Next Best mouse to buy?

Cyraxx said:
So im in the market for a new mouse for my gaming needs. ;)

Currently on a Logitech G7, ready to give up the whole wireless thing (that and its old and worn).

But anyways, I have a few choices, looking for some advice and help on what would be my best option. I have never owned a razer and have heard both good and bad, but it looks like they tend to work to make a good product. But anyways, heres what I feel my choices are.

Current Logitech: G5 - Looks like an awesome mouse, 600+ Reviews on newegg and its wired and excellent. But 600 reviews also means its old...which brings the next point...

Next Logitech: I havent heard about the next logitech, but the current best Logitech for gaming has over 600 reviews, that and I dont want to be dissapointed when my mouse is no longer as good :p

Current Razer: Razer Copperheads and such look great too, the reviews are pretty mixed, but I would be willing to give them a shot.

Next Razer: Took a look at the DeathAdder from Razers site, and I dont quite see the differences (havent seen a review yet either), but it looks damn good overall. Heres a link:

So anyways, if you guys have any advice one way or another, it would be appreciated. Your opinion matters!

Dude , I was in the same boat as you, came from a G7 and just "upgraded" to the G5
the G5 is a whole new story I highly recommend it you should buy without thinking its good specially the grip

good luck

and btw the G7 sucks ass
matt fury said:
ball mouse? Jesus Christ. Do you still use a monochrome display, too? :eek:

You know what is really funny? Have you been around long enough to remember the mouse technology that preceeded the ball mouse? IT WAS OPTICAL, lol.

Talk about the mouse wheel... it keeps on turning.

I use a g7, it is flawless in terms of functionality. The battery life appears to be getting shorter, but isn't a big deal since I can change the batteries on the fly, blindfolded in less than 5 seconds.

I would switch to trackball before going back to a tethered mouse.
EvilNando said:
and btw the G7 sucks ass

Remember this?

EvilNando said:
Ive got a G7 and it owns

its just the best mouse Ive ever had..

it is better than the mx1000

battery life is not a problem since u can swap them .. just make sure u have the other one charging

Lol, kind of funny.
the best mouse i ever used was the mx300. it was simple, felt right, and worked great. i wish they were still out there.

i would get the g3 but i don't like the side buttons
damonposey said:
the best mouse i ever used was the mx300. it was simple, felt right, and worked great. i wish they were still out there.

i would get the g3 but i don't like the side buttons

Whats so hard about disabling the side buttons? Set the DPI to 800 and you have an MX300 clone.
I love my G5. It is better than my razer diamondback, MS Laser 6000, my mx515. Great feel and lacking one button has yet to affect me.
Pipo said:
Whats so hard about disabling the side buttons? Set the DPI to 800 and you have an MX300 clone.

try disabling them using your feet, its really hard.

but seriously, the fact that they are there and push in with my grip just makes it less comfortable than an mx300.
n3g471v3 d3c1b3l said:

I got lucky and found a lot sale on Ebay of 4 MX510's for 19.99 + 6 bucks for delivery.All were retail box and mint.I won the auction for 27 bucks back in Oct 06 :) I love it,and
have extras when it dies.
WickedWeasel said:
I'm also looking for a new mouse. So far, it looks like it may be the MS 6000 laser mainly because it has the best center wheel with the detents. The feel of the center wheel is just right. It has a DPI of 800.

Right now, I'm leaning towards the MS 6000 because the higher DPI might be more useful on a 22in or 26in LCD monitor.

I have a MS Wireless Laser 6000 (used on a Ratpad). I use it to play CS:S. It's a really nice mouse and performs well. You can also nudge the center wheel to the right and left for horizontal scolling.

But I've always had a thing for MS mice. :D

If you want high DPI tho, Razer is where it's at with mice at up to 2000 DPI.

well... so I was in CompUSA, you know.. out and about and thought, "I should just make sure it's still there".. yeah, that's the ticket.. and I can always get another case of Bawls, right?.. wewt! while making a first pass around the peripherals area I stopped to "feel" the meeses... just for shits and grins.. and they finally had a Habu.. and I really liked the way it sat in my hand, or my hand sat on it? Just like my trusty IME3.0 at work.. so I decided to give it a try.. (over the G7 I have been gaming with for a while now)..

