Official Dell 2407WFP Thread - Reviews, Revisions, Screenies

How come on my A02 I can do 1:1 with 720p > VGA > xBox 360, yet 1080p with the same set-up is stretched?

I had always thought that the A02 doesn't do 1:1 in any resolution and with any input.
I'll add to that. How come your parents make you have your computer in the living room?

they don't make me, i chose to have it here. otherwise it's in my basement with the thick carpet and the cat living quarters...saves me from cleaning out the inside of my case every week. my brother has taken over my room while i've been at school so i can't go there...little punk
they don't make me, i chose to have it here. otherwise it's in my basement with the thick carpet and the cat living quarters...saves me from cleaning out the inside of my case every week. my brother has taken over my room while i've been at school so i can't go there...little punk

Haha.. a crowded house is always fun. :)
For people that got in on this deal recently, what which panels are you getting? From what I've read, it seems like Dell uses either the HN213 or HN208L6 for the REV A04. It's hotly debated, but some claim the HN208L6 panel is an S-IPS one, while the HN213 is S-PVA like the others. HN213 was also used in the older A03 revision.

I just got my monitor a few days ago. It's made in Mexico REV A04, which you can see from the label on the box. On the back of the monitor, there's a label that says it's manufactured in April 2007. I got the HN213 panel and am noticing some problems. The colors seem oversaturated and no matter how I fiddle with the color settings, I can't seem to get it to look right compared to my old LCD. It's so bad that I get a headache and eyestrain after looking at the screen for a few minutes. The issues are most noticeable when watching movies. Skin tones that should be a beige or tan color appear like a reddish-purplish color. The images also have lots of green and reddish 'splotches' in them rather than smooth color tones. I did run some test patterns and individual color gradients look okay, so I don't think there is a banding issue, just oversaturation or something I can't quite explain in words. The weird thing is when I'm looking at the Windows desktop, the screen looks overly blue, yet when playing video files, skin tones are more red and purple along with the general red and green 'splotches'.

I'm wondering if anyone else here has seen similar problems? My panel doesn't have any dead pixels, which is nice, but I'm wondering if I got a defective display? Should I try getting it exchanged, or do I need 'professional' color calibration?

Do people with the HN208L6 panel have the same issues? If the HN208L6 panel really is a S-IPS panel, then it should have better color reproduction and viewing angles, but of course, there's no guarantee I'd get one if I exchanged. I'm just curious what others got to see if the current April 2007 production run was HN213 panels or perhaps mixture of both types, meaning I might still have a chance to get the HN208L6 panel. Thanks in advance for any comments.

I can confirm that the HN208L6 is not a S-IPS. The direct (perpendicular) viewing of the monitor produces color shift (darkening) in the center of view, despite the purple tinge at certain angles.

I ended up requesting an exchange for my HN208L6. When I lowered the brightness, as the white level was too intense, over VGA there was horrid flicker and smearing of the lowest visible gradient levels for any color, though it was greatly reduced when connected over DVI only the flickering was perceptible at the lowest visible level. It took me a while to find this defect, as I had started with the monitor connected over DVI.

The replacement I received was a HN213. It was noticeably different, when I first went to test for the previous defect, the tinge in dark screens appeared to be red. (I forgot where I got the notion of referring to LCD contrast as white level, am I correct in this correlation?) When connected over VGA, at all modifications to brightness and contrast I could not reproduce the flicker and smear that I noticed on my original panel.

The intensity of brightness was at a more comfortable level with this panel. But, even after adjusting the settings I could not get black anywhere near black. Its a strange contradiction the intensity was not eye straining, but even at zero level settings the back light made black too bright.

Another flaw I could not get past, which only seemed to be enhanced by the bad back lighting, was the cloudy appearance of the panel itself. With a completely blank screen there was a peculiar malformation to the uniformity of lighting. Somewhat splotchy inconsistency in lighting levels, like the texture of crumpled paper that was flattened back to its original size but still had the texture from all the crumples.

Though for sometime I was pleased with the overall image quality, my obsession with having near to perfect qualities overtook me. I have thus returned my replacement and opted for a full refund.

Hi Fearrun,

Thanks for the reply. Sorry to hear that you ended up returning the monitor... :( I had some time to play around with mine tonight, and I found some color settings that are a little better than before, but still not great. I also got around to just painting a full screen black to white gradient (rather than the small strips from the checkmon utility), and I notice a lot of color banding. Gray tones appear shifted toward red and green along various points in the gradient, so you see a sort of striped pattern. Even in the checkmon utility for coarse gradient levels, within each sub-block the gray level would appear shifted toward green on one edge and red on the other.

I think this is what I'm noticing when I'm watching videos. What should be smooth color gradations appear splotchy green and red. It's particularly noticeable in scenes with lots of muted color with highlights. It's really bad on skin tones. The end result is an image that looks like old color movie film from the 50s (that's the best I can describe it).
Mine is a REV A04 HN213. I believe Fearrun's was also REV04 since the HN208L6 panel was said to only have been used starting with A04. I can only assume his HN213 replacement was also A04, although HN213 has been used with A03 and A04. I'd imagine that any recent orders should all be A04 now.

