Post a screenshot of your linux!


fresh install of fedora core 3! yay!

Here's mines... I probably posted already in this thread, but I recently reinstalled Gentoo. Much love for Gnome and also, Alessandra Ambrossio!

FreeBSD 5.3, KDE 3.3, Plastik/Glow. Plastik winamp/xmms - skin from here.
For the time being there's no fancy stuff, since I just finished compiling/installing the essentials. (For the curious, that's a mozilla compile discreetly placed to hide a few adresses.)
Some things haven't noticed that I switched from keramik to plastik yet, such as the widgets in that konsole window.

Hmm, 04:40. I ought to be sleeping
I like KDE.
Window decoration: Web
QT theme: Baghira
GTK theme: QT-GTK
Background: Bluecurve (I need to dig through deviantart for a non-stock one soon.)
Titlebar font: URW Gothic Sans

Looking at that, I have to say I managed to show off all the small bugs in baghira at once. It's actually very nice, but now and then there there's a square corner that should have been round or some other little niggle. Konqueror does strange things with form buttons, and the gtk-qt bridge isn't perfect. A better showcase is here.
Oh, and it's only 16-bit, for assorted reasons.
I'm sitting here on my windows machine vnc'ed into my linux box and mac. Everyone happy, everyone getting along.......


Yes that is Linspire. (runs away)
EmbraceThePenguin: What programs do you have running there on your KDE desktop? I'm trying to get mine pretty similar to that.
Well, I have XMMS running and on the desktop there is SuperKaramba (The weather and sysinfo items on the right).

The bar on the top is just an external taskbar moved to the top.

Let me know if you need more info.


Those squares aren't a static background, that is a visualisation too(Iris).
XMMS with wmDiscoTux, Blur Scope, Dual Flowers, Dual Scope, Dual Spectogram, Fine Spectrum Analyzer, Simple Spectrum Analyzer, and Iris visualization plugins running.

GNome, Vida Linux 1.0/Gentoo

FreeBSD 5.3 and Fluxbox

The wallpaper is from deviantART, but the fluxbox style was made by me to match.
Tomahawk said:

FreeBSD 5.3 and Fluxbox

The wallpaper is from deviantART, but the fluxbox style was made by me to match.

can you post that background?
New one for March/

Gnome using a tweaked version of the GTK2 edge theme.


Well mine is not the best looking but im working on cleaning it up

Mandrake 10 (im a noob on linux, i had to start somewhere) anyways i first started with "Sams teach yourself linux in 24hrs" that included 7.0
Well... Here is my work machine. This screenshot is a little old, but it is still accurate.

xXaNaXx said:
SuSe 9.2 Pro / KDE .... freshly installed today[/][/QUOTE]

nice, I use Suse on all of my folding farm. Its an easy install and runs very stable.

its on a dell optiplex gx1 (450mhz p3) i am running as a ssh/apache/vnc server for irssi/naim and the like. i usually dont have X loaded, but this is what it is when i do:) Windowmaker w/ a modified theme


**edit** i never left what distro, lol, its debian sarg updated on unstable libraries. <3 teh apt
Worminater said:
its on a dell optiplex gx1 (450mhz p3) i am running as a ssh/apache/vnc server for irssi/naim and the like. i usually dont have X loaded, but this is what it is when i do:) Windowmaker w/ a modified theme
Yay, another WindowMaker user!
I just switched to a new window manager (XFCE4) and I thought I would share my screenshot of how I got it looking so far...this is FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE, with just a basic desktop setup...
I am still making XFCE look the way I want, but I will be sticking with it for a while I think! (I used to use fluxbox...but it was a bit too minimal for me...and gnome was too fat for me...this is a nice in between WM)
