Sapphire or MSI.....?


Dec 23, 2006
Okay Pop Quiz.....???

As you may or may not current Sapphire 5970 is was indeed shipped to me with the wrong bios (confirmed by Sapphire Tech)

I cannot get a replacement card until the end of march but I was told I could have an MSI 5970 instead.

So which manufacturer is better or is it much of a muchness.....if you get me. Both have a 24mth warranty.

So wait until the end of March for Sapphire or RMA now for a MSI....

A= Sapphire
i would say sapphire. if you can get your money back go after an asus card. just my opinion,but they seem to be on top of there ati cards. chance of my money back thats for sure. Why Asus, I mean Sapphire is the main board partner for ATi. I know Asus have a longer warranty i think...but thats it surely. online retailer only has MSi or Sapphire.

Thanx for the input mate.;)
I know I've heard reports of serious trouble with Saphhire tech support / customer service in the past on this forum. Case in point. YMMV as always.

From these threads MSI looks mostly (though not completely) positive in terms of customer service. I doubt they're perfect, but I'd probably go for the MSI even if the Sapphire was available now.
If I were in your position, I would get the MSI. To me, MSI seems like a better company and, from what I have read, has a better turn around time for RMA's in the event that you do need one, whereas with Sapphire it could take the better part of months before you even get to see a card of some sort returned to you.

Plus, if you opt for the MSI it's less waiting on your part for a similar card anyway. ;)
tough call. why is it so long to get a sapphire replacement??? thats retarded. i havent used msi for a long time but i sure as hell wouldnt deal with a company that takes over a month to rma a new card.
Well you already know Sapphire has the ability to put the wrong BIOS on the board... seems like MSI makes a lot of sense in this situation.
After my problem during the Dell 8800gt scandal (as I like to call it) where they allowed thousands of orders to be processed without having nearly enough cards to supply the demand......not an MSI error, but regardless I've sworn off anything MSI related.....whoops I forgot I've got an MSI p45 let's say anything MSI graphics card related.

So yeah I'd hold off for the Sapphire replacement. Surely your pre 5970 card can last another month.
All these card are refference base, I don't really think it makes much of a difference on vendor other then warranty coveraged and bios seriously and maybe color of pcb, I haven't seen what could be consider a vendor propriertary difference acrosss the board, same hsf, ram , core ...etc. Welcome to luck of the draw friend.
if its the wrong bios why not just flash it? ask sapphire for a download page
Agreed........why not just flash to the correct BIOS???

If Sapphire can't do that then I'd jump ship and get the MSI.
I've had cards from both and MSI has better tech support, IMO.

I do have a Sapphire card right now that is running smoothly in my daughter's computer.....a 4870-512MB release model. Has never had a problem.:D
Sapphire seems like they've gone downhill in terms of build quality where as MSI has come out with some real winners in the last year or two. I'm anti-tech support guy. I'd rather have a card that never has any problems and non existent tech support than great support for crappy cards. This is opinion though not fact. I'd go with that MSI card man.
Yep, Been there with the Bios flash. It helped but the problems are still there, My online retailer was due to get 5970's in stock on the 28th Feb but that was put back to the 28th March. I asked Sapphire to send just "ONE" card to my vendor but they point blank refused even though I sent my GPU Bios via GPU-z and they knew it was FOOKED!

Anyway, I got an email to say that the Sapphire is not 100% and the MSI is been sent to me. I got 2 free games with the sapphire which I could keep and the MSI bundle has the better software. So hopefully I will have it before 5th March for BFBC2 launch.....

Thanx for the replies guys....but its not acceptable to pay over inflated prices (Even when you know you are being robbed ;) and get a faulty product. Have to say MSI really need to put at least a sticker or design on the god dam card its sooooo plain.
Well took delivery of my MSI 5970 today so fingers crossed it will be okay. I also took delivery of my corsair H50 so I will see if that is all its meant to be. :p

Thanx again guys.