I've also noticed something else weird that might be related to my image quality issues. With ClearType turned on, characters with diagonals at a certain angle, like 'W' also exhibit large red/green fringing for black text on white background. I know ClearType uses sub-pixel control to get the smoothing effect, so that might be what I'm seeing here, but never have I noticed it this bad on any LCD screen I've used before. Small fonts are also particularly 'blurred' by this red/green fringing. When I stare really closely at the W, I don't really see any blackness to it at all. It's just made up of the various sub-pixels giving it the colored appearance. Maybe there's something wrong with the pitch or alignment of the sub-pixels in my screen that could cause the color banding and fringing that I'm seeing? Anyone else have any similar experiences?
what revision is your screen?

Yes they were both Rev A04 manufactured April 2007 in Mexico.


I noticed almost no banding with custom settings for RGB all set to 100 (this also tends to evenly balance RGB a bit better than the standard setting), the intensity will increase at the upper end and you may lose the ability to see the difference between those levels. For the HN213, while connected over DVI 40 brightness was ideal as I could discern all levels at the low end. I was able to go down to 30 and only lost about 4 levels above black.

So I did some more experimenting with my 2407 Rev A04 HN213 today and found out something interesting. I have some videos encoded in xvid and when I change the color space option from the default of 'no force' to RGB32, the colors look much more natural and the reddish/purple/green hues and tints seem much less obtrusive than before. Skin tones look a little better now. I'm not too familiar with color spaces and all that, but does this monitor have an issue with YUV material? This might explain why the Windows desktop and monitor test patterns as well as images look just fine, but the color in video files looks all wrong. Unfortunately, I also have some mpeg2 HDTV files I captured off of my cable box, and those have the same issue. I couldn't find any option in my mpeg2 decoder to change the color space. I did some reading and one site claimed all video codecs use YUV natively, so could this be my problem? Do others see similar issues? Thanks.
i still have problems with using DVI. once in awhile i get dots scattering on black and white photos. but when switched to VGA they dont appear at all.. problems are only persisting on DVI mode. not all the time just here and there.

Also on DVI using lower resolutions, i get constant red lines and green. im currently using VGA. people have told me its the Video card. but havnt tried it out on a new GPU yet.

damn you DVI..damn you..

on the positive note. no dead pixels. I do love this monitor with a passion. a bit of lag when it comes to playing counterstrike.. hardly noticable. but i can tell its there ;)
has the release date for the 2407-HC been announced yet??

Also curious here - anything been said officially?

I'm also interested in these LED-LCDs Samsung has been touting; I wonder if we'll eventually see them in Dell LCDs...
officially = no

the manual has been removed from thier site

on thier forums one staffer (in a different department) stated it could be a case where they are trying to diminish stock of the current 2407's before they bring it out.

*hates playing the waiting game* *sigh*

I'm also interested in these LED-LCDs Samsung has been touting; I wonder if we'll eventually see them in Dell LCDs...

looks like Apple are going full steam ahead with the LE monitors, and some comments that they many end up in macbook pros shortly
mine is an A04 May 2007 manufacture. how can i tell what panel it is?
ahhhhh!!! must get this monitor early next year since I am getting a 2900XT in July this year :D
Hi East,

You can tell what kind of panel you have by going into the service menu. To do this:

1) Make sure the monitor is powered OFF.
2) Hold down the '+' and 'menu' buttons, and while holding those down, push and hold the power button until the monitor comes on.
3) Release all three buttons and push the '-' button.

You should see the service menu appear with your firmware version (presumed?) and panel type. Rev A04's so far are only HN213 or HN208L6. Also, where was your panel made? It should say on the box or on the back of the panel.
ahhhhh!!! must get this monitor early next year since I am getting a 2900XT in July this year :D

By then the 2408 will be out and should hopefully have no banding and 1:1 mapping problems. Also, 24" LCD prices should drop.
i am hoping those problems will be fixed inthe 2407HC

does anyone think that they would be fixed in that model, or if those problems are just part of the 2407 regardless of new gamut revison.
Hi East,

You can tell what kind of panel you have by going into the service menu. To do this:

1) Make sure the monitor is powered OFF.
2) Hold down the '+' and 'menu' buttons, and while holding those down, push and hold the power button until the monitor comes on.
3) Release all three buttons and push the '-' button.

You should see the service menu appear with your firmware version (presumed?) and panel type. Rev A04's so far are only HN213 or HN208L6. Also, where was your panel made? It should say on the box or on the back of the panel.

i have the HN208L6 and mine was made in mexico
Mine is a REV A04 HN213. I believe Fearrun's was also REV04 since the HN208L6 panel was said to only have been used starting with A04. I can only assume his HN213 replacement was also A04, although HN213 has been used with A03 and A04. I'd imagine that any recent orders should all be A04 now.

