R2D2 Army Can Dance

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Saw this video of an R2D2 army “dancing” making the rounds again so I thought I’d share. You’re welcome. It’s from an annual gathering of the R2 Builders Club in SoCal. Yes, there’s actually a club.
Those dorks in the hawaiian shirts are killing me. The bots though are amazing and the response to voice commands is awesome!
kinda cool.. but at the same time it is scary to think that there is an R2D2 builders club.....
Haven't seen so many virgins in one place since... well, crap, I just haven't seen so many virgins before.
thats interesting. But notice how all these nerds in the r2d2 club are wearing hawaiian button up shirts and shorts. LOL
thats interesting. But notice how all these nerds in the r2d2 club are wearing hawaiian button up shirts and shorts. LOL

In cali its not too uncommon to see a bunch of people in hula shirts and kahki shorts.