Interesting article about 4870x2CF and microstuttering


Aug 1, 2006

On the topic of micro-stuttering, no truly outstanding revelation came ... or, at least, none should've come for those that avoided the pitfalls of extremism (saying it does not exist versus saying it eats baby kittens for breakfast). It does, in the strictest sense, exist. It can be a true deterrent from a good gameplay experience ... however, the cases when that happens are already plainly bad: you need to be performance choked in order for the bulk of inter-frame deltas to shift towards being greater than 25 ms, which is the truly obnoxious zone. So, technically, if you're at 20 FPS due to rendering constraints, and not some sort of framerate cap, on a dual-GPU solution (as noted, queuing more frames will reduce the amplitude of the n-n+1 frame transition), micro-stuttering will be a big problem, but being at 20 FPS is a far greater problem in itself. Where would a single GPU solution be? Low teens? We'd like to reiterate that, if you're in that zone with a high-end single-GPU, going multi-GPU won't save you: don't do it, you'll just frustrate yourself.
SO basically it can happen if you are running out of VRAM (too high of resolutions) or if you are severely CPU limited.

Or if the game is coded horribly causing un-needed high CPU or GPU usage

But that in and of itself is not the video card's fault.
From their conclution, I read that a single GPU would already be on its knees before you would experience microstuttering with a 4870x2. :D
This is very interesting. They should also do an investigation on input lag!