Interesting ways to kill enemies in PC games?


Limp Gawd
Jun 8, 2012
Besides weapons, I mean. Thinking environmental stuff. E.g., I played Resident Evil 6 recently. Not much of a game, but I thought it was cool how you could shoot the capacitors/whatever and fry the enemies standing near it.

In Dying Light you can push or kick zombies onto spikes.
And I've played Orcs Must Die!

Obviously we've got the red barrels in tons of games, and kicking or pushing enemies off of cliffs. But I'm looking for stuff that's kind of interesting.
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The best death I've ever got to do in a game was in Solider of Fortune 2. It was the opening level. I had a shotgun, and managed to shoot an enemy that was on an upper level in just the right spot, so that his guts came out. The game has an animation that has them trying to put them back in while screaming. During this animation, he fell off the ledge, and into the back of a truck, that was filled with exploding barrels. Needless to day, those barrels exploded.

It was amazing and I laughed hysterically. No other game has ever come close to recreating a moment like that.
I guess the exploding barrels saved it (it wasn't sounding all that funny until then). :)

I've had many moments of hilarity - at the devs expense - recently with RE6.
Bioshock had some elementary environmental kills, such as electrocuting water or lighting areas on fire.
Bioshock had some elementary environmental kills, such as electrocuting water or lighting areas on fire.

One of the few redeeming factors of Bioshock 2 is that it focused more on environmental kills, theres a few scenes where you get swammed and you have opportunities to preset the environment with Claymore type stuff.

Dead island had a lot of cool scenario based killing.
Isn't the Hitman series based on crazy many ways to engage a target and complete a mission? I remember seeing a ton of videos on folks replaying missions in really bizarre ways.

Also - reverse pickpocketing grenades/poisons in Fallout/Elder Scrolls..
Thanks for the pointers you three.

A couple more from RE6, there's a zombie attack through a bottleneck, and you can turn a hand-crank that fires a flamethrower. There's another hand crank that operates a spike trap so you can save your partner from having to fight a couple of nasties.
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I guess the exploding barrels saved it (it wasn't sounding all that funny until then). :)

I've had many moments of hilarity - at the devs expense - recently with RE6.

Have you ever played SoF2? I mean, I was laughing at the gore already. There's seriously has not been another game as gory since. Getting that gut shot is hard. Like, it's a rare animation.
No, but I remember all the hoopla about the ultraviolence when it came out.
Elder Scrolls games:

You can definitely do this in Morrowind and Oblivion. I never tried it in Skyrim.

1. Make high end clothes that are enchanted with a spell that damages the wearer.
2. Sell clothes to merchant.
3. Watch as merchant puts clothes on and then starts twitching and eventually dies.


SIMS games.. although not enemies, it is still fun to torture the SIMS.

1. Build a pool.
2. Wait till people get in.
3. Remove ladder.
4. Watch as they die - speed up the game to make it go faster.

1. Build 4 walls around a SIM
2. Speed up game and watch them die.
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Shooting people's feet in FPS games like Duke Nukem and Quake so the person doesn't dodge the rocket.
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I think it was oblivion where you have to maybe kill one of the guilds. I ended up stealing their entire food supply and replaced it with poison apples. I got to then just sit back and watch people slowly die.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Far Cry or Bulletstorm. Also Half-Life 2 and the physgun always made for some memorable moments.
One of my only kills in an otherwise passive Deus Ex playthrough was when I knocked an entire apartment complex unconscious and stole their refrigerators.

Naturally I tried to cram it all into an elevator and wound up breaking someone's neck in the process. RIP.
My personal favorite, (and this applies to NPCs and human players...) is in Jedi Outcast on any elevated level. Force-Choke the enemy, carry them over to the edge, and drop them off. Hours of fun in deathmatch. :D
For the time Duke3D had a cool tram system underground and cameras, throw in a pipe bomb and detonate it remotely or crush enemies that walked out on the tracks.

Nano rifle in Red Faction: Guerrilla was cool, or running a (fictional!) giant truck with explosives into an entire building through walls, then finish it off with a boom.

Just Cause 2? Tank against jets on the airfield?
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I can't believe people haven't mentioned anything from GTA. That whole series is nonsense.

I agree. In fact, I don't even play any of them the way you're supposed to. I just go in and cause mayhem. :D However, I couldn't think of a specific favorite example like I could with my Jedi Outcast example. That one just sticks out in my head as so much fun to do. :D
I really enjoyed the way Bulletstorm handled the scoring of kills. Such a fun game.

