been laughed out of court.

Apple copies more than anyone else. Notification in iOS - total ripoff of Android. A 100x more blatant than anything Apple accuses others of. If Google had the same mentality as the psychotic Jobs and had patented and sued Apple, they could wipe Apple.

The situation isn't quite so clear cut as you make it out to be.

On the USPTO, the issue isn't that it favors Apple, it's that the office doesn't closely scrutinize many patents, regardless of who's behind them. Poor policy and a years-long backlog (that's slowly being cleared out) have made it easy to submit something without facing a major challenge. And as for the court? I followed the initial trial for quite awhile, and the reality is that Samsung wasn't doing a great job of defending itself, even if it's now likely to invalidate some of Apple's patent claims (it has no meaningful defense against the trade dress issues). As the saying goes: never attribute to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence.

Apple has definitely lifted some (non-patented) features in the past, but I'm not a big fan of the revisionist history that's propagated by some more extreme Android fans as of late -- the one where Apple only copies and Google is a pure font of originality. In practice, both sides have been poaching from each other, and Android wouldn't have even taken off without Apple showing Google how certain things should be done.

For example: Fred Vogelstein's behind-the-scenes book Dogfight notes that Andy Rubin actually stopped a cab to finish watching the iPhone introduction in 2007 and realized that he had to toss out the original Android template to produce something that would compete with Apple. In late 2007, Android looked like a BlackBerry clone; by the time it shipped in October 2008, it looked much more like what Apple had been doing for a year and a half.

This isn't to say that Apple didn't lose some of its edge. Likewise, Google clearly became more original as time went on. But as someone who has used both Android and iOS for several years, and followed their numerous legal disputes, I've seen too much to think that either party is completely innocent.
For example: Fred Vogelstein's behind-the-scenes book Dogfight notes that Andy Rubin actually stopped a cab to finish watching the iPhone introduction in 2007 and realized that he had to toss out the original Android template to produce something that would compete with Apple. In late 2007, Android looked like a BlackBerry clone; by the time it shipped in October 2008, it looked much more like what Apple had been doing for a year and a half.
Great point and goes along with the point that the person you quoted erroneously attributed to Google--that of the origins of "Notifications" in iOS. In fact, Notifications was an open source project called growl on OS X before iOS and android. I don't know the specific numbers of growl installations on the MacBook Pros Google coders used but based on its ubiquitousness I'd certainly be surprised if they weren't using it in large numbers and realized how cool it was. In any case, iOS notifications weren't lifted from android but rather from the jailbreak community...but it is interesting to see how the jailbreak community, google's android community, the open source community, and OS X have fed great and interesting ideas back and forth over the years. I've never actually heard someone with a master's or doctorate who works in tech talk as ignorantly as I hear on these boards. they all seem to have a great deal of respect for one another. Most claims that pass as "knowledge" on these boards goes back about a couple years...not even a generation of code. I guess that's to be expected when a large portion of the posting population are teenagers or in early twenties.
iPhone is actually disappointing considering it's driving a tiny display and low resolution.

Disappointing for you, perhaps, but not for other users. :rolleyes:

Before you say anything, I personally don't like the small screen either. It was the main reason I switched from an iPhone 4S to a Galaxy Note 2.
Disappointing for you, perhaps, but not for other users. :rolleyes:

Before you say anything, I personally don't like the small screen either. It was the main reason I switched from an iPhone 4S to a Galaxy Note 2.

Exactly everyone has different wants for their phone. I personally don't want a huge phone screen, but I know others that want it. I think we're most likely to see apple drop the 5c and do a larger screen option so they don't have people leaving apple because the phones are too big.
I doubt they drop the 5c. that marked the beginning of the iPhone as a product line. We're going to see multiple offerings from them going forward is my best guess.
I doubt they drop the 5c. that marked the beginning of the iPhone as a product line. We're going to see multiple offerings from them going forward is my best guess.

That's what I reckon. They may still have just two sizes (5-inch and 4-inch, for example), but there could be more distinctions between them. Thankfully, Apple is unlikely to have a Samsung-like lineup that caters to every niche, no matter how much overlap there is.
I doubt they drop the 5c. that marked the beginning of the iPhone as a product line. We're going to see multiple offerings from them going forward is my best guess.

Thats a good point, they may keep it and perhaps work on lowering the cost of it so it becomes an entry level iPhone rather than a mid tier price point.

But that's a good point it being the stepping stone to multiple offerings under the iPhone product line.
After apple started updating their ios software and following those updates my typing started hesitating before it appeared on screen ( I was even able to type up to 5 more words before any started appearing), i'm done with apple.. Its like they purposely slow down their older products with the new releases that you have to use if you want to use itunes so you'll just buy another newer device.. I'm done with em as of yesterday..

Oh, and the fact that al gore is on the board of apple just pisses me off to no end.
After apple started updating their ios software and following those updates my typing started hesitating before it appeared on screen ( I was even able to type up to 5 more words before any started appearing), i'm done with apple.. Its like they purposely slow down their older products with the new releases that you have to use if you want to use itunes so you'll just buy another newer device.. I'm done with em as of yesterday..

