Official Dell 2407WFP Thread - Reviews, Revisions, Screenies

Isaacav2 said:
I have a question about Dells Warrentee. Can I buy the 2407 new from a vendor off Ebay and still be able to send it back to dell if I need a differant one? Where is the best place to buy the 2407? Thanks.

How do you think my system will handle CS:S at 1920x1200 :D
This is what I've heard. As long as you can get the order # and the user's member ID, you should not have a problem getting the warranty transferred to you.
Shocky said:
But Daggah, it is visible in everyday use. stop posting this defensive crap, yes you like your monitor.. good for you.. but it has serious issues. fact.. :mad:

Of course, to a troll like you, it's "defensive crap." But oddly enough, you fail to bring any evidence of it being "visible in everyday use" to the table. Meanwhile, I have yet to witness any banding whatsoever in normal use - DVDs, gaming, browsing the 'net, random computer tasks...all = no banding visible. But next we'll hear that I don't actually own this monitor, right? :rolleyes: After all, I'm sure it would make sense for me to be using a 7950GX2 with my old 19" LCD, right?

One picture, Shocky. Go ahead. ONE picture with banding visible in a game or movie. I dare ya.

Now, my complaint about this monitor after having owned it for a few weeks now is that I'm really not happy with the black levels. Can I deal? Yeah. But it is a bit annoying. :(
thenixhex311 said:
the 'it's fine' to 'it still has issues' people ratio is still waaaay too off.

End of story, the monitor is NOT fixed. And even if you think the banding is ok. What about component quality? Put all those inputs on a display only to have them HORRIBLE!
You guys need to get a life and troll some other threads.
Daggah said:
Of course, to a troll like you, it's "defensive crap." But oddly enough, you fail to bring any evidence of it being "visible in everyday use" to the table. Meanwhile, I have yet to witness any banding whatsoever in normal use - DVDs, gaming, browsing the 'net, random computer tasks...all = no banding visible. But next we'll hear that I don't actually own this monitor, right? :rolleyes: After all, I'm sure it would make sense for me to be using a 7950GX2 with my old 19" LCD, right?

One picture, Shocky. Go ahead. ONE picture with banding visible in a game or movie. I dare ya.

Now, my complaint about this monitor after having owned it for a few weeks now is that I'm really not happy with the black levels. Can I deal? Yeah. But it is a bit annoying. :(

I'm a little confused, if your monitor doesnt suffer with banding how can you comment on how noticable it is in everyday use if you've never seen it unless of course your monitor does suffer with banding...

Anyway, dell are shipping faulty A02's, theres a high chance buyers will get faulty monitors still and it is noticable in desktop use and A02's that suffer with banding.. Yes desktop use is everyday use..

Some people seem to notice it more then others but the fault is still there..

My 2407's have all been returned and I've been refunded.. :D

Also, please read though this thread if your looking to buy a 2407

That sites background (top of page) also has some obvious vertical banding according to people in the thread which is visible on the 2407.
Oh, you got your refund? Surely you'll stop trolling any thread that mentions the 2407 right?


And for the record, even if the monitor DOES exhibit some small remnant of the original still doesn't effect every day use no matter what the trolls say.
If you can see it thats bad enough for everyday use as it can get....

its like one of those I have obsessive compulsive disorder type things....

hey Daggah can you comment on how those black levels compare to other panels?? I have a 2005 right now...and an old nec syncmaster 18
Only other panel I've ever had was the Imagequest/Hyundai L90D+ that was never known for having good black levels. Seems about the same as the L90D+ if I look at it critically but I never really noticed it on the L90D+.
Daggah said:
Oh, you got your refund? Surely you'll stop trolling any thread that mentions the 2407 right?


And for the record, even if the monitor DOES exhibit some small remnant of the original still doesn't effect every day use no matter what the trolls say.

But it does effect everyday use, maybe it doesnt effect you but allot of people are getting refunds due to this, clearly it is visable in desktop use or we wouldnt be returning it..Why can't you understand that or at least achknowledge there is a an issue with the screen.

But I hope people realise from your petty insults and name calling your not somebody who should be taken seriously.
Daggah said:
Oh, you got your refund? Surely you'll stop trolling any thread that mentions the 2407 right?