First thing, the drivers are shitty.. I followed the directions on the razer site and once I got everything done and I thought I was in the clear, I rebooted and I could never get the mouse to be seen by the drivers. again.. so I started searching for fixes and read this is an issue with these mice.. great! I returned my last razer mouse because the drivers were crappy.. same issue also, wouldn't detect the mouse sometimes.. anyways, I see not much has changed. But I was determined to get this working because I fell in love with the feel of it.. So, I did get it all working finally, but this what I had to do:

--> uninstalled all Habu software..(which is just the driver pack)

--> installed the 2.01 drivers from Razers site from a clean slate.

--> said YES to the windows warning about non WHQL drivers

--> then said NO to the reboot now option and went into the firmware folder (part of the driver pack) and installed the new firmware!! (with /no/ reboot).

--> after the firmware is successfully installed, it tells you to unplug and re-plug the Habu.. do that, /then/ reboot.

NOTE: It's very important to not reboot before attempting the firmware update because the OS and the drivers see the mouse ONLY after the driver install but after a reboot with the old firmware the mouse was never detectable by the drivers again.. it was very frustrating! anyways.. it seems any of the Habu/Razer drivers will only detect a mouse after a reboot with 2.01 firmware installed. My mouse had 1.0 firmware..

I as I said, and the more I use it the more I love the feel of the Habu.. so much like the old IME 3.0 which I still adore.. the only mouse which really just felt like a key in a lock with my hand. The buttons click is awesome and the wheel is PERFECT (resistance for up/down and depress center). The side (thumb) buttons come with an alternate panel which has the two buttons more out of the way.. I have yet to try it but that's a nice extra.. the mouse tracking is spot on! very precise and very smooth.. me likey!

I hope this helps some people who are thinking about this mouse!
i bought a logitech g5 mouse,after 2 hours of gaming its back in its original box and going back to the store,10-11 years of MP FPS gaming i allways go back to the mouseman wheel mouse (mouse ball+cord).

i give up way to much accuracy+controll for an optical mouse,its prolly just me tho,but since i lift my mouse and use mainly low sense i get totaly handicaped with an optical mouse that is that sensitivity to slight movement.

luckly i bought 5 of these babys when i heard logitech would stop making em back in 2000 :)
eastvillager said:
As many have mentioned, you don't have to charge a G7. :p
Swapping batteries/changing packs/whatever. The last thing I want to do after spending 50-$100 on a mouse is worry about swapping out battery packs.
it's not too bad.. one pack would last me several days with lots of gaming... I thought it was going to be worse than it was but that was not a big deal at all for me in the end.. I am still using my G7 on my util rig and like it's reponsiveness MUCH better over the 610 I was using on this machine.. the 610 had a major lag issue..
I just bought an Intellimouse 3.0. When I first started using it, I thought it would be going back. It felt way too light (compared to my MX518), and the scroll wheel was just as bad as people were talking about.

I put an el-cheepo Staples mousepad underneath it (first time I've used one in a few years) and now most of my complaints are gone. It feels a lot better than the MX518 (no more forcing my ring and pinky finger in that "compartment" on the right side), and the weight makes it glide easier with my mousepad (which I'll probably upgrade to a SteelPad QcK+). The scroll wheel is still horrible though (Logitech seems to have gotten that right, although the wheels on their newer mice seem to harder to press).
B. W. said:
I just bought an Intellimouse 3.0. When I first started using it, I thought it would be going back. It felt way too light (compared to my MX518), and the scroll wheel was just as bad as people were talking about.

I put an el-cheepo Staples mousepad underneath it (first time I've used one in a few years) and now most of my complaints are gone. It feels a lot better than the MX518 (no more forcing my ring and pinky finger in that "compartment" on the right side), and the weight makes it glide easier with my mousepad (which I'll probably upgrade to a SteelPad QcK+). The scroll wheel is still horrible though (Logitech seems to have gotten that right, although the wheels on their newer mice seem to harder to press).

Dude, you're totally right on the mousewheel. I like how it presses in, but HATE how it scrolls. Feels clunky and sometimes catches and doesn't scroll.

