Stalker: Huh?

AKm 74/2U and shotguns you get in the beginning suck hard, I just grabbed a Viper SMG, sprint from cover to cover, get close then spray 'em suckers head full of lead, duck behind a car or something to reload, rinse and repeat until you get a fast-shooting AKm 74/2, TRs 301, Vintar or GP 37 later.
And the horrible faked Russian accents was enough to make my ears bleed.

I thought the Russian was pretty good... you do know the game was made in the Ukraine right?

Something about the accuracy... I found a way around it without changing settings. It involves moving the non-zoomed crosshair over the enemy until it turns red, then zooming in and shooting. Works great for me and I get a few headshots doing this. Seems each weapon has slight offsets on bullet paths or something.... ;)
I too find stalker very boring and random. I've owned the game since launch and have never gona past the first mission. IMO this had soooo much potential but it just failed miserably. Stalker should have been what far cry 2 will be.

I feel the same way, never played it more than 30 minutes :eek:
it lacks AA !! what´s up with that!?!?
Yeah, that's exactly the problem I'm talking about. I was sure that was only that setting responsible, but I guess I was wrong...

I'm positive I dug the solution out of the following user.ltx, though (courtesy of Ket on the GSC forum). There are a few nice tweaks in there, so I'd recommend giving it a try anyway.
_preset Extreme
ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on
bind jump kRSHIFT
bind crouch kLCONTROL
bind crouch_toggle kRCONTROL
bind accel kRMENU
bind sprint_toggle kNUMPAD0
bind forward kUP
bind back kDOWN
bind lstrafe kLEFT
bind rstrafe kRIGHT
bind llookout kL
bind rlookout kSEMICOLON
bind cam_zoom_in kADD
bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT
bind torch kDECIMAL
bind night_vision kNUMPAD1
bind wpn_1 k1
bind wpn_2 k2
bind wpn_3 k3
bind wpn_4 k4
bind wpn_5 k5
bind wpn_6 k6
bind artefact k7
bind wpn_next kNUMPAD4
bind wpn_fire mouse1
bind wpn_zoom mouse3
bind wpn_reload mouse2
bind wpn_func mouse5
bind wpn_firemode_prev k9
bind wpn_firemode_next mouse4
bind pause kPAUSE
bind drop kG
bind use kRETURN
bind scores kTAB
bind chat kCOMMA
bind chat_team kPERIOD
bind screenshot kF12
bind quit kESCAPE
bind console kGRAVE
bind inventory kBACK
bind buy_menu kB
bind skin_menu kO
bind team_menu kU
bind active_jobs kP
bind map kM
bind contacts kH
bind vote_begin kF5
bind vote kF6
bind vote_yes kF7
bind vote_no kF8
bind speech_menu_0 kC
bind speech_menu_1 kZ
bind use_bandage kNUMPAD2
bind use_medkit kNUMPAD3
bind quick_save kF6
bind quick_load kF7
cam_inert 0.
cam_slide_inert 0.25
cl_cod_pickup_mode 1
cl_dynamiccrosshair on
g_always_run on
g_autopickup on
g_backrun on
g_corpsenum 10
g_eventdelay 0
g_game_difficulty gd_stalker
hud_crosshair on
hud_crosshair_dist off
hud_info on
hud_weapon on
load_last_save shit
mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated off
mm_net_con_publicserver off
mm_net_con_spectator 20
mm_net_con_spectator_on off
mm_net_filter_empty on
mm_net_filter_full on
mm_net_filter_listen on
mm_net_filter_pass on
mm_net_filter_wo_ff on
mm_net_filter_wo_pass on
mm_net_srv_gamemode st_deathmatch
mm_net_srv_maxplayers 32
mm_net_srv_name PROWLER
mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type 1
mm_net_weather_rateofchange 1.
mouse_invert off
mouse_sens 0.35
net_cl_icurvesize 0
net_cl_icurvetype 0
net_cl_interpolation 0.
net_cl_log_data off
net_dbg_dump_export_obj 0
net_dbg_dump_import_obj 0
net_dbg_dump_update_read 0
net_dbg_dump_update_write 0
net_dedicated_sleep 5
net_sv_gpmode 0
net_sv_log_data off
net_sv_pending_lim 3
net_sv_update_rate 30
ph_frequency 100.00000
ph_iterations 38
r1_dlights on
r1_dlights_clip 75.
r1_glows_per_frame 8
r1_lmodel_lerp 0.1
r1_pps_u 0.
r1_pps_v 0.
r1_ssa_lod_a 90.
r1_ssa_lod_b 60.
r1_tf_mipbias -0.5
r2_aa off
r2_aa_break 0.800000,0.500000,0.000000
r2_aa_kernel 0.5
r2_aa_weight 0.250000,0.250000,0.000000
r2_allow_r1_lights off
r2_gi off
r2_gi_clip 0.0421
r2_gi_depth 1
r2_gi_photons 10
r2_gi_refl 0.4
r2_gloss_factor 1.1
r2_ls_bloom_fast on
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 0.65
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 3.
r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.8
r2_ls_bloom_speed 100.
r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.55
r2_ls_depth_bias -0.0001
r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001
r2_ls_dsm_kernel 1.1
r2_ls_psm_kernel 1.1
r2_ls_squality 1.
r2_ls_ssm_kernel 1.1
r2_mblur 0.3
r2_parallax_h 0.04
r2_slight_fade 2.
r2_ssa_lod_a 90.
r2_ssa_lod_b 60.
r2_sun on
r2_sun_depth_far_bias 0.
r2_sun_depth_far_scale 1.
r2_sun_depth_near_bias -0.00004
r2_sun_depth_near_scale 1.00001
r2_sun_details on
r2_sun_focus on
r2_sun_lumscale 0.86
r2_sun_lumscale_amb 0.86
r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 0.8
r2_sun_near 25.
r2_sun_near_border 0.85
r2_sun_tsm on
r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.05
r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.5
r2_tf_mipbias -0.5
r2_tonemap on
r2_tonemap_adaptation 5.
r2_tonemap_amount 0.5
r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.7
r2_tonemap_middlegray 1.4
r2_wait_sleep 0
r2_zfill off
r2_zfill_depth 0.5
r2em 2.2
r__detail_density 0.2
r__geometry_lod 1.
r__supersample 1
r__tf_aniso 8
renderer renderer_r2
rs_c_brightness 1.1
rs_c_contrast 1.
rs_c_gamma 1.1
rs_fullscreen on
rs_refresh_60hz off
rs_stats off
rs_v_sync off
rs_vis_distance 1.5
snd_acceleration on
snd_cache_size 32
snd_efx on
snd_targets 30
snd_volume_eff 1.
snd_volume_music 0.7
sv_anomalies_enabled 1
sv_anomalies_length 3
sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30
sv_artefact_spawn_force 0
sv_artefact_stay_time 3
sv_artefacts_count 10
sv_auto_team_balance 0
sv_auto_team_swap 1
sv_bearercantsprint 1
sv_client_reconnect_time 60
sv_console_update_rate 1
sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100
sv_dmgblockindicator 1
sv_dmgblocktime 0
sv_forcerespawn 0
sv_fraglimit 10
sv_friendly_indicators 0
sv_friendly_names 0
sv_friendlyfire 1.
sv_hail_to_winner_time 7
sv_max_ping_limit 2000
sv_pda_hunt 1
sv_reinforcement_time 0
sv_remove_corpse 1
sv_remove_weapon 1
sv_returnplayers 1
sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0
sv_shieldedbases 1
sv_spectr_firsteye 1
sv_spectr_freefly 0
sv_spectr_freelook 1
sv_spectr_lookat 1
sv_spectr_teamcamera 1
sv_statistic_collect 1
sv_statistic_save_auto 0
sv_teamkill_limit 3
sv_teamkill_punish 1
sv_timelimit 0
sv_vote_enabled 255
sv_vote_participants 0
sv_vote_quota 0.51
sv_vote_time 1.
sv_warm_up 0
texture_lod 0
vid_mode 1280x1024

