newbie VBA problem


Aug 2, 2002
Hi - as a test of an idea I was working on - I tried making a simple pounds <> kilograms converter. I had a feeling it was gonna have a problem though - and I was right.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target = Range("H4") Then
        Range("I4").Value = Range("H4").Value * 2.20462262
        Range("A2").Value = Range("A2").Value + 1 'demonstrating problem
    ElseIf Target = Range("I4") Then
        Range("H4").Value = Range("I4").Value / 2.20462262
        Range("A3").Value = Range("A3").Value + 1 'demonstrating problem
    End If
End Sub

So - the idea is that when you changed the value of one cell, it'd write in the appropriate amount in the other cell. Problem is - that Excel then registers this is a change, so runs the script again. Creating a loop. You can see I put loop counters in A2 and A3 - and they increment by about 100 each time I change a value. How do I fix this?

Sorry - I am more of a C guy.


PS is there an equivalent to C's += operator in VBA? I couldn't find one.
OK - I came up with something else that seems to *mostly* solve the problem:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
    Static PreviousCell As Range
    If PreviousCell = Range("H4") Then
        Range("I4").Value = Range("H4").Value * 2.20462262
    ElseIf PreviousCell = Range("I4") Then
        Range("H4").Value = Range("I4").Value / 2.20462262
    End If
    Set PreviousCell = Target
End Sub

Thing is - it only works most of the time - for some reason, sometimes it seems to get confused about what the last cell was or something. I don't get it. Any ideas?
Your second code snippet seems to work for me with Excel 2007 with all service packs.

Make sure you are using the latest service pack for your Excel.

If I could reproduce the problem, I could probably help you :)