Path of Exile

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Nice. Taking my low life EK totem to cata and lunaris :D. I need to try spark one of these days but EK crit freeze is just too clutch.
Nice, I was waiting for this patch to come out. I took a break awhile back because I wasn't getting many map drops and it was starting to become a hassle finding people to run maps with. These new zone levels should be fun. Catacombs and Lunaris should be good farm spots now!
Yup, gaining 0.8% leech is big, I've been leveling a qual lightning warp in hopes it would be buffed, and I'll probably be respecc'ing a tiny bit to get the buffed node in the witch tree.
Yup, gaining 0.8% leech is big, I've been leveling a qual lightning warp in hopes it would be buffed, and I'll probably be respecc'ing a tiny bit to get the buffed node in the witch tree.

I should already have that node. I wonder if they will leave my passives alone or offer me a respec.
I like the changes to that node. I might have to find a way to pick it up now!

Also i'm curious--when was the last time any of you found an upgrade for yourself?

Because i don't find shit, i pick up whites and craft them... but that hasn't netted me anything yet either lol

I really want a Platinum Kris (80% implicit global crit) to roll:
+cold damage
+spell crit
+spell damage
+crit damage
+chaos resist
+mana regen

what do you think the chances of that are? less than .00001%? lol
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I've found or crafted 99% of every gear upgrade I've ever had in PoE. I bought a Rathpith off lilbabycat, and I've traded for currency and an item here and there, but almost always I'm getting my own upgrades. Recently upgraded my shield (right before Rathpith), wand, hat and belt. I've found all of my build specific uniques, too.

You're going to have to give up some of your dps gear for defensive gear at some point. I think you're looking too much for late end game stuff and possibly overlooking things that would upgrade you now.
I've found or crafted 99% of every gear upgrade I've ever had in PoE. I bought a Rathpith off lilbabycat, and I've traded for currency and an item here and there, but almost always I'm getting my own upgrades. Recently upgraded my shield (right before Rathpith), wand, hat and belt. I've found all of my build specific uniques, too.
I'm the same way, I've just been in a serious drought lately. The only item i purchased is my boots (+1 to curse).

You're going to have to give up some of your dps gear for defensive gear at some point. I think you're looking too much for late end game stuff and possibly overlooking things that would upgrade you now.

I don't really think this is the problem. Most of my gear only has 2-3 mods i'm actually using, the rest is shit.

Hell my gloves give me 80 life and 13 MF. That's all i use them for. They're even only 3-linked. But i still have yet to see a better pair drop, and i'm constantly running maps now.

Still wearing my 4-linked ilvl 48 chest. Why? because it has HP and tri-resists. My helm, while 4-linked, only gives me chaos resist and HP.

I did 7 maps last night. I vendored 7 inventories full of pure rubbish. Not even one item was like, "eh maybe?" nope, all 100% shitty-shit shit.

alright i'm done ranting. lol
Helms are the tough spot for me. Mine is pretty low ES, but has 75hp, dual res with decent chaos and high rarity. Getting helms with chaos has been a pain. Gloves are also a big pain. Often the hybrid versions have more ES than the pure ES gloves I see drop.
I accidentally gave a guy a divine instead of a chaos in a trade. That will teach me not to have half a dozen trades going at once :p
So, how am I doing here. I just "finished the campaign" for the first time (beat Piety and went back to the beginning of the game). I'm having fun, not having too much trouble on the easy difficulty setting, but I haven't had a grand strategy in this build as I don't really know what I'm doing.

I've got a focus on axes and swords and a bunch of points dumped into dual wielding skills. I use lots of "cleave" and "dual strike", both with a "life gain on hit" modifier. And fire trap, I love fire traps, maybe just out of principal. Anything a duelist with a love of dual wielding ought to be looking for? Any skills or weapons that work better than others for my strategies?
So, how am I doing here. I just "finished the campaign" for the first time (beat Piety and went back to the beginning of the game). I'm having fun, not having too much trouble on the easy difficulty setting, but I haven't had a grand strategy in this build as I don't really know what I'm doing.

I've got a focus on axes and swords and a bunch of points dumped into dual wielding skills. I use lots of "cleave" and "dual strike", both with a "life gain on hit" modifier. And fire trap, I love fire traps, maybe just out of principal. Anything a duelist with a love of dual wielding ought to be looking for? Any skills or weapons that work better than others for my strategies?

