iPhone Proposal in Movie Theater

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How did I miss this one? For those of you that haven’t seen it yet, this is probably one of the coolest (and nerdiest) marriage proposals I have ever seen. Best use of an iPhone in a commercial ever. Thanks to MacMan for the linkage.
What a dick. Guys like that make the rest of us look like schmucks with our normal proposals :D
I want to know how much he spent to create that infomercial and have the movie theater play it? lol ...
I want to know how much he spent to create that infomercial and have the movie theater play it? lol ...

Or he is friends with somebody at the theatre. Or the people at the theatre are just really cool.

Crazy awesomeness in any case.
too long, but a good idea for prom...

terrible idea for a proposal.... for you know a wedding.... just my oppinion
Wow, that's so sweet. I wonder how much time had passed before she figured out it wasn't another iphone commercial.
It definitely beets my "ring in a box" ... idea.
The girl was probably like, why the fuck are you wearing that dorky suit to see a fucking movie tonight?

The look on her face at the end is the classic, silent "Save Me!" look, haha.
Wow, that's so sweet. I wonder how much time had passed before she figured out it wasn't another iphone commercial.
It definitely beets my "ring in a box" ... idea.

The video description indicates it was once the "June 17, 2004" date came up.
Darn. I didn't know there was google earth until i saw it there. But when i tried looking for it, iTunes wouldn't let me install it (Wrong country).

Time to jailbreak.
And to think, I proposed while we were out walking the dog, just as I popped the question, the little bastard was dropping a load. :D
shame the movie theaters are not allowed to use phone jamming devices.
well.. she'll marry him take his money then take off even after all that hardwork... he's too nice..
Apple: Proposing to your girlfriend? There's an app for that.
Did anyone else get a strange urge to listen to a Weird Al song after hearing this video?
This guy is total fail. Makes all guys look like even more pieces of shit than they are already defaulted to. Nice to know he is going to get screwed over in this deal though - 99% chance.
Yep, I guarantee he is going to get fucked over. Also, he's coming across as a stalker.
A bit of a long proposal considering where it was, I also want to know how long until she figured things out, should have had a friend in the theater recording the reaction the whole time.

Cool points to be sure, but yeah makes me feel like a dick for my simple proposal... hell I got cheaper I did it on Xmas morning so in my mind "No present needed!" ... needless to say I'm going to make sure my wife doesn't see this video... although it's probably gone viral all over facebook and all that other shit.
Damn this guy's creativeness. I've been trying to come up with something decent for a while now, and nothing I've come up with even comes close to his :(
That's pure awesomeness there. Took a lot of nerve to do it in front of a hundred people too I bet.
If I was in the theater at the time I might probably yelled, can we fucking start the movie already!
That took too damned long.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Just like most movies out today, could have used a lot of editing to get rid of the extra crap.

The point of these "public setup" proposals is the surprise effect... which was lost after the first mention of anything personal, then having to sit through 3 more minutes of dude spilling his guts to get to the actual proposal was just stupid.
I bet I can tell who in this thread doesn't have a girlfriend ;-)