So is this the user.ltx that you use?
I feel the same way, never played it more than 30 minutes :eek:
it lacks AA !! what´s up with that!?!?

I'm not sure if this is a recent addition, but I've just reinstalled and finished Stalker with the latest patch. There are AA controls in the advanced video options.

It also seems to have a number of other refinements, like dramatically improved performance and an option for motion blur like Crysis.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to Clear Sky as well.
STALKER came included with my motherboard, and I mean to play it soon. After upgrading to the latest patch (1.0005 I think), the options include an AA slider. However, the AA slider doesn't seem to work. And forcing AA using the nVidia control panel doesn't work either, using the nVidia 169.75 WHQL drivers in Vista 64.

Is there a way to get AA working in this game? I swear I've seen people post screenshots of AA working in STALKER. But I've heard that the game uses a type of postprocessing that prohibits AA. The game runs great at 2048x1280 resolution on my monitor though, so AA isn't all that necessary. But there are still some "shimmering" and crawling textures that I'd like to get rid of with AA.

I'm not sure if this is a recent addition, but I've just reinstalled and finished Stalker with the latest patch. There are AA controls in the advanced video options.

It also seems to have a number of other refinements, like dramatically improved performance and an option for motion blur like Crysis.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to Clear Sky as well.
No traditional anti-aliasing due to their shader engine. See

Again, to those that don't like it: that's okay. It's a cult, niche classic, so there's no need for angst if you didn't like it. I just thank heavens that I enjoyed the mechanics enough to get to the yummy dread atmospheric parts. (Maybe another way to put it: if you're crying about the gun accuracy or the side quests, you're missing the point, and that's why you're so incredulous as to why people love the game. It's not Halo/Half-Life/etc.)

So damn good.
So is this the user.ltx that you use?
More or less. Aside from keybinds, resolution, etc. Didn't touch any of the rendering settings, though (except for turning off global illumination (r2_gi), but I changed that when I posted it).

No traditional anti-aliasing due to their shader engine. See said:
Update: It appears that as of the most recent Nvidia Forceware drivers that you can force standard Antialiasing in STALKER through the graphics card control panel.
More or less. Aside from keybinds, resolution, etc. Didn't touch any of the rendering settings, though (except for turning off global illumination (r2_gi), but I changed that when I posted it).

I used the file like you (only taking his rendering settings, but kept my keybinds, resolution, etc) and now I don't get the shadow glitch behind the right HUD, but it appears in other places :confused: Mainly, two thirds of the way up the left side