Remakes: Is anyone tired of them?


Dec 10, 2006
I'm so tired of seeing the same game made over and over again (system shock, bioshock) with different characters and settings, over and over and over again. Reusing old material rather than coming up with new ideas.

Does anyone agree?

Don't EVEN bring up the wide array WWII theater FPS games that plague Gamestop shelves across the nation.
I agree , we need some fresh ideas, I dont want to see the gaming industry turn into Hollywood, although it looks like were headed there anyway, a few developers have made some games that are original, like Spore, World in Conflict, and Hellgate (maybe those arent the greatest ideas , but they were different). We need WW3 to hurry up and happen then we would have some fresh new war games hit the shelf, that is .... if there's anything left other than ashes. Damnit... wait... Fallout 3 DOH!.:D
I agree , we need some fresh ideas, I dont want to see the gaming industry turn into Hollywood, although it looks like were headed there anyway, a few developers have made some games that are original, like Spore, World in Conflict, and Hellgate (maybe those arent the greatest ideas , but they were different). We need WW3 to hurry up and happen then we would have some fresh new war games hit the shelf, that is .... if there's anything left other than ashes. Damnit... wait... Fallout 3 DOH!.:D

And to think, people want to put Obama in the office!

How will us gamers get some new meat for FPS games if he won't let us enter a WW3? We'll be playing WWII games for the foreseeable future!


But yeah, the gaming industry is really starting to look like Hollywood. :( I can't remember the last time we had a GENUINELY original idea.
But yeah, the gaming industry is really starting to look like Hollywood. :( I can't remember the last time we had a GENUINELY original idea.
Portal? (I'm probably missing something here, but it seemed pretty original to me. ;))
I'm so tired of seeing the same game made over and over again (system shock, bioshock) with different characters and settings, over and over and over again. Reusing old material rather than coming up with new ideas.

Does anyone agree?

Don't EVEN bring up the wide array WWII theater FPS games that plague Gamestop shelves across the nation.

how about since i never played system shock that bioshock was completely new to me.. so in essence.. not "tired" to me at all... multiple that by 100's of thousands of gamers.. heh.. anyway, yea some shit does get old that keeps getting rehashed.. i'll still agree with you there..

Portal? (I'm probably missing something here, but it seemed pretty original to me. ;))

Portal's story was original, but the gameplay wasn't "genuinely original" as the guy stated.. Prey implemented static portals, so did several other games.. Portal just let you put them where you wanted but the concept was basically the same.. I would say something REALLY original.. that you haven't seen anywhere else at all.. the type of originality that you saw back in the 80's and 90's.. we simply do not have that anymore, games are just a business model now, focused around rehashing the same shit that makes the most money
When done well, I don't mind remakes. As long as the gameplay is good, I don't really care if the idea isn't original. If the gameplay isn't good though, I obviously dislike it.
There hardly are any original games. Probably 1 or 2 a year at best, and typically no one ever plays them. The only reason most people think a games original is because it brings new concepts to them. That said, I don't think remakes are entirely bad.

So what if BioShock is a System Shock ripoff. It's not like anyone actually played System Shock. Let them remake it, as System Shock deserves a remake. About the only games I'll complain with remakes are the games coming from SquareEnix. We don't need the same games remade for the umpteenth time. (FFIV DS, FFIV GBA, FFIV Wonderswan, FFIV PSX, FFIV SNES. It would be one thing if the game was released on multiple platforms at the same time, but this is a game that was rereleased on a different platform at a different time.)
Portal's story was original, but the gameplay wasn't "genuinely original" as the guy stated.. Prey implemented static portals, so did several other games.. Portal just let you put them where you wanted but the concept was basically the same.. I would say something REALLY original.. that you haven't seen anywhere else at all.. the type of originality that you saw back in the 80's and 90's.. we simply do not have that anymore, games are just a business model now, focused around rehashing the same shit that makes the most money

The game play was really original. The whole "being able to move the portals" was the whole point of the game. Maybe the concept of the portal wasn't totally new, but the gameplay was. I mean, you didn't even get a gun. It wasn't even in the same genre as the other games you mentioned.
I was also thinking, as I was typing this topic out, that Portal is about as close to original as we've gotten in a looooong time.