I rememeber Mad World on Wii also having different brutal ways to kill people.
One of my only kills in an otherwise passive Deus Ex playthrough was when I knocked an entire apartment complex unconscious and stole their refrigerators.

Naturally I tried to cram it all into an elevator and wound up breaking someone's neck in the process. RIP.

Is there a way in GTA V to drop someone off near the mountain lions that kill?

Tonya? lol
Dishonored had some fun things you could do when you mixed a few different powers.
Most sandbox games like the TES and GTA games have a bunch of options, too.
I've been having lots of fun in Overwatch pulling people and dropping them off the map with Roadhog. Unfortunately it's only possible on a handful of maps, but my gosh is it fun. I cackled like a crazy person when I did it for the first time.

I've also managed to hook a Lucio that pushed me off the map and pulled him down with me.
Back in Wotlk when they introduced the sidecar I took a friend for a ride and rode out of the sewers in dalaran and dismounted having him plummet to his death while I used my parachute to land safely, think neither of us ever laughed as hard in wow as that time.
I really enjoyed GoW III where you can finish enemies by ripping them in half (after you beat them up a bit that is).
Red faction 1 when you could dig huge holes in the ground, trap all the AI players in there and light them on fire simultaneously with a flame thrower fuel canister (turns into a grenade). The screams and antics were rather hilarious at the time.

GTA4 - shooting tyres out of a taxi, then getting in it as a passenger and using spawn mechanics to look forward/backward, then the game would suddenly spawn cars in front of the speeding taxi. You could eventually cause them to catch on fire, with you in it. Was like playing a betting game in a drift taxi. They also seemed to take much more damage than normal cars when doing this, bit like the old fire truck mission health buff.
Some of the Mad Max finishers are also quite interesting. There are tons of games with interesting ways to kill. Some of the manhunt stuff was pretty gruesome.
I would also think some boss battles were interesting especially in Serious Sam games of old where you had to bounce around like a maniac to kill a boss.
God of War games are a prime candidate as well.
I can't believe people haven't mentioned anything from GTA. That whole series is nonsense.

Grenade launcher is working well so far. Trevor awkwardly tagged along with Franklin and Lamar but then with the grenades and flaming car wrecks it was a nice scene instead of just bullets.
SOF2 - shooting one of an enemies legs off was my favorite, then watch them hop, then fall over, then finish them off :)

Postal 2 - I think this game was one of the funniest in terms of creative kills. 3 examples -
p1ssing in someone's mouth, which would make them fall on the ground and start throwing up, then decapitate them with a shovel.
setting your attack dog on them, which was triggered by kicking a decapitated head to the dog, which would eat it, making it nuts and prone to attack people
or my personal favorite, running through a crowd of people sprinkling them with petrol, which would often make some of them chase you, then I'd lead them to a house, climb up on the roof, then drop a lit match and watch most of the crowd get simultaneously set on fire (I used to try to see how many people I could get simultaneously lit up) - this was even funnier if you created a BIG pool of petrol at the location you led them to - which really helped to get the party started :)

Those were good times in the Postal 2 days... it's a pity a proper (decent) sequel was never made (Postal 3 doesn't count IMO)

Elder Scrolls games:

SIMS games.. although not enemies, it is still fun to torture the SIMS...

I like your style :) those are pretty damn funny.
I never killed anyone in the sims 2 from memory, but it was super funny to delete all the toilets and rubbish bins in a house and watch things go rapidly downhill :)
In Blood one of the weapons was an aerosol can. Primary fire was a short-range flamethrower, alt-fire was you light the can and throw it as a fire grenade. My favorite particular kill was in a deathmatch game when I was standing at a cliff edge, threw a can over the edge with alt-fire basically for the hell of it, and the other player just so happened to be down there, where I couldn't see him. I heard the can explode and the pain sounds of him catching on fire and burning to death, followed by my friend demanding to know what weapon that was and where was I that he couldn't find me. (From like four feet away because we were playing via serial-cable link back then.)

In Nox there was a level called Dün Mir full of warrior-knights. When playing as two of the three classes the warrior-knights were friendly and would follow you around. I would lead them to a room of spinning-spike traps, push them into the traps repeatedly, then take and sell their equipment after they died. When playing as the third class, the warrior-knights were hostile and attacked you. That third class being wizard, you had lots of spells and techniques available. Either way I always had a blast killing everybody in Dün Mir and gained a ton of money.