Hello all...I've been throught MOST of the last few pages of this thread, trying to keep up, but I remain confused.

I'm gettin' ready to pull the trigger on a 2407 and hope (like any new buyer) it's ok. From this post above, is the HN213 the more desired panel? Is the reason the 2407's are cheap (650 OTD) because they are manufacturing with bogus panals (ala Samsung). I would imagine (since it's almost 6/2007) that I would get a A04. Would/Does any of this matter to ANYONE besides videophiles?

Dell seems willing to make exchanges...should I if I have x or y revision or panel? How can I test for dead pixals?

I'll be using the 2407 for gaming and DVD watching off my computer through DVI. (No HDDVD, PS or Xbox (yet))

Sorry..I'm new to the whole LCD technology thing...please help me understand and please use noob-speak as I don't know much of the lingo just yet. hehe.
.Pulled the trigger on the Dell...

Got a good deal at $599 out the door, w/5 year warranty...

How can I tell if they screwed me with a bogus panel.
By then the 2408 will be out and should hopefully have no banding and 1:1 mapping problems. Also, 24" LCD prices should drop.

As far as I can tell, these issues are resolved now with the 2407. At least I don't notice them in my PC gaming/360 gaming.
Anyone getting tearing on component when using PIP?

What are you running on the component? I was getting tearing near the bottom of the screen on my 360 over VGA that got worse with PIP, and it had to do with using the expanded reference level. Setting it to intermediate or standard on the 360 resolved the issue.
A friend of mine recently got his 2407 and says it has a plastic coating on the screen or something which causes glare.. is this normal??
A friend of mine recently got his 2407 and says it has a plastic coating on the screen or something which causes glare.. is this normal??

Well it comes with a plastic wrap on the screen, but you are suppose to remove that. It is not a glossy finish screen if that is what you mean.
Thanks for the reply!. Yeah - I meant to edit my post.. I searched for glare and found a plethora of posts.. I think he's talking about the plastic coating which I think is supposed to mask out or lessen the effect of bad/stuck pixels.. I told him to give it a week and see if he can live with it.
I want to purchase this awesome monitor, however, I need some help on how I can get a good as deal as you! Wow, you sure scored on that monitor for $599 and a 5 year warranty.

Kudos to you! :cool:

How can I get a good deal like this? :rolleyes:

.Pulled the trigger on the Dell...

Got a good deal at $599 out the door, w/5 year warranty...

How can I tell if they screwed me with a bogus panel.
Can you play games in 1680x1050 ? In the manual, list of supported resolutions it doesn't include 1680x1050.

I want to purchase this awesome monitor, however, I need some help on how I can get a good as deal as you! Wow, you sure scored on that monitor for $599 and a 5 year warranty.

Kudos to you! :cool:

How can I get a good deal like this? :rolleyes:

Well I failed to mention one part of it...I had a $50 coupon. Dell pissed me of and sent me a refurbed SATA HD on warranty after mine died after only 2 years...I ranted and raved and to shut me up, they gave me a code for $50 off at the Dell site. So really the price, and what should be YOUR price was, $650 w/5yr warranty.

When I ordered they had a free shipping special...$35 off. They warranty was $49 bucks, so basically I got the warranty for free. If I went with the standard 3 year warranty...I could have gotten out the door for $550...

BTW it just arrived today...hehe....

Rev A04 Made in Mexico....

I probably won't get if outta the box for a few more weeks...I still need to buy my E6600,cooler,mobo and 8800GTX...and build.

That thousand bones is a bitter pill. (heavy sigh)

I've got my case, psu, RAM, keyboard, mouse....

It's coming...kinda slow...but it's coming...the mobo is the toughest part...not sure I trust the 680i.
Sometimes I notice red flickering dots on my screen while using DVI.

I ran Dead pixel buddy. So for a fact they are not Dead pixels.Since none were shown

I have not tried another Graphics card. Which im willing to believe its my Graphics card.

But Anyone know the cause of this for happening?
Is there a way to get the monitor to sleep connected to a macbook? When I try to sleep it, it displays "no vga cable" box
that is sleeping isn't it

it forces it to sleep, but no longer sending signals. i tcan't control the monitor to go to sleep, just stop sending signals to the monitor.
Well I mean I didn't have this issue with other monitors prior, it's just that the orange light doesn't turn on when it would have with my old one
Can you play games in 1680x1050 ? In the manual, list of supported resolutions it doesn't include 1680x1050.


depends on the game i think. i'm running all kinds of different resolutions for games like bf2 that wont natively support 1920x1200...i'm lazy about getting the fix
Well I failed to mention one part of it...I had a $50 coupon. Dell pissed me of and sent me a refurbed SATA HD on warranty after mine died after only 2 years...I ranted and raved and to shut me up, they gave me a code for $50 off at the Dell site.


"After only two years.." Give me a break - you're fortunate that you received anything.

I love it. "Give me what I want now... waaaaaahh waaaah". People like you cost other consumers money in the long run.