Portal, sure, we've seen other portal like features in other games, but new concepts had been come up with. And thats where we get our genuine ''new-ish'' gameplay.

But also, look at Team Fortress (original version). I think that was rather original as far as concepts (funky characters/guns, it was fast paced, and more of a brawl and ''kill as many as you can in 10 min" type of game) but it was still just an FPS, at its core.

If you think about it, Infinity Ward is doing something that I think is going to be a HUGE mistake. Redoing ANOTHER WWII game.

You can add new concepts, you can add new weapons, settings, make the graphics better, improve gameplay, improve online gameplay, make it goryier, do whatever you want - and still it's an old, worn-out, exausted and milked idea.

We don't need MORE WWII games, IMO.
Hmmm..... I agree that COMPLETELY original games now are almost nonexistent. There's only so many ways to use a computer or console. I guess the Wii is something new and original, but I haven't actually used one. Until methods of interacting with the game improve, I bet you won't see very many new ideas.

However, you do see current genres being expanded and refined. Stalker combined the FPS and the RPG, creating a hybrid that was different and fun. Supreme Commander took the normal RTS, expanded it, and added refresh ideas such as the ability to zoom in and out fluidly and naturally. These games continue to improve. SupCom: Forged Alliance further refined the gameplay and interface. Stalker: Clear Sky promises to open up the world further to the player, with multiple factions fighting for survival in real time.

Gaming is not dying. It is slowly evolving and improving. Sure, most of the new games are not original. A few do manage to polish an idea. But the majority are the same ideas rushed out to make money.

Our hope rests with the rare developers such as the Ukrainian studio that made Stalker. They sometimes do manage to put out truly good material. Often these games are masked by bugs, sub-par graphics, or simply being rushed by the publisher. This happened to Stalker. But the given a second chance, these devs can create true treasures. I am currently loving Forged Alliance, and I have high hopes for Clear Sky.

Evolutions such as these will have to hold me over until the next revolution in gaming.
If you think about it, Infinity Ward is doing something that I think is going to be a HUGE mistake. Redoing ANOTHER WWII game.

It's Treyarch, not IW, but yeah, I agree. It's not so much that WW2 has been done already as it is the fact that there are already a ton of CoD WW2 games, so there really isn't much that they could add to the experience. It might not be a bad game per se, but it won't be much different from playing one of the older games.
It's Treyarch, not IW, but yeah, I agree. It's not so much that WW2 has been done already as it is the fact that there are already a ton of CoD WW2 games, so there really isn't much that they could add to the experience. It might not be a bad game per se, but it won't be much different from playing one of the older games.

But has katanas! Swords are new and innovative for WW2 shooters! ;)
Actually katanas and/or blades have been done too...:p

Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater. One of my favorite series....


When done well, I don't mind remakes. As long as the gameplay is good, I don't really care if the idea isn't original. If the gameplay isn't good though, I obviously dislike it.

I concur, I love new ideas and fresh games, but if a remake is done properly with good maps gameplay and graphics that fit the story then I dont mind them too much.
This post is moronic. Ever heard the saying that there are only 6 stories? Might as well complain that you're tired of comedies, dramas, and action movies. Or mad that people still write mystery romance or science fiction novels.

Get over it, there are common genres, and nobody is inventing new ones.
I'm so tired of seeing the same game made over and over again (system shock, bioshock) with different characters and settings, over and over and over again. Reusing old material rather than coming up with new ideas.

Does anyone agree?

Don't EVEN bring up the wide array WWII theater FPS games that plague Gamestop shelves across the nation.