Since it is your first character just have fun and play what you like without worrying about the second or third play through. In some ways the "normal" difficulty is most fun as you can be creative without being gimped.

You'll find yourself making a new character pretty soon when the first one runs into a cruel brick wall and can't progress. Your second character may run into merciless brick wall and you'll be making a third character. By that time you'll have much more experience and knowledge in creating a sustainable character.

You'll want to specialize in only one type of weapon/armor - certainly not both axes and swords.. There are tons of build threads in the POE forums that go into great detail.
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Anyone played the new patch yet? I just got off work and loaded up the game and it's patching right now. Curious how the difficulty level is with these new zone levels.
So, how am I doing here. I just "finished the campaign" for the first time (beat Piety and went back to the beginning of the game). I'm having fun, not having too much trouble on the easy difficulty setting, but I haven't had a grand strategy in this build as I don't really know what I'm doing.

I've got a focus on axes and swords and a bunch of points dumped into dual wielding skills. I use lots of "cleave" and "dual strike", both with a "life gain on hit" modifier. And fire trap, I love fire traps, maybe just out of principal. Anything a duelist with a love of dual wielding ought to be looking for? Any skills or weapons that work better than others for my strategies?

As suggested, you should pick one kind of weapon as you need the other points for other more important nodes.

Another thing I would advice is that you need to have some health nodes too. In fact, I'd suggest getting a lot of health nodes for a melee character. So, for example, instead of taking the 2 str nodes to the left, you should instead take the Life regen > life > life nodes, then Master of Arena, and up to Armor. It does take more nodes instead of 2 str only, but ever single nodes you take here are more important and useful than the str nodes (you get 20 strength too from Master of Arena)

Anyway, have fun. I think part of the fun in this game is finding our way around the skill tree instead of outright copying someone else's build :p Just keep in mind the important ones you need such as +health and health regen as you make your own tree.
Anyone played the new patch yet? I just got off work and loaded up the game and it's patching right now. Curious how the difficulty level is with these new zone levels.

Lunaris+Piety is like doing a Baal Run now. Ran it several times with my RL bro+cousin last night, saw several map drops, usual variety of currency. The "titty-bitches" (high rof needle spam) killed us a few times (me in my 108quant/230rar gimped survival set, my bro just being lowbie noob), but overall it was smooth + fun. Piety is a joke, but to be safe we focused down the chilled portals, its really the only form of her that is a problem. The XP gain is much better than doing (low) maps as it's consistent, tight packs.

Catacombs feels different now, the scribes racks that are described in the patch notes weren't in every instance I cleared (did 4), and the ramp up of level for the mobs does make the undying with freezing pulse a bit rougher as well as tight packs of caster skellies. Overall, you gotta play it a bit safer than before when you first enter a big room, otherwise, clear and enjoy.
Catacombs felt like a good farm. I get about 10% xp per run at 76, and clear at fairly close to the same pace as I did pre-patch. I saw 2 scribe racks with one map each.

Overall, not bad.
As suggested, you should pick one kind of weapon as you need the other points for other more important nodes.

Another thing I would advice is that you need to have some health nodes too. In fact, I'd suggest getting a lot of health nodes for a melee character. So, for example, instead of taking the 2 str nodes to the left, you should instead take the Life regen > life > life nodes, then Master of Arena, and up to Armor. It does take more nodes instead of 2 str only, but ever single nodes you take here are more important and useful than the str nodes (you get 20 strength too from Master of Arena)

Anyway, have fun. I think part of the fun in this game is finding our way around the skill tree instead of outright copying someone else's build :p Just keep in mind the important ones you need such as +health and health regen as you make your own tree.

Thanks for the advice, it makes sense. Happily, I have enough re-spec points to, probably, get rid of all my ax skills and push those points into one of the "life" branches.

More tips are always appreciated.
Anyone played the new patch yet? I just got off work and loaded up the game and it's patching right now. Curious how the difficulty level is with these new zone levels.

I was farming catacombs last night. Its sweet having a better farm spot that's still easy and with better drops. I'm curious though what the benefit of a 66 map is over this higher level catacombs.
And adjustable modifiers. A 66 rare map can easily beat Catacombs for loot and xp, if the mods are right.

