Ring Of Fire

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I saw this video the other day and I just had to share it with those of you that haven’t seen it. At first, it looks like a simple “playing with flammable materials” gag but, as you watch the video, this could actually be passed off for a decent science experiment.
I wonder if my wife would go for the whole "romantic picnic" with pyro-techniques thing.

Very cool!
It was a cool effect at first, but I felt like I was watching a washing-machine run after the flame started going in circles...round and round
OK, who here is going to be the first to do that (and film it!), but in the shape of the [H] logo!?!?
If someone did make a [H]ard flame experiment, I'd be interested to see how the flames moved around... since they went in a circle on the video.
I'm guessing the flames will just die out if the mousse isn't sprayed in a circle.
yea, i was just gonna say...i'd love to see a figure 8....or even a small grid

or if there were any burn marks on the table lol

My girlfriend would kill me if I wasted her stuff. But, guess what? She's not here! :D
ya cool.. too bad i dont have genmay cause i'd like to read about the guy who tries this and burns his house down.. cause you know people are dumb enough to do that :)
ya cool.. too bad i dont have genmay cause i'd like to read about the guy who tries this and burns his house down.. cause you know people are dumb enough to do that :)
Aaannnnd you haven't registered for genmay access because....?? :p
Pretty sweet video. I hadn't considered this before. I knew the stuff was flammable, but didn't realized how fast it dies out after the initial burst or that it would keep going slowly if you made a circle with it...
I can't wait for the [H] logo as well. Where are all the pyro-geeks when you need them??
And we'll read in newspapers accross America, "Mysterious outbreak of house fires; fire departments report mousse involved in each incident; residue found resembling a capital "H" in brackets also found in each home, leading investigators to suspect it may be the work of a nation-wide satanic cult..."