I agree, it does get a little old. But it's also hard for devs to keep thinking of fresh, new ideas that will work for games, especially when most of it's all been done before.
and yet i'm still waiting for xcom
or a new tie fighter vs xwing
another epic rpg like the baldurs gate series

I want both, i want new games and i want old games redone

so go do it!
This post is moronic. Ever heard the saying that there are only 6 stories? Might as well complain that you're tired of comedies, dramas, and action movies. Or mad that people still write mystery romance or science fiction novels.

Get over it, there are common genres, and nobody is inventing new ones.

Please read the rest of the thread before posting some ignorant line of text. If you would have done so, you would have realised that we are mainly talking about new and innovative gameplay, not storyline.


I agree, it does get a little old. But it's also hard for devs to keep thinking of fresh, new ideas that will work for games, especially when most of it's all been done before.

It has been mostly done before...but theres always new areas in and outside of this world to explore.

I mean, like at Spore. I've never seen something like that, and yet, I'm planning on buying it. It looks amazing. Closest thing I can relate that game to is Viva Pinata...and even then the two games are VERY different.
Please read the rest of the thread before posting some ignorant line of text. If you would have done so, you would have realised that we are mainly talking about new and innovative gameplay, not storyline.

I did, thanks for asking though. I was, in fact, responding to this foolish quote:

" the type of originality that you saw back in the 80's and 90's.. we simply do not have that anymore, games are just a business model now, focused around rehashing the same shit that makes the most money"

Nostalgic poppycock.
I did, thanks for asking though. I was, in fact, responding to this foolish quote:

" the type of originality that you saw back in the 80's and 90's.. we simply do not have that anymore, games are just a business model now, focused around rehashing the same shit that makes the most money"

Nostalgic poppycock.

I don't think we'll ever get that same feeling that we got when we fired up DOOM for the first time, back in what was it...1990?
I don't think we'll ever get that same feeling that we got when we fired up DOOM for the first time, back in what was it...1990?

you might not, but that's because your first memories of gaming are the strongest. For the person whose first game was half life 2, doom is 8 bit shit. And for me personally, nothing comes close to my memories of the first legend of zelda game, and the newer ones lack that magic. Doesn't mean I'm right though, as most would disagree with me and say that ocarina of time or tp are the better games.

Nostalgia and first memories > all.

see this thread for the same arguments being made here, and plenty of responses to the tired argument:
Only when it's bad. There are tons of games I want a remake for, I want them to be good though. If it's half assed, then forget it.
lol they need to make a fps that isnt based on zombies, wich accounts for about 70%+ of them
i mean obviously there are some good ones, but yeah
just saying its time to think out of the box
Portal's story was original, but the gameplay wasn't "genuinely original" as the guy stated.. Prey implemented static portals, so did several other games.. Portal just let you put them where you wanted but the concept was basically the same.. I would say something REALLY original.. that you haven't seen anywhere else at all.. the type of originality that you saw back in the 80's and 90's.. we simply do not have that anymore, games are just a business model now, focused around rehashing the same shit that makes the most money

The gameplay of Portal was done a couple years earlier in a freeware game called Narbacular Drop. Same red/blue portal combination with no other guns. Of course the guys who made it got hired by Valve and the rest is history, but a couple puzzles from Portal were very similar to ones in the original.

and yet i'm still waiting for xcom
or a new tie fighter vs xwing
another epic rpg like the baldurs gate series

I want both, i want new games and i want old games redone

so go do it!

There's always remakes of X-Com and they're always pretty terrible. I just want the original with better graphics and some of the modded content as standard. (randomized UFO layouts etc)
lol they need to make a fps that isnt based on zombies, wich accounts for about 70%+ of them
i mean obviously there are some good ones, but yeah
just saying its time to think out of the box

I agree completely. I don't mind aa fps remake if they add some new elements.

Yuri, a Russian soldier is a member of an elite force. Due to the female US president's violent moodswings we are in nuclear warfare.

Haha. :D