My issue is back and I'm stumped


Pumpkin Ghost
Apr 24, 2005
So I post a thread a while back here, and thought I had fix the issue...

Well after a Windows update a week or so ago, it's back, and I don't know how to fix it. It does not matter if I shutdown my computer via the power button, start screen, or right clicking the start menu and selecting "shutdown" (I have Windows 8.1). When I turn my machine back on after being fully, and gracefully shutdown it is only seeing, and reporting 24 of my 32GB of RAM. To fix the problem I simply restart my machine so it sees all 32GB again. Having to immediately restart my computer after every time it's powered off is annoying, and should never need to be done.

I have let mtmtest86 run over night, I have set Prime95 to use ALL available RAM and let that run overnight. Neither test reported any issues, and the system, when powered on is rock solid, it's just this strange boot issue. I have tried both XMP profiles; even manually setting the timing and voltages. Nothing seems to work. HELP!
Test one sim at a time. Boot windows with one sim at a time. It can be time consuming but sometimes it is the only way to verify that you have a bad sim or not. Also test the slots on the motherboard by putting 1 sim in different slots at a time. Also as others have noted do you have the latest bios?
Are you still using the XMP profile? If so, set all the timings and voltages manually to what they are set to automatically. - Edit: didn't see in the first post where you said you tried this, but I would do it anyway just to lower the number of things that could be causing issues.

This goes for all voltages in the BIOS.

You may need to raise the IMC voltage slightly as well.

I have also seen where the XMP profile is not quite compatible with the system. You may need to test by adjusting each timing one by one, including sub-timings.
Okay so I finally got the BIOS updated... I downloaded the wrong file like an idiot. I suffered from the PICNIC error. Anyway, we will see if this fixes the memory reporting issue.
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I had this issue with 4x4gb tracers, ended up being bad ram and it passed all tests. Corrupted my BIOS, had to reflash after rma'ing my ram. No problems since. This was when the set used to be in my MVG/3770k pc.
I had this issue with 4x4gb tracers, ended up being bad ram and it passed all tests. Corrupted my BIOS, had to reflash after rma'ing my ram. No problems since. This was when the set used to be in my MVG/3770k pc.

This is helpful because it's driving me nuts, my system is rock solid when in use, and all previous experience has taught me that bad RAM = unstable system. In this case that doesn't seem to be true.

Here is an interesting one. This morning I woke up and powered my system on, after restarting it three (3) times it was still reporting 24GB. Usually a reboot does the trick; not today. I look in my BIOS and the RAM in banks D1 and D2 were showing as "N/A". So I powered the system down and swapped the two ticks of ram in the D1/D2 banks with the sticks in the A1/A2 banks. Powered the system up and... drum roll please... it's reporting all 32GB again! :mad:

If it were the RAM then when I swapped the two sticks, the A1/A2 banks should have shown as N/A, if it were the motherboard then the same D1/D2 banks should have still shown N/A. WTF?:confused:
Possible short in the D1/D2 banks? Have you tried cleaning the contacts and what not in the slots?
When I rearranged it'd show up, it all would show up if I lowered the frequency too. Then eventually it'd disappear again. Sometimes it'd fail to boot, it degenerated pretty quickly..
When I rearranged it'd show up, it all would show up if I lowered the frequency too. Then eventually it'd disappear again. Sometimes it'd fail to boot, it degenerated pretty quickly..

Yeah I've marked the sticks, so I can follow them. I will get new RAM this week.
it may well be a bit of an intermittent pair of DIMMS that may work one moment and not the next perhaps? it may well even be a mix of problems, hopefully though it's not a mix and just the one, one problem is bad enough let along more, good luck in fixing it :)
Okay so it seems it IS my motherboard. The two sticks I moved yesterday are still in the A1/A2 slots, this morning on a cold boot it was reporting the D1/D2 slots as N/A in the BIOS. So it has to be the motherboard. If it were the sticks then A1/A2 should have shown as N/A. Looks like I get to try and have it replaced now.
Okay so it seems it IS my motherboard. The two sticks I moved yesterday are still in the A1/A2 slots, this morning on a cold boot it was reporting the D1/D2 slots as N/A in the BIOS. So it has to be the motherboard. If it were the sticks then A1/A2 should have shown as N/A. Looks like I get to try and have it replaced now.

hopefully it can be sorted out without too much effort, still not great though in either case.
Did you make sure your onboard GPU is disabled? If its enabled, it will not show all your ram as available at times.