Job market getting worse?


Jul 22, 2009
The last time I looked for a job in the web / software development field was about 3.5 years ago. I was then freshly out of college and in about 3 weeks I had 3 interviews and 3 different job offers afterwards.

I just started looking for new work again and things out there seem hugely different. Probably 40-50% of positions are senior positions (not me), another 10-20% are specialized positions (like embedded programming), and majority of other ones I don't want to bother with as I am looking for something "better".

Not that I am looking for entry level positions, but I think I have ran into maybe a handful over the last month or so.

What's your experience? Is the market getting worse and worse?
Software development positions are the hottest thing in Denver, Co right now. In Co, the market is defintely great and improving.
From where I sit, no. Partially, I think it may be your perception (you're in the field now, able to be pickier -- "I don't want to bother with"). If you're going to have more strict criteria for your job hunt now, your opportunity count is going to be lower.
Overall, the number of jobs posted (at least in this area, but it's a tech heavy area) only keep going up. Salaries here, from what I've seen, have turned a little (not a lot, but a few %) higher as well - especially for senior level staff.
Each time I've even updated my resume on LinkedIn or dice, I get quite a few emails about opportunities. A recruiter I really like working with (have been for about 2 years now) is always finding stuff that he thinks I'd be interested in. I know a couple of Jr and Sr devs who have bounced around a few jobs this past year / 18 months - couple of them have changed jobs two or three times in the past few months alone.
In Seattle, it's stlll (always?) an employee's market.
Things still seem fairly bright and sunny in my neck of the woods, but I have around 5 years of experience, which seems to fall in the range people want.
Depends on area. Here in Nashville area, there are FAR more positions available than talent. So the business are basically having to really put out to fill positions they need.
Compared to 3.5 years ago... I would say it is a lot better market now. Especially with LinkedIn becoming mainstream now...
The market is very hot right now. I get multiple emails and calls every day from recruiters that "have my resume on file" and I haven't given my resume out for 5 years.

You're probably doing something wrong.

Once you have 3 years of experience recruiters will jump all over you. Entry level positions seem like they are always hard to find. Also some places consider 3 years experience to be a senior developer, so don't automatically discount those roles.
Definitely depends on the market. Here in the Philly area openings have plummeted in just the past year. But I think that's more because businesses are leaving the region in droves since the environment is insanely hostile to business. NYC, on the other hand, is really hot right now.
Very hot in my field of expertise, we are always hiring and have very hard time finding talent.

(Company I work for, has very very high hiring standards for developers)
Software engineering is probably the hottest job market around. If you haven't found many jobs being advertised I don't know what to say.. where are you maybe? If you aren't getting much interest in your resume, then that's different but it sounded like you were not finding jobs you were interested in.
May need to relocate to a geographical "hotspot" for CS/SE stuff, OP.

In Dallas (where i'm at) / Austin it's mad crazy. There's jobs, jobs, and more jobs for for developers and engineers. Entry level, experienced, senior level - companies cannot fill their positions around here.