Looking for GPU Editors for HardOCP

Heck, I'd do it.

I could always take some vacation time from work around major launches to do something like this...

...but I'm WELL outside your geographical area... :p
Good heavens! I'd have thought you'd have long since filled the position.
I'm also surprised that the position hasn't been filled yet.

If I had the time to commit to something like this I would apply.
I live like 30 minutes away from Chattanooga. I'm unemployed as of 3 weeks ago. APPLIED! :D This is nothing short of a dream job for me. I benchmark whatever GPUs I can afford in my basement all the time. Heck, I just spent like two days benching my old GTX 690 vs my new 980ti just a few weeks ago!
I wish. I don't live near there nor do i have enough of the required experience. I'm sure you will find someone to fit the bill though.
Chattanooga area? Check.
Gaming and video card experience? Check.
Writing skillz? Check.
Time to take on something new? Not even close.

I feel the same way! In in Cleveland TN and wish i had the time for this as it would be amazing. I guess finishing my thesis and studying for my CISSP cant be put on hold!!! or can it???
I would like to apply to be your reviewed component recycling person.

I will drive down once a month and pick up all the videocards, CPUs, motherboards, power supplies and other electronic goodies and then make sure they are given a good home and put to use.

Basically.... Will work for circuit boards. :D
Darn, I wish I met the regional requirements... but if in the future you need a person in the Osaka, Japan area, let me know.
What an amazing opportunity. I would jump on this in a heartbeat if I didn't live in north Idaho.

I hope you guys find a good individual for the position.
I sent an e-mail over to brent.

I'm located in the Huntsville, Al Region ( bout an hour away from Chattanooga), moving closer in the next few months (towards Fayetteville, TN).

I wouldn't mind helping you guys out. Not sure if I meet the location requirements, but if I do I will gladly provide a full resume. You might remember me from my old hardware site I used to run (www.inside-hardware.net)
I would like to apply to be your reviewed component recycling person.

I will drive down once a month and pick up all the videocards, CPUs, motherboards, power supplies and other electronic goodies and then make sure they are given a good home and put to use.

Basically.... Will work for circuit boards. :D

Can I apply to be in the VA branch?
That sucks that's you guys haven't filled this yet. With the number of people on here would think somebody would have applied and been a good fit. Guess the gpu team needs to move somewhere else haha
I live close enough to drive to brent's house easy lol...but all the other parts...nope:D
Thank you all for the people who have sent something in so far, I have gotten it, even if I have not replied. Keep em coming.
To clarify, we have expanded the search outward from Chattanooga, in all directions, think within a 2 hour drive of Chattanooga from any direction. The closer, the preferred, but we don't want to exclude any candidate in the area who is interested. When in doubt, send your resume and information via email anyway.

Lol.. 2 hour drive can be quite a difference.. Depends on who and what they are driving :). Had some college buddies back in the day who would take midnight runs from NoCal to SoCal... Averaging around 110mph... That's a 220 mile radius!

just sayin :)
That regional restriction sucks. I just set up a test bench to do some fun stuff with old parts. I would totally be up for the task (I even have time to spare). If your willing to extend to NY let me know :) Ill even pay for shipping ha :)
I live in VA. I would love this part time job but alas the region reqs lock me out.
I would totally be in for this. I currently dont have a job and this would be a great way to put my experience as a tier 2 tech to work, and gaming into a job.

I am in northern va so that takes me out of contention but i would be all over this if local.