Oh, and the fact that al gore is on the board of apple just pisses me off to no end.

Dont leave for android then lol. As much as a miss swype and swiftkey i do not miss waiting 2-5 seconds for my damn keyboard to pop up.

Why would Gore being on the board piss you off?
Tea party and the anti-science brigade hates Al Gore for making money off renewable energy... But that doesn't belong on the [H] forum.

Only problem is that it costs more to use "renewable energy" than it does to use coal, oil, gas, etc.

Now if everybody lived in a super windy place, and had a huge number of those home made wind mill generators, then it might be worth it.

As for hybrid and electric cars.... what do you think they make the batteries out of? Where does the super toxic waste go? What about when the batteries' life is over?

And as far as using corn in fuel... oh yeah, that is a great idea. It takes more energy to produce it than it produces. It also hurts fuel mileage as well as power output. One of the worst ideas that was ever implemented. Right up there with "welfare".

I am not against "renewable energy". What I am against is all the flat out lying that "renewable energy" is any better than what is not "renewable energy".
Only problem is that it costs more to use "renewable energy" than it does to use coal, oil, gas, etc.

Now if everybody lived in a super windy place, and had a huge number of those home made wind mill generators, then it might be worth it.

As for hybrid and electric cars.... what do you think they make the batteries out of? Where does the super toxic waste go? What about when the batteries' life is over?

And as far as using corn in fuel... oh yeah, that is a great idea. It takes more energy to produce it than it produces. It also hurts fuel mileage as well as power output. One of the worst ideas that was ever implemented. Right up there with "welfare".

I am not against "renewable energy". What I am against is all the flat out lying that "renewable energy" is any better than what is not "renewable energy".

If we dont invest in alternate energy sources now, what will happen when the sources run out? Coal, gas etc weren't cheap when they were first discovered either.

Hydro or nuclear power are very feasible, of course because most people are idiots and move to use nuclear power will be met with a huge public outcry.

Solar power is extremely viable. Do you think the huge corporations which run the world want to give away their oil monopoly and invest in solar energy instead? Hell no.

Its much easier to continue to exploit the environment, destroy nature, habitats, cause damage for centuries to come, and continue to line their pockets, and call any alternative energy 'liberal hippies'.
When you talk about hybrid and electric cars and corn ethanol when the topic is renewable energy, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, but just making political talking points. So let's leave the politics out of this one please...
This thread is priceless :)

OP: Experience from going from Droid to iOS
-bickering about how one OS is superior over the other
-Patent Infringments
-Al-gore on Apple's board and dislike over that
-Hybrid Cars

Whats next folks?
I did the opposite, I had multiple iPhones (up to the 5) and then started hating it. I then switched Android and haven't looked back.

Also, saying that you would choose iPhone for music with PowerAmp availible for Android is just mind boggling.

My wife still has her iPhone 5 and I cringe every time I see the small screen, the puny keyboard with no Swype, and the fact I have to type in the Apple password about a hundred times to get one free app.
I did the opposite, I had multiple iPhones (up to the 5) and then started hating it. I then switched Android and haven't looked back.

Also, saying that you would choose iPhone for music with PowerAmp availible for Android is just mind boggling.

My wife still has her iPhone 5 and I cringe every time I see the small screen, the puny keyboard with no Swype, and the fact I have to type in the Apple password about a hundred times to get one free app.

You just type in the password once to download apps...
I did the opposite, I had multiple iPhones (up to the 5) and then started hating it. I then switched Android and haven't looked back.

Also, saying that you would choose iPhone for music with PowerAmp availible for Android is just mind boggling.

My wife still has her iPhone 5 and I cringe every time I see the small screen, the puny keyboard with no Swype, and the fact I have to type in the Apple password about a hundred times to get one free app.

Poweramp is awesome but it won't help the fact that so many android phones have garbage audio hardware and sound like total shit. Swype is awesome as well except that it's a notorious pig that gobbles up resources like fat people at a buffet.
This thread is priceless :)

OP: Experience from going from Droid to iOS
-bickering about how one OS is superior over the other
-Patent Infringments
-Al-gore on Apple's board and dislike over that
-Hybrid Cars

Whats next folks?

This needs to dive into a Windows 8 hate thread and some nsa conspiracy.
Poweramp is awesome but it won't help the fact that so many android phones have garbage audio hardware and sound like total shit. Swype is awesome as well except that it's a notorious pig that gobbles up resources like fat people at a buffet.

No experience with PowerAmp outside of the Note 2. The bass on my Note 2 sounds like a subwoofer with Earpods (my wife refuses to use in ear headphones so I took hers).

I should have said Swype style keyboard. I actually use the Google keyboard, which is much improved from when I first tried it a year ago.
No experience with PowerAmp outside of the Note 2.
This is the reason you don't see why anyone would recommend an iPhone over any random android device to someone mainly interested in music and podcasts.

