Sourcing thermal pads


Oct 22, 2000
I just bought a used EK waterblock for my E760 motherboard and I'm going to need to source some thermal interface pads. Since it's such a long unit, i'm leery of just using thermal paste, as there is likely to be some gaps on the VRM's and what not.

I have a small bit of alpha-gel silicone based pad that came with and old Danger Den waterblock. I like the stuff well enough. I just can't find more of it. Their website doesn't give any leads as to who retail's the stuff either.

I've heard of the stuff from Fujipoly that's priced like gold at FrozenCPU. And I see they also have individually parceled EK branded stuff. I'm pretty sure I'll be happy with pretty run-o-the-mill stuff and would rather go with something generic in a larger larger quantity.

Anyone know a good place to pick up decently sized sheets in thicknesses from 1-2mm? I'm not sure if I should trust the stuff on eBay/Amazon.
You should make sure to contact EK or look for documentation on the correct sizing of the pad. Some waterblocks are designed for different pad thicknesses.
Yeah, there's enough of the old pads left I knew I was going to need an assortment of sizes. Thanks for the thought on that. I'll check in with EK.

But Ultimately, if I can spend the same amount and get larger sheets for multiple replacements, that would be ideal. I've been around long enough to see that "overclocking" or "enthusiast" grade accessories often (not always) just means more thought went into marketing than engineering. I'm sure EK's thermal pads aren't like NASA grade or something.
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Yeah, there's enough of the old pads left I knew I was going to need an assortment of sizes. Thanks for the thought on that. I'll check in with EVGA.

But Ultimately, if I can spend the same amount and get larger sheets for multiple replacements, that would be ideal. I've been around long enough to see that "overclocking" or "enthusiast" grade accessories often (not always) just means more thought went into marketing than engineering. I'm sure EVGA's thermal pads aren't like NASA grade or something.

You need to check with EK not EVGA. EVGA doesn't know anything about the aftermarket product that EK designed.
You need to check with EK not EVGA. EVGA doesn't know anything about the aftermarket product that EK designed.

Read what I mean not what I write:p EK EVGA....EPEEN...

Sorry. Slip of the brain, as I've been dealing with EVGA on an RMA. :)
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