Project: Batman Begins (completed!!!)

Hinokagutsuchi said:
It's looking awesome. Do we get any pics of the new shop?

Wouldn't you like to see.. ;) Once I have my stuff set up I'll have a few to show off. Right now it looks like a storage dump :D
Unbelievable work so far! I hope i can finally get started on mine soon :mad: ....keep it up though!!
Qtip42 said:
I got most of the shop stuff moved over to the new place today. Now the counters need to be put up and I need to organize stuff. Then things can start moving again. Sorry for the delay.

Whoot! :D
Can't wait to see this done. ;)
Awesome job so far.
Got my own place somewhat set up so now the shop is getting all the attention. I'll let you guys know how it goes in a day or whenever the internet decides to work.
Qtip42 said:
Got my own place somewhat set up so now the shop is getting all the attention. I'll let you guys know how it goes in a day or whenever the internet decides to work.

No! It has to happen Now! :D
We be here .. take your time :)
ajasports03 said:
this is looking AMAZING!!! Keep up the good work!

jmroberts70 said:
this is looking fantastic! keep up the good work!!

Ya have to say I think this the norm from people that have seen this and cant wait for it to be completed ;)
I can't wait for some electricity! :mad:

There is a 4ft trench about 100 feet from the road coming up the yard. *sigh*
Qtip42 said:
I can't wait for some electricity! :mad:

There is a 4ft trench about 100 feet from the road coming up the yard. *sigh*

LOL that has to hurt just looking at that! :D
CrimsonSky said:
Ok so Batman Begins....does the frickin' thing ever end?

(like I'm one to talk) :p

Ya he still has quite a few months to go to catch you! :D

Your DOOM 3: Project Mars City Mod and this one are my favorite mods. :)
Ya know with all this wasted time, i'm thinking the whole console idea should be scrapped just to finish it in time for pdxlan.
Qtip42 said:
Ya know with all this wasted time, i'm thinking the whole console idea should be scrapped just to finish it in time for pdxlan.


don't compromise your artwork just for some lan party. Finish it up the way you intended.
Qtip42 said:
Ya know with all this wasted time, i'm thinking the whole console idea should be scrapped just to finish it in time for pdxlan.

if anything, dont scrap it
just take it to the lan without it and finish it when you get back.
CrimsonSky said:

don't compromise your artwork just for some lan party. Finish it up the way you intended.

My heart says yes but my wallet says "nononono" :D
this project is absolutly awsome! have yuo considered contacting the movie studios to see what they may say - maybe pay some $$$$ to sponsor it :D
Qtip42 said:
My heart says yes but my wallet says "nononono" :D

I agree with CrimsonSky. Finish it like you imagined it. Though if you are starving we would all understand since we all need to eat. It would just be a total shame to not be able to see what could have become something totally awesome.
Electricity is getting wired this week. Just a waiting game. Had the shop lights installed this week also

I'm also waiting on a cpu to get the shop computer running so you guys can at least see through the webcam again.

If you're wondering why I'm not doing anything yet it's because the only electrical outlet I have is shared by me and my brother in law (who runs his custom car shop out of here).
I just saw BB yesterday.
Very well done, I would say that is ranked in the following order:

#1 - Batman
#2 - Batman Begins
#3 - Batman Returns

low down here

#4 - Batman Forever

way down here

keep going

#666 That POS that should have resulted in mass death for the writters and director AKA Batman and Robin
So, how about some pics of the new shop in the mean time? I imagine I'm not the only one who's interested to see where all the magic happens...

It's not pretty :D trust me, nothing special (at least not now). In fact you'd probably be disappointed because it isn't some high tech super cool thing like what you see on tv.. I got the shop computer up and running in the mean time. I'd have the cam running but I'm still without internet over there...Maybe when we do get service over there, I'll have a cam in the metal bay, my area, and the paint booth. Apparently PGE delayed hooking up our phone line and electricity till the 27th so I'm still waiting.
you should go all Erin MODovich on PG&E, Qtip, and mod the shit out of one of their trucks ... unofficially.
BoySetsFire said:
you should go all Erin MODovich on PG&E, Qtip, and mod the shit out of one of their trucks ... unofficially.

If it wasn't for that movie, I would not have known what PGE stood for.
Well electricity is now in the shop......only problem is.....we had to take down all of the previous wiring we did the other day because the county says we need some different wiring....nice waste of $500 right there. :mad:

Anyway, tomorrow the lights should work and I can finally get things moving. I may even surprise you guys with pics.
the better question is: what is right with county administration?

a little while ago, a holding pool broke and flooded the creek which we have culverts in. they tried tagging the damage to the creek on us...

i really really REALLY dislike county-level administration.
joeframbach said:
the better question is: what is right with county administration?

a little while ago, a holding pool broke and flooded the creek which we have culverts in. they tried tagging the damage to the creek on us...

i really really REALLY dislike county-level administration.


The wiring had to change because the shop is mainly used for automotive work so we needed a metal shielding on all of the wire. Funny how they didn't mention that the first 5 times they were out here inspecting...
Ya I updated the other thread with pics, I'll try to get something done on the bat today.
Qtip42 said:

In my own particular county, the administration had their business license database crash, and no one had ever thought to make a backup. They stopped granting new licenses for nearly three months...and any new business which hadn't yet received their permanent license was fined and closed down when their temp license expired.

If you ask me, county govt. is an useless anachronism. Pass all their functions to the city or state level, and make all their employees get an honest job.
MrGuvernment said:
this project is absolutly awsome! have yuo considered contacting the movie studios to see what they may say - maybe pay some $$$$ to sponsor it :D

More likely they'd pay some lawyer to step on it. Keep away from the studios, their only interest is profit and copyrights.
Got our final today. *whew* .....I started work on the bat again. Still haven't got internet access in the shop for the shop webcam but I'm working on that. I'll start getting pics of progress.
Spent part of the day on the phone finding parts and the other half trying for the umpteenth time to correctly epoxy this small part on hard drive cage. I showed you guys pics before of what it looks like (red w/ a bat in the center) but I keep doing it over till I get the right color of red. The problem is the epoxy is supposed to cure in 15 minutes but for some reason it takes like 15 days before you can actually touch it. I left with something looking the exact same as what I had started with which does me no good but we'll see if it's cured by tomorrow.

Ordered: fans, cables, heatsink

edit: and yes I ditched the console idea for good. This project has taken way too long and I have other cases to attend to. Whatever get's this done quicker is better :D
themark said:
...Keep away from the studios, their only interest is profit and copyrights.

Which is as it should be. Businesses that don't put profit first don't survive.

I wonder what motivates you to go to work every day...if its not the desire for profit you scorn. Showing up just for the sheer joy of contributing to economic growth, perhaps?
Worked on getting the power supply boxed in. Need to find some metal mesh tomorrow for it. Also need to get some cathodes so it's lit up underneath this raised portion. And before you ask, yes it is a thermaltake power supply. I dont like thermaltake but, hey, it was free. :D The cpu hsf is also by thermaltake (doh) because it's the only 1U I could find at a decent price). I'd rather be using a coolermaster but blame the video card for getting in the way otherwise I'd use something bigger.