If you get into someone's car and it has a usb plug it will almost always support iOS and nearly never support PowerAmp. It'll be a similar experience when shopping for docks and any other accessory that might come to mind. PowerAmp, last I checked, had zero support for podcasts so that cancels half of what he said he was interested in listening to on the device.

He can get around that by using something like doubletwist. Of course, neither doubletwist nor PowerAmp should be used without Voodoo sound if one wants to get the best possible sound...and therein lies the rub of android: doing something as simple (on an iPhone anyway) as playing music and podcasts turns into a litany of software "choices," hardware incompatibilities, and research into various apps and mods just to get the darn thing to do what the other device does fresh out of the box.

Android devices can do rudimentary music playback fresh out of the box, too, but it's not always seamless to get one's music onto the device in the first place. The average user does not want to drag and drop music from a folder into a folder--most don't even know what a file hierarchy is or where their phone's storage is even located! Most people aren't starting out fresh and that means an iPod is lurking somewhere in someone's device collection. If that person has an iPod and/or is using iTunes then it'll be another "adventure" to get iTunes to play nice with the android device.

I can't be the only person who is told by someone that when the phone is plugged into the computer it *dings* and then what is supposed to happen...where are the pictures?

That's the average knowledge of someone over fifty years old: plug this cable into that hole and hopefully something pops up on the screen and shows me where the pictures/music are located so I can move them somewhere else.

In a reality like that, and the fact that the iPhone is the same price as any of the other flagship android devices, it simply makes sense to go with the one that does the things it sets out to do well without any additional muss or fuss. For the rest of us buying iPhones, as we get older our time has become more valuable and we simply want something that works minimally well with the least amount of effort.

The purchase wasn't based on stupidity, or being blindly led by advertisements, people aren't running around with their Apple devices at arm's length trying to show off the logo, and no one is shoving it in anyone's face.

The most anyone *might* be able to say is that Apple owners enjoy their purchase so they use their devices a lot. The ordinary Apple user is not holding that iPhone up to spite you, seriously, he's probably just flipping through his music collection. Get a grip.
This thread is priceless :)

OP: Experience from going from Droid to iOS
-bickering about how one OS is superior over the other
-Patent Infringments
-Al-gore on Apple's board and dislike over that
-Hybrid Cars

Whats next folks?

+1 :eek:
This is the reason you don't see why anyone would recommend an iPhone over any random android device to someone mainly interested in music and podcasts.

If you get into someone's car and it has a usb plug it will almost always support iOS and nearly never support PowerAmp. It'll be a similar experience when shopping for docks and any other accessory that might come to mind. PowerAmp, last I checked, had zero support for podcasts so that cancels half of what he said he was interested in listening to on the device.

He can get around that by using something like doubletwist. Of course, neither doubletwist nor PowerAmp should be used without Voodoo sound if one wants to get the best possible sound...and therein lies the rub of android: doing something as simple (on an iPhone anyway) as playing music and podcasts turns into a litany of software "choices," hardware incompatibilities, and research into various apps and mods just to get the darn thing to do what the other device does fresh out of the box.

Android devices can do rudimentary music playback fresh out of the box, too, but it's not always seamless to get one's music onto the device in the first place. The average user does not want to drag and drop music from a folder into a folder--most don't even know what a file hierarchy is or where their phone's storage is even located! Most people aren't starting out fresh and that means an iPod is lurking somewhere in someone's device collection. If that person has an iPod and/or is using iTunes then it'll be another "adventure" to get iTunes to play nice with the android device.

I can't be the only person who is told by someone that when the phone is plugged into the computer it *dings* and then what is supposed to happen...where are the pictures?

That's the average knowledge of someone over fifty years old: plug this cable into that hole and hopefully something pops up on the screen and shows me where the pictures/music are located so I can move them somewhere else.

In a reality like that, and the fact that the iPhone is the same price as any of the other flagship android devices, it simply makes sense to go with the one that does the things it sets out to do well without any additional muss or fuss. For the rest of us buying iPhones, as we get older our time has become more valuable and we simply want something that works minimally well with the least amount of effort.

The purchase wasn't based on stupidity, or being blindly led by advertisements, people aren't running around with their Apple devices at arm's length trying to show off the logo, and no one is shoving it in anyone's face.

The most anyone *might* be able to say is that Apple owners enjoy their purchase so they use their devices a lot. The ordinary Apple user is not holding that iPhone up to spite you, seriously, he's probably just flipping through his music collection. Get a grip.

I agree about the old people thing.

Widgets. Google Keyboard. Those are the primary reasons for me to never go back to iOS. 2.5 years with an iPhone. Roughly 1 with Android and I am much happier.

I still have an iPod and my wife's iPhone. The sound is very tinny compared to PowerAmp with the same EarPods.

Not saying iOS is bad, just not for me at all. Too bland haha.