localhost@localdomain ?

Well the [email protected] string means your local computer's name. When you see that name, it means you are using the default name. Yes you can change that, depending on your distro, you can do so in the Network configuration program (for instance in RH9, FC1, FC2, and possibly others: neat or redhat-config-network (RH9, FC1) or system-config-network (FC2)).
or try
echo <machine's name> > /etc/hostname 
echo <domain name> > /etc/dnsdomainname
on the command line. At least that's how it's done in Gentoo.
It's /etc/hosts file

Code: name

Just substitute the IP and name for your own values.
Diffie said:
It's /etc/hosts file

Code: name

Just substitute the IP and name for your own values.
Errr... in hosts you can simply add to your already existing localhost string:
Code:  <your name>   localhost   localhost.localdomain
guys - no offence but I am all confused - everyone had a different answer and I could not follow any of them - How do I change this is my distro?
linux is linux is linux is linux. doesnt matter what distro you use IT IS STILL LINUX. All a distro is is a group op ppl that package programs together around the linux kernel

what you are wanting to change is your /etc/hosts file, the /etc/hostname and /etc/dnsdomainname


as to the IP query: you have two IP addresses when you are connected to the net. one is your internet IP so you can send/recieve TCP packets, and the other is an internal loopback IP. Your internet one might be static or dynamic.

You internal/loopback one will always be That is where you put and "alias" so it gives the comp with that IP that name

ie localhost carloswill.com

now when you login as say mahine_name

your BASH prompt (if your PS1 variable is configures such) should read:

[email protected]:

RH/MDK/SuSe/... all configure this fore you (as localhost@localdomain) by default. With Gentoo you have to build the system up from scratch and thus you are given alot of info (in the installation guide) of how and why you do it.

Have a read of this page to get an understanding. As I mentioned linux is linux is... so this is valid

Diffie said:
It's /etc/hosts file

Code: name

Just substitute the IP and name for your own values.

If you're using DHCP, just add a line into /etc/hosts that says:

Code: <hostname>

Then, in your /etc/sysconfig/network file:


Note: These instructions work for FC2.
The easy answer for FC2 would be to use the neat or system-config-network programs (they're the same, actually) and under DNS you one section called host name, type there the name you want for your computer et voilà, it couldn't get any easier!!