Speaking of which, should I be using alchs on my 66 maps and running them? Or will alting them and waiting for the right mods suffice?
Speaking of which, should I be using alchs on my 66 maps and running them? Or will alting them and waiting for the right mods suffice?

I'd save real currency for higher level maps. Alts and augs are fine for 66-68. I wouldnt alch anything below 69. You're better off buying a map pack from someone than wasting chisels and alchs on low level items.
Speaking of which, should I be using alchs on my 66 maps and running them? Or will alting them and waiting for the right mods suffice?

I chance Mountain Ledge and Vaal Pyramids to try to get the unique map, but thats only when i have excess...their drop rate seems to have been buffed along with the nerf to chance-to-chance more rare uniques like Koam's.
If anyone has a 350+ dmg 2hand mace laying around (# of sockets is irrelevant) I'd like to have it. Don't have much in high level currency, but I do have some gear that might be of interest.

Specially looking for the unqiue maul with 500+ dmg, but I hear that one is very rare.
So I wasted 60 alts last night before figuring out that pots have Prefixes and Suffixes :(

I really wanted a Surgeon's Flask of Saturated..ness lol
Ran Acton's Nightmare last night (with a few drinks in me, btw). My guaranteed unique was Rigvald's Charge (mid-level 2h sword), so I was a bit bummed from that. Of the rares I got, there was an "ok" magic find ring (36% rarity, 16% quant, 10% res all, plus another stat I forget) but otherwise junk.

Also have been getting more of the less-common uniques, got thousand ribbons (which sucks to see "simple robe" and it not be the 6L one), one of the new robes (has 25% chance to cast consecrated ground when you block), and something else I can't think of.

While mostly useless, I do enjoy collecting them, but I've had to make room and get rid of duplicates of others. Anyone interested in a Koam's Primacy? It's a decent 2H Axe. Dunno the going price but I'll give it away for 2GCP or whatever is fair.
Just started playing this game. Really liking it so far, but I am still apprehensive about the passive skill tree.

Going for a bow ranger/elemental for my first build.
Just started playing this game. Really liking it so far, but I am still apprehensive about the passive skill tree.

Going for a bow ranger/elemental for my first build.

I'm fairly new to the game too (as evidenced by my posts just above), but I just happened upon this build guide yesterday as I was trying to get a better grasp of the game. If you're looking at a ranger build, this might have some good tips to get you going.
Ran Acton's Nightmare last night (with a few drinks in me, btw). My guaranteed unique was Rigvald's Charge (mid-level 2h sword), so I was a bit bummed from that. Of the rares I got, there was an "ok" magic find ring (36% rarity, 16% quant, 10% res all, plus another stat I forget) but otherwise junk.

Also have been getting more of the less-common uniques, got thousand ribbons (which sucks to see "simple robe" and it not be the 6L one), one of the new robes (has 25% chance to cast consecrated ground when you block), and something else I can't think of.

While mostly useless, I do enjoy collecting them, but I've had to make room and get rid of duplicates of others. Anyone interested in a Koam's Primacy? It's a decent 2H Axe. Dunno the going price but I'll give it away for 2GCP or whatever is fair.

That map has a guaranteed unique?

It definitely gets old that low-level uniques drop in high level areas.
That map has a guaranteed unique?

It definitely gets old that low-level uniques drop in high level areas.

(I compare this game to d2 constantly)
That's how it was in d2. While quite upsetting I would feel weird if I got a guaranteed high level unique ( most of them are quite rare ) every time.
(I compare this game to d2 constantly)
That's how it was in d2. While quite upsetting I would feel weird if I got a guaranteed high level unique ( most of them are quite rare ) every time.

I'd feel differently i'm sure if i EVER saw a high-level unique. I have about 15 uniques now. Every single one is a low-level piece of shit.
Low level piece of shit uniques help make my build viable. In fact, I wear 2 low level uniques and 2 mid level. The really high level uniques tend to drop in 70+ maps. I've had probably 30 or so uniques drop since open beta launched, and only 4-5 were worth any real currency. The others either are great for lowbies, complement specific builds, or are items you make your build around.
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