Check out the link I posted earlier or look for my thread in General Hardware. I have pics of that QcK in action.
Nuvian said:
i give up way to much accuracy+controll for an optical mouse,its prolly just me tho,but since i lift my mouse and use mainly low sense i get totaly handicaped with an optical mouse that is that sensitivity to slight movement.

This was one of the reasons I hated switching over to optical. Razer is releasing the Death Adder which supposedly gets rid of the lift problems. I can't wait to try it.
if you like your g7 you will like the g5. The only difference is the cord and the texture. The g7 has a smooth top while the g5 has a.....well.....not smooth top. IDK how to describe it. It's not super smooth like the g7 but its not super rough either.
I've tried the Logitech MX1000, MX Revolution and G7. I got rid of them all. The MX mice were too heavy and killed my wrist. The G7s poor ergonomics, short battery life and lack of a second thumb button finally got the best of me. I did manage to use it for a year, though.

I just switched to a Razer Copperhead and i've never been happier. I like light, highly sensitive mice and the Razer Copperhead fills that bill quite nicely.
Swapping batteries/changing packs/whatever. The last thing I want to do after spending 50-$100 on a mouse is worry about swapping out battery packs.

...and you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Have you ever swapped a battery on a G7? Ever? I seriously doubt it. The process is trivial. Unless you're uber and never ever die or sit at a loading screen, you'll have ample time to switch the battery packs, it is a one-button push affair on the charger and the mouse.

So yeah, you have to spend a few seconds swapping a battery now and then. In my book, that is much less annoying than dragging around a mouse cord for all of eternity.
MX518 all the way it is the best mouse I have ever used. Ive used the old razer boomslangs and recently bought a copperhead and it was so good i returned it the next day. Its mainly personal preference, i couldnt stand the side buttons on the razer i do like the rubber coating on the buttons.
I just picked up a Razer Diamondback for $50 from Compusa. I came from a MX510 and I will NEVER look back, NEVER buy a different brand and never thought I would be this happy with the performance of a mouse lol.

P.s. I have a Ratpad coming in the mail (hopefully soon, I ordered 2 of them on monday). I cant wait to feel the combo.
I just pre-ordered a Razer Death Adder as they come out this month. I've been buying Razer mice since the first Boomslang and I'm a sucker for them.

I did get an intellimouse explorer at one point and it felt like someone had just handed me a brick.
I'd really love to know why some people think an optical is better then laser...

Unless you've been using wireless laser mice for years now, and then went to optical, in which case, you suck :D

Seriously, can someone give valid scientific reasons why an optical would be better then laser?

EDIT: The only thing I'm finding is that optical data storage has two photons, and laser has one. Does this apply to mice as well?

Is this why an optical mouse would move better then a laser mouse? It's not as quick, but given two photons, it can transmit data quicker, so it's smoother?
I'd really love to know why some people think an optical is better then laser...

Unless you've been using wireless laser mice for years now, and then went to optical, in which case, you suck :D

Seriously, can someone give valid scientific reasons why an optical would be better then laser?

EDIT: The only thing I'm finding is that optical data storage has two photons, and laser has one. Does this apply to mice as well?

Is this why an optical mouse would move better then a laser mouse? It's not as quick, but given two photons, it can transmit data quicker, so it's smoother?

Laser skips with big, fast motions at low sensitivity. Laser is good for high sensitivity though.

I am going crazy waiting for the Death Adder.
...and you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Have you ever swapped a battery on a G7? Ever? I seriously doubt it. The process is trivial. Unless you're uber and never ever die or sit at a loading screen, you'll have ample time to switch the battery packs, it is a one-button push affair on the charger and the mouse.

So yeah, you have to spend a few seconds swapping a battery now and then. In my book, that is much less annoying than dragging around a mouse cord for all of eternity.

You're not going to convince me, stop posting. It's a personal preference. It's an opinion, just like every other post in this thread. Let it go....
IMO, the G5 on sale right now at Best Buy is an excellent deal. I don't care much for the weights or shit, but it's a great general use mouse, and kicks ass in Starcraft and Battlefield 2 when necessary.

2000dpi mode is insane though. :)
well, I thought I would be the last person to say this, but I am totally hooked on my Habu. It's feel in my hand and smooth tracking really hit a home run for me for long gaming sessions. I even like the software panel a bit now.. yay for that.
i bought a logitech g5 mouse,after 2 hours of gaming its back in its original box and going back to the store,

Same here -- that mouse is hideous. The side-tilting scrollwheel makes pressing mouse3 some kind of dexterity test. I returned mine after 2 days.

People who use wireless mouses aren't serious and can't be taken serious as PC gamers -- they're closer to the stereotypical "modern techno-lifestyle" people who you see in commercials and on the advertising pages and on the front cover of hardware boxes -- idiots interested in "cool", "style", and "lifestyle" and hardly enthusiasts. Of course there are exceptions, but in terms of gaming, there are not.

I just bought this after about 6 months with the mx518:

I don't understand the love for the mx518 and I never will. The thing weighs a metric ton, and its chasis goes against ergonomic function. Depending on which way you are moving the mouse, it won't stay firmly in your palm like the MS IE 3.0, but will slide around between your fingers that grasp it.

For gamers who think they're getting some kind of improvement with the super-high DPI, consider the many CPL CS and other FPS players who use the MS IE 3.0, despite the vast range of gamer-centric mice, like the razors. Just do a bit of googling and you'll see how few actual professional gamers use one of the razers, or one of the laser-powered logitechs.

The mouse really is bad compared to the MS IE 3.0. I used the shit out of that mouse since I first got it in 2003, and 2 of them died on me. I'm endlessly grateful MS re-released them.

Can't wait for this to come in the mail, I've got my 2 dead MS IE 3.0's in the closet so I can test for similarity/improvement.
I have to disagree on wireless mice. I've used corded mice and for myself i don't really notice too much of a difference between them. After running over the cords on my past few mice or the cat chewing on the cords, i've learned to appreciate the wireless ones. But that's just me tho... :p
Same here -- that mouse is hideous. The side-tilting scrollwheel makes pressing mouse3 some kind of dexterity test. I returned mine after 2 days.

People who use wireless mouses aren't serious and can't be taken serious as PC gamers -- they're closer to the stereotypical "modern techno-lifestyle" people who you see in commercials and on the advertising pages and on the front cover of hardware boxes -- idiots interested in "cool", "style", and "lifestyle" and hardly enthusiasts. Of course there are exceptions, but in terms of gaming, there are not.

I just bought this after about 6 months with the mx518:

I don't understand the love for the mx518 and I never will. The thing weighs a metric ton, and its chasis goes against ergonomic function. Depending on which way you are moving the mouse, it won't stay firmly in your palm like the MS IE 3.0, but will slide around between your fingers that grasp it.

For gamers who think they're getting some kind of improvement with the super-high DPI, consider the many CPL CS and other FPS players who use the MS IE 3.0, despite the vast range of gamer-centric mice, like the razors. Just do a bit of googling and you'll see how few actual professional gamers use one of the razers, or one of the laser-powered logitechs.

back when i played TFC and CS (betas) a LOT i used the boomslang 2000 and absolutly loved it. it was worth every penny, even though i wore it out after 2 years. over other ball mice and the early opticals at the time, the boomslang was superior by far. compared against current optrical mice, i cant say for certain if high dps laser/opticals are better than "basic" optial mice... but then again i was never good enough for competition gaming

i currently use a mx510 and if i were to upgrade i'd probably get a mx518 or g5. i really like the 2 thumb buttons, but i find i only use the 1 for FPS games while the 2nd one i use for more desktop/rpg/stragety games.
People who use wireless mouses aren't serious and can't be taken serious as PC gamers -- they're closer to the stereotypical "modern techno-lifestyle" people who you see in commercials and on the advertising pages and on the front cover of hardware boxes -- idiots interested in "cool", "style", and "lifestyle" and hardly enthusiasts. Of course there are exceptions, but in terms of gaming, there are not.

Then does that mean that people who use LCD monitors aren't serious PC gamers? Cuz CRT's are by far faster then LCDs.
MX518 ftw!

Really, the adjustable DPI is really handy, and you don't have to do surgery on it like in the MX510 to remove the metal slug weight inside.