Quake Wars *fingers crossed*


Feb 19, 2005
Alright, I'm really looking forward to Quake Wars. But I'm just curious if anyone knows how it'd run on a system similar to mine? (at the bottom of the page) & does it use the same engine as Quake IV? Thanks.
although you can probably play quake 4 and doom 3 pretty good I would say if you want high settings and a high rez you'll need a new card.
Karant said:
But I'm just curious if anyone knows how it'd run on a system similar to mine?

Yes. You will get an average of 54 frames per second. Sometimes when there is more than 6 guys on the screen though, you will drop down to about 38. Maybe even 35.
Inside the troop carriers you will get a solid 60.

This game is being built as the Battlefield 2 killer......which is hard for me to believe but we shall see

Anyone know when it is set to be released?
"end of summer"

hopefully :D

6600GT might need some help with this game, you have a killer rig and an old mid range card :( , that 6600GT can play BF2 with decent settings still, and it does rule in Doom3/Quake4, how ever in an environment much more dynamic that is QuakeWars with extra added effects (such as a map wide layer to effect movement) your card might suffer even more, but i do believe it will be good to play this game at 1024x768, with medium settings
Just because Quake Wars is using the D3 engine doesn't meen its going to run just as well as D3 did, there will be engine enhancements and more polys, no one knows. Prey is a good example, I believe it taxes people's systems a tad more than D3 did.
inotocracy said:
Just because Quake Wars is using the D3 engine doesn't meen its going to run just as well as D3 did, there will be engine enhancements and more polys, no one knows. Prey is a good example, I believe it taxes people's systems a tad more than D3 did.

not to mention the terrain system (which i cant recall the name of) was not present in doom 3. I would hope the graphics are better in Quake Wars, but alot of the graphic improvements may not require much interms of extra resources as I imagine the engine has seen numerous optimizations since being used for Doom 3. Doom3 was the test game for the engine, by now im sure theyve learned numerous ways to provide a better visual experiance well minimizing the performance hit.
Being a HUGE fan of BF2 I really hope this game ROCKS. It looks promising so far and I'm anxiously awaiting the reviews of gameplay.
inotocracy said:
Just because Quake Wars is using the D3 engine doesn't meen its going to run just as well as D3 did, there will be engine enhancements and more polys, no one knows. Prey is a good example, I believe it taxes people's systems a tad more than D3 did.

Plus there's Carmack's mega texture technology which might be able to bring huger better looking enviroments without loosing too much proformance.
what I dont understand...people are touting that Quake Wars is the BF killer...how can you compare the two...

Quake wars will only have max 16 player arenas..

If I remember BF2 has 64 player arenas.
and I believe BF2142 has the same amount ...64 players...

so how is the gameplay gonna be with fighting 8 other dudes on a team...??

not the BF:Series killer I thought It was gonna be.

Sure the graphics will be cool....and hopefully..QW will have Joystick support for the flying vehicles...if thier are flying vehicles.

Personally..Im looking foward to Frontlines:Fuel of War
don't know where you got that number, carmak was touting off 128 player maps being in development

Sure the graphics will be cool....and hopefully..QW will have Joystick support for the flying vehicles...if thier are flying vehicles.

why wouldn't it? i think if they were smart (and id does come off as a smart companie) they'd hold true to this generation and style of FPS playing and include all the options/support they can in hopes of getting it massively supported as far as an online community is concerned

and i really hope they get the joystick controls right, i hate vietnam's control system for airplanes, it never felt right no matter how much i tried to like it.
The primary reason we hope it kills BF2 is:

(forgive hueg liek xbox letters)

ET Bugs < (by a LOT) BF2 Bugs

*ahem*, sorry.

As for running on your rig...I ran Quake4 at 800x600, Low/Medium on my rig with no troubles. Add a little bit more for netcode perhaps, but shouldn't be a problem.