NV owns ATI (but we dont know that, do we?)

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Got to say LanPirate1 you made me laugh, nice observation on the similarities of the two cards. fan boys are so sad, reading through this thread is funny and really shows how peoples anger prevents them from seing the true point.

There has indeed been alot of talk and rumor concerning a take over of ATi by nVidia and if ATi keep releasing their products late and and with a lack of innovation then thats what we may end up seeing, which will really suck as it hurts the consumers.
spy_kitty to LanPirate1 said:
you confuse and frighten us.
there's this wonderful thing called lurking, you should, you know, look into it.

LanPirate, I love your theory about how Nvidia secretly owns ATI. Like, wouldn't the investors be surprised! :eek:
How do we know that ATI doesn't own nvidia????They are just trying to confuse us by making it seem like nvidia is the dominant part of the SAME company by releasing the g70 line months before the r5xx series gpu from ATI... when in reality ATI is controlling nvidia... its all so obvious, how could you people not get it???? ;)
LanPirate1 said:
You know what? I am sorry for this post everyone, truly sorry. I was just re-directing the angst of a young university student for some friday fun. I'll go back to my late 30's, overweight, male pattern baldness existence. See you in the 3dmark score threads!
Based on the Star Wars references, let me guess...Engineering?

And based on the theory...I'm guessing it's not a school anybody's heard of.
To everyone who flamed in this thread, consider yourselves warned.
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