Official: Diablo 3 is Coming!

Why does it have to be Diablo? Weakest game series of all Blizzard games in my opinion. I guess they are bored and felt the need to make it (if this is even true).
This thread needs to be edited to remove the "Official" from the title. Seriously.
how about officially not diablo 3?

how about officially not diablo 3?


That's not the same character, the nose piece is to blunt on yours. To be honest, it looks a little like Magneto. I know it's not, but the helmet design looks similar. I took another look at where that image came from. Yeah I'm sorry to say it looks like it's the Lich King. I'd be the first to take some time off work to play Diablo 3 (provided it's not an MMO) if it were coming out, but I'm sad now, because I don't think that's what it is.

Does anyone know what the new runes are?


Honestly, I think Blizzard should do World of DiabloCraft. just as a parody game and make it free or something, like Mythos, I think it'd be funny.
Just for reference. The five runes ARE in the shape of a pentagon.

Also, Diablo is already a hybrid-MMO. It has all the features minus the persistent world. It is basically a huge, instanced, MMO. It has a persistent economy and persistent characters that can interact with other characters in the same 'instance' freely.

Keep that in mind when you say they should make a Diablo MMO. How many fans and players would feel ripped off at that kind of cash-cow scheme when the game is already a basic MMO/
Just for reference. The five runes ARE in the shape of a pentagon.

Also, Diablo is already a hybrid-MMO. It has all the features minus the persistent world. It is basically a huge, instanced, MMO. It has a persistent economy and persistent characters that can interact with other characters in the same 'instance' freely.

Keep that in mind when you say they should make a Diablo MMO. How many fans and players would feel ripped off at that kind of cash-cow scheme when the game is already a basic MMO/

I'm sorry I didn't mean to mis-represent. I want them to keep the feel of the original 2 games. A deep and meaningful single player world and the option to go online and experience the same thing with other people, hell it could even be a different world online, that might be interesting.

They could even offer free and paid versions of the online content. The paid version could have the different world and the free version could just do the single player world. I'd be OK with that. Hell I might even pay to see the new world.

However, I don't think they should give the paid players extra items, or if they do, not allow them in the free world. (edit: the characters, not the players)

This is all contingent on this actually being Diablo 3 though.
D2 had an OK storyline, where it's at tho is PVP. 1.09 was nice cuz you could you char to level 90 in like 30 min. 1.10/1.11 were nice cuz the PvP was simply amazing, I miss my PVP chars :(
Here's the big announcement

1. a release date for Starcraft 2
2. announcement that diablo 3 is in the works
They could even offer free and paid versions of the online content. The paid version could have the different world and the free version could just do the single player world. I'd be OK with that. Hell I might even pay to see the new world

No, no, no, no, NO!

I hope they learned that that is a TERRIBLE solution from HG:L, as it is the worst of both worlds. Paying for sub-par content that should be free is ludicrous.
No, no, no, no, NO!

I hope they learned that that is a TERRIBLE solution from HG:L, as it is the worst of both worlds. Paying for sub-par content that should be free is ludicrous.

shoulda woulda coulda, the fact is it's not. I agree that online content for largely single player games should be free, the fact is, most of the time it's not, and when it is, it usually stinks. hell, I can't even think of an example because I don't care about online play, I personally know everyone I like to game with, so we do a LAN.

Now, not to hijack, but what was so wrong with HG:L that's got everyone bashing it, other than repetitive level design and monsters, an underdeveloped story and to limited voice acting? I know that's enough, because I just bought it (for 20$) and I'm already bored of it, but it wasn't that bad. Those minor tweaks could have saved the game and made it a great.
Now, not to hijack, but what was so wrong with HG:L that's got everyone bashing it, other than repetitive level design and monsters, an underdeveloped story and to limited voice acting? I know that's enough, because I just bought it (for 20$) and I'm already bored of it, but it wasn't that bad. Those minor tweaks could have saved the game and made it a great.

It attempted to make you pay for content that should have been free. Item limitations, multiplayer options, etc.

From wikipedia:
Lastly, elite subscriber-only items are dropped for all players, however they are only useable by subscribed players. This is part of a widely criticized in game advertising system for the subscription service.

I simply will not buy something like that, much less for $10 a month.
It attempted to make you pay for content that should have been free. Item limitation, multiplayer, etc.

From wikipedia:
Lastly, elite subscriber-only items are dropped for all players, however they are only useable by subscribed players. This is part of a widely criticized in game advertising system for the subscription service.

I simply will not buy something like that, much less for $10 a month.

People really hated paying for extra content that much? Well then, f that idea. What if the paid and free worlds were separate and couldn't interact? Would you guys still hate it?
Yeah I've seen those pics on quite a few other forums now. Definitely looks like the Roman numeral III at the bottom.

I can't see them going the HG:L route for their online as it was an epic failure, so they will either have it free like the earlier games or go the MMO route and charge for it. My money is on them charging for it, so Diablo 3 being an MMO wouldn't surprise me.

They may still go the Bnet route and eat the online costs by launching their 'Next-Gen MMO' but I think that is less likely.
It looks like a WOTLK announcement to me...

How could it be the "announcement"? A screenshot and trailer been on their website for months now.

If this turns out to be something that they have already announced, I'm done with Blizz's mind games.
How could it be the "announcement"? A screenshot and trailer been on their website for months now.

If this turns out to be something that they have already announced, I'm done with Blizz's mind games.

Probably going to announce a release date amongst other things. Blizzard has done this in the past and it always turns out to be something that every one already knows about.
Why would they announce this now?

They've got wow, and there supposed to be working on SC2?

doesn't make sense for them to anounce it before SC2 is released.

But, whatever, I want a diablo3.
Probably going to announce a release date amongst other things. Blizzard has done this in the past and it always turns out to be something that every one already knows about.


Blizzard has never changed their homepage for something they already announced, infact they never bothered to do that for expansions either (Frozen Throne, LOD, Burning Crusade, Brood War).
People really hated paying for extra content that much? Well then, f that idea. What if the paid and free worlds were separate and couldn't interact? Would you guys still hate it?

Just like with so called micro-payments, the value of what you get for the amount you pay is so much less than with the "normal" business model that has been in place, and is just an excuse for developers to release unfinished product for normal prices and then skim extra off the top to actually provide a finished game.
The more I look at their stock pictures, (on their website) the more it look like a protoss.

Im thinking it's hype for SC2... Doesnt make sense tho
Compare the ice on the blizzard teaser + the helment design (above the eyes) to this page:

It's clearly a WoW expansion advert.

Pic comparison -->

Clearly? Far from it.

The giveaway that it's NOT for WoW is the middle of the "brow". Does not match at all (you would at least be able to see the bottom of the little crystal in the helmet), unless they changed the design of the helmet.

I agree the eyes pretty much match, but it's the brow that gets me to think otherwise.

I really do think that's Diablo we're looking at.
LOL, I'm sure Blizzard is laughing at all these comparison shots the community is doing to prove its Diablo 3. I can see them tomorrow laughing at the stage and going "Were sorry guys but its not Diablo 3."