And for the record, even if the monitor DOES exhibit some small remnant of the original still doesn't effect every day use no matter what the trolls say.

If you can see it it does effect everyday use, is that so hard to understand?

Why should I stop posting regarding the 2407? I did use 5 of them for over a month so i've got more experience with them then you have. :eek:
I agree with Shocky I had these same arguments when I had my 2007fp with banding and it does show up in everyday use if you know what to look for and the more frustrating part is you then don't know if the banding is your monitor or the source material.

People who argued with me one day would often be back a few days later complaining about banding once they saw it in some real world application.

It has shown up in usage in games/web pages/images/movies.

Why accept this? Fine if you can live with it, but don't call someone a troll for pointing out a real issue.

The more complaints the more likely there will be another better fix that will benefit everyone.
so is the good one of these to get the A02 rev?

ok - read up on this a bit.. seems it's hit and miss for these... I think i will save my $$ for the LG 26" panel.
So where are the pictures of banding that's visible in every day use? Why is it that all the pictures of banding are test images of gradients that don't apply to normal every-day scenes? What, some compressed JPEG on some website forum shows banding? Hmm. Guess I'll go turn my monitor in for a refund tomorrow then. Yeah, go ahead and call me out for insulting Shocky, when you don't know the full story behind it. Look at his posting record; he jumps at any chances to bash Dell. I'm no Dell fan either but I understand that the 2407 is the BEST 24" at its price point - there is NO competition for it whatsoever, in fact, at its price point.

Oh...and one other thing. Where's the evidence to support the assertion that a "lot" of people are returning their monitors to Dell for refunds? Hmm?

Now...back to the real I am sick and tired of dealing with the trolls. I had a better opportunity to test the component input as I just picked up my XBOX 360 Premium. I turned ACC off in the service menu and my verdict is that the IQ is "okay." Not great, but not horrible like the bashers would have you believe. I haven't tried with ACC on though; I see no reason to. I'm still going to pick up the VGA cable though.
Daggah said:
I had a better opportunity to test the component input as I just picked up my XBOX 360 Premium. I turned ACC off in the service menu and my verdict is that the IQ is "okay." Not great, but not horrible like the bashers would have you believe. I haven't tried with ACC on though; I see no reason to. I'm still going to pick up the VGA cable though.

fuck! Thanks for testing it out Daggah!

Care to be more specific regarding the OKAYness of the component? Perhaps with a picture or something like that? Whats wrong with it the sharpness the color or the saturation?
Can't post pictures right now; I have no internet in my room and I'm browsing from work. The USAF is really, REALLY shitty about blocking just about everything. :mad:

I say it's "okay" because playing games on my 360 through component on the monitor looks acceptable to me but I don't honestly know how valid my opinion is. This is the first display I've had that is capable of component input and I really don't have anything to compare it to. Main thing I've noticed is that there's a bit of color "bleeding" on the X360's menu/dashboard in the lower right-hand corner where it has the colored buttons...the visual representation of the A button has some color bleed. And in Project Gotham Racing (my only 360 game at the moment - Dead Rising, DoA4, and Kameo are on the way), I've noticed some aliasing and texture filtering problems but I don't know if that's the 360's fault or the display's. I'm playing with 720p (progressive > interlaced, correct?) as opposed to 1080i but as far as I know, PGR is 720p only anyway.

It isn't "horrible" in my opinion, but I'm still going to pick up the VGA cable.
thanks for the i just have to wait for some people to buy the benq so i have a litmus test for comparison....
ACC in the factory menu doesnt effect anything, it certainly doesnt effect banding.

So where are the pictures of banding that's visible in every day use? Why is it that all the pictures of banding are test images of gradients that don't apply to normal every-day scenes? What, some compressed JPEG on some website forum shows banding? Hmm. Guess I'll go turn my monitor in for a refund tomorrow then

That website was just an example as it was the same website the forum was on, and there’s nothing wrong with the image itself, I'm currently using a 244T and there’s no banding at all on that page or any other using this. Also tried it using a VX922 and still no visible banding and that’s a 6bit panel.

As for people getting refunds, I know two people personally who have bought it and returned it and I read allot of forums, and most people seem to be returning them. Some are sticking it out in hope of a fixed version.. You’re the only person I’ve encountered that defends it so blindly to this extent.. Other users who are satisfied at least acknowledge there is a problem and don’t go around trying to persuade others its not noticeable..
Did the first 2405fpw's have all the issues? If they did then I guess by the time we get the A06 2407wfp revisions everything will be good...

Does the 2407 allow 1:1 scaling over DVI? Like if you have a 1080p signal over DVI?
Daisama said:
Did the first 2405fpw's have all the issues? If they did then I guess by the time we get the A06 2407wfp revisions everything will be good...

Does the 2407 allow 1:1 scaling over DVI? Like if you have a 1080p signal over DVI?
The only issue I remember my 2405fpw having was that it was insanely bright even at 0%. It was so bright that it gave me headaches to use it even in a bright room and I had to return it. My eyes seem to be very sensitive to light though. If it wasn't for that, the 4 stuck pixels, and that the left/right brightness uniformity (which was much worse than on my 2407wfp, but I probably had a dud since it was shockingly bad) I would've kept it.
Daisama said:
Did the first 2405fpw's have all the issues? If they did then I guess by the time we get the A06 2407wfp revisions everything will be good...

Does the 2407 allow 1:1 scaling over DVI? Like if you have a 1080p signal over DVI?

Not the same issues no, chris from dell forums claims there are no plans for an A03 right now so it might be while before they release another revision even though they kinda need to with current issues..

Yes it does allow scalling but only at 1280*1024 and lower, if you have an nvidia card your better off using the scalling options in the drivers. that way you can scale 1600*1200... I've heard it doesnt work with ati's software for some reason..
So all this fussing over the banding and such... Now, I'm a gamer. I also watch the occasional anime here and there on the PC. Are the majority of these complaints only going to bother a major AV entusiast that can see every possible fault of the color spectrum a montior can have? I just want a good widescreen flatpanel, and this one sounded like a good deal. Unless it's extremely noticeable, I suspect I won't notice the flaw even if it IS present.

So is it that extremely noticeable of a flaw with the banding?

When you say component HD stuff looks terrible, is it still better looking than say... using regular S-Video on my TV for games? Honestly, I spend most of my time playing one MMORPG or another, so the console hookup & occasional movie is just bonus.
Doki said:
So all this fussing over the banding and such... Now, I'm a gamer. I also watch the occasional anime here and there on the PC. Are the majority of these complaints only going to bother a major AV entusiast that can see every possible fault of the color spectrum a montior can have? I just want a good widescreen flatpanel, and this one sounded like a good deal. Unless it's extremely noticeable, I suspect I won't notice the flaw even if it IS present.

So is it that extremely noticeable of a flaw with the banding?

When you say component HD stuff looks terrible, is it still better looking than say... using regular S-Video on my TV for games? Honestly, I spend most of my time playing one MMORPG or another, so the console hookup & occasional movie is just bonus.

Depends, when I was playing prey on my 2407 some of the fog/lighting effects looked like they were in 16bit, not like this on my 244T .. So if you know what to look for yes you will notice it in games and even some animated movies.. Shrek, Over the hedge etc... otherwise.. no it shouldnt bother you too much..

I'm not recommending the 244T btw, the input lag is awful and I definately wont be keeping it for long..... New Benq 24" is looking good.. ;)
haha holy shit you are right... i wonder if this same darkening effect holds for all component sources...such as an HDTV box...
Do you think the next revision will be made by around November? If not, if I get the warranty will I be able to replace it when it does come out?
Daggah said:
So where are the pictures of banding that's visible in every day use? Why is it that all the pictures of banding are test images of gradients that don't apply to normal every-day scenes? What, some compressed JPEG on some website forum shows banding? Hmm. Guess I'll go turn my monitor in for a refund tomorrow then. Yeah, go ahead and call me out for insulting Shocky, when you don't know the full story behind it. Look at his posting record; he jumps at any chances to bash Dell. I'm no Dell fan either but I understand that the 2407 is the BEST 24" at its price point - there is NO competition for it whatsoever, in fact, at its price point.

Oh...and one other thing. Where's the evidence to support the assertion that a "lot" of people are returning their monitors to Dell for refunds? Hmm?

This is what i see.....banding would only be notice by the people that read on this forum. Now for the folks that buy their monitor without even knowing/reading these threads, I AM SURE THEY ARE HAPPY WITH THEIR MONITOR and don't even know the word banding even if it does exist on their monitor. With all this negative reviews on the this monitor, I am still wondering why its still rated #1 by major computer mags..hmmm...perhaps they don't know what banding is? So that's my point...banding is not a big problem unless you want it to or just wanna jump the bandwagon....
I am going to purchase this moniter tonight probably does anyone know one thing...........

If i order one of these from Dell themselves are they only sending out the new A02 revision? or am i running a chance of geting an A00 or A01?

Ivetried there live chat and no one knows....does any of you know?
They should only be shipping A02, but it wouldnt really matter if you received A01, all they did was adjust the colour which you can do yourself... Both sufer with vertical banding..
For the people that still worries about the banding and such, according to Maximum PC the problems don't really affect real world apps. They even ranked the Dell #1 of all the 24" out there right now. They used it for their "Dream Machine" of the month.
But what about this image:

Sigh....I hope they fix it....
The blurry text issue is definitely fixed as of A02. Probably A01, but I know for sure it isn't a problem on the A02.
I bought one of these yesterday reluctantly after having bought the first of the 2005FPW's a while back. I went through 3 of those before just sending them all back for a complete refund. Those had some of the worst backlight bleeding and dead pixel problems as I have ever seen. Anyways I am gonna give Dell one more shot. I was in the market for a new monitor at long last and if this thing turns out to be good I will have gotten a great deal. I only paid $703 for the 2407FPW and that is a sweet ass deal. Anyways wish me luck!
I'm debating if I should pick up the 2407 from Costco online since I can return to the B&M stores without hassle if there are problems. However does the 6 month computer policy apply to Dell LCD monitors????
I just got the A02 of this and I love it. There is a bit of backlight on the left sides of the monitor but I can take it. About all that banding issues, I don't notice anything. No dead pixels. So glad I got this monitor. A+ :)
So I disregarded most of the advice in this thread and ordered a 2407 from Dell. It arrived yesterday and I'll admit that there are color issues, but it's not a huge problem for me. I have a single dead pixel on the lower left hand side, about 3" up & 2" from the left edge. Honestly, with the way I use my screen I rarely see the thing. For the rest of you that have ordered this monitor... Should I just live with it? What are the odds I would receive a 'perfect' panel if I chose to exchange the thing?

I had a 'lazy' pixel on my 2000FP that started working correctly after a few days, but this one appears to be stuck for good.
aws6000 said:
So I disregarded most of the advice in this thread and ordered a 2407 from Dell. It arrived yesterday and I'll admit that there are color issues, but it's not a huge problem for me. I have a single dead pixel on the lower left hand side, about 3" up & 2" from the left edge. Honestly, with the way I use my screen I rarely see the thing. For the rest of you that have ordered this monitor... Should I just live with it? What are the odds I would receive a 'perfect' panel if I chose to exchange the thing?

I had a 'lazy' pixel on my 2000FP that started working correctly after a few days, but this one appears to be stuck for good.

I would exchange it for the pixel alone. The banding probably won't go away though but if you can live with that then I'd keep it, otherwise return it.
Does anyone else notice that the left side of their panel is brighter than the right? I think Im getting that on mine or it might just be the backlight on the left side. :confused:
I actuall believe my A02 is slightly brighter on the left side than the right side but I honestly did not notice at all until I saw people talking about it on here. I looked for it then I noticed it but just normally using the monitor is perfect :)
xplosivex said:
I would exchange it for the pixel alone. The banding probably won't go away though but if you can live with that then I'd keep it, otherwise return it.

I know that the color issues won't be resolved. I simply don't know if it's worth the effort to return for a single bad pixel. I assume I will need to pay return shipping costs. I'm just wondering what my odds aree of every receiving a display without bad pixels. Decisions, decisions...
My two 2407WFP's (A02)



supported by Neo Flex Vesa arms.


PS Buying some cable tidy's for under the desk tomorrow ;)