Microsoft Strips Some Windows 7 Users of IE11 Patch Privileges


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
This seems to be the business paradigm of Microsoft lately. Updates used to be the decision of the end user, but Microsoft looks to want to control what you can do in that area also. The latest is no more security updates for Internet 11 on computers running Windows 7 unless the April update is first applied.

Nor will IE11 receive any future updates, security or otherwise, until that MS14-018 has been installed. Windows Update will not display the appropriate IE11 patches.
As long as the patch you installed is able to be uninstalled anytime you wish I don't see a problem. Just install that patch to get newer patches and remove the ones you don't.
I don't understand why ANY of these articles are considered news...

You can't update unless you update...
There may be technical issues. Think of what happened with the Windows 8.1 update, it was pretty bad, lots of people running into update problems. I wager many of them didn't install prior upgrades the 8.1 patch needed.
In this day and age I think it makes sense to go the route of some required updates. We're not any longer in a world where optional updates and any-to-any version patches make sense on consumer software.
That makes sense to me that you have this happen. If I am at 1.0.2 of a program and want to go to 1.0.7 there are a fee possible ways. The updater on its own applies 1.0.3, then 4 all the way up to 7. They assume that you have never updated anything and include every update since 1.0 or you are forced to update everything between on your own. Recently Microsoft is going more of the last one. At a certain point they start making you need a certain base level for updates.
People having to meet pre-requisite requirements for an update is not news.
I am running IE11 on Windows 7, but I don't know how tell whether this MS14-018 has been installed?

If it has not been installed, where can I get a copy of it, to install, so I will continue receiving Patches for IE11?
I am running IE11 on Windows 7, but I don't know how tell whether this MS14-018 has been installed?

If it has not been installed, where can I get a copy of it, to install, so I will continue receiving Patches for IE11?

If windows isn't telling you have any updates waiting then you are fine. MS is forcing security updates (primarily) and if you don't have prior ones installed they won't let you install newer ones until you installed all prior updates.

Unless you turned off auto update on windows then go to your ControlPanel and select Windows Update. I would also heavily suggest keeping it on auto update and setting it to apply the patches at 3am.
Good, force people to keep their dam OS updated.. what is the problem, OH thats right it is MS telling people to do this.

Sure Linux and OSX will do the same, you need to meet requirements....
Good, force people to keep their dam OS updated.. what is the problem, OH thats right it is MS telling people to do this.

Sure Linux and OSX will do the same, you need to meet requirements....

But that's the stupid part, they're not requiring you to update anything...if someone doesn't install updates they're not going to care about this requirement and if they do install updates then it's totally irrelevant...
There have always been prerequisite patches in Windows.. at least 95 on. If a certain update is not installed, newer updates that require that update to be installed will not install.

This is a non-news story.
I use Firefox and Chromium depending on whether I'm using Linux or Windows.
Being denied a patch for something I only use for updates....
Well don't bother me none.
But that's the stupid part, they're not requiring you to update anything...if someone doesn't install updates they're not going to care about this requirement and if they do install updates then it's totally irrelevant...

What he means is that they are forcing you to take all updates and not just trying to skip some.

But yes it is still stupid. I don't understand why there is so much "news" about Microsoft starting to require certain levels of service packs or update rollups or whatever you want to call them in order to get new updates. As you said if you stay up to date you won't care. This is really only going to be an issue for a select few that have valid reason for needing to test updates before installing them and there could be some reason they haven't approved a more major update yet and thus might be having to wait on a few more minor ones till they get the major ones deployed first. But really this should be a non issue because as you said for most it is either you install all updates and this won't effect you, or you install no updates and so this won't effect you.
We put the patch in your update so you can patch your update. Oh, wait....
Is this... really a new story about an IE patch having a prerequisite patch?

There are plenty of patches with prerequisites. Why is this instance news-worthy? :confused:
It's not just here. Lately there has been a bizarre and concerted effort among the tech news sites to portray patch prerequisites as some nefarious scheme on the part of Microsoft to "strip" us of our rights and "priveleges."

Click bait.
This is really only going to be an issue for a select few that have valid reason for needing to test updates before installing them and there could be some reason they haven't approved a more major update yet and thus might be having to wait on a few more minor ones till they get the major ones deployed first. .

LOL "A select few". Only every mid to large size corporation and enterprise. Always easy to spot people that have never actually worked in I.T. but think that their experience building a gaming PC qualifies them uniquely.

And these days companies are more leery than ever when it comes to Microsoft's updates. The Windows 8.1 updates bricking machines for example caused a full stop when it came to blindly trusting MS updates going forward.
It's not just here. Lately there has been a bizarre and concerted effort among the tech news sites to portray patch prerequisites as some nefarious scheme on the part of Microsoft to "strip" us of our rights and "priveleges."

Click bait.

As long as the patch you installed is able to be uninstalled anytime you wish I don't see a problem. Just install that patch to get newer patches and remove the ones you don't.

I wish I had that problem. I'm stuck using IE 9 on my (home) laptop because, for some reason, IE 10 and IE 11 both fail during the installation process. I can get the OS updates, but IE itself won't install, and doesn't tell me exactly what I need to do to get it to install. I do have IE 11 on my desktop.

I'm running Win 7 Professional 64bit, so you'd think that it would install fine. No virii, no malware, no anything negative on the system. Just won't install on my system, and I can't get useful support from Microsoft on it (and yes, it's a legal system; Microsoft sent me the OS Disk Image themselves while I was working on my PhD).
I don't understand why ANY of these articles are considered news...

You can't update unless you update...

Yes, it used to be that people would simply update and didn't have to be told why...they knew it was in their best interests, and it's free, so what's not to like? I think these articles are written by people looking for something to gripe about, even free and continuous updates....crazy...
Perhaps MS have included something in this mysterious update that turns Windows 7 into Windows 8 lol :D
I don't understand why ANY of these articles are considered news...

You can't update unless you update...
It's because Micro$oft $trips $ome user$ of their $olemn right$ and privilege$.

Yeah, it's all clickbait nonsense. Like Hurrin said,
It's not just here. Lately there has been a bizarre and concerted effort among the tech news sites to portray patch prerequisites as some nefarious scheme on the part of Microsoft to "strip" us of our rights and "priveleges."
It's just the current trend among tech bloggers to engage in incoherent hysterics about MS and their operating system. Bizarre OS politics are enveloping the Internet, it's like the mid to late 90's again.

I blame Gabe Newells statements about Windows 8, and the crowds of bloggers and gamers who mindlessly ate that shit up.
Man if only there was some other web browser than IE11 to make this a moot point. Nope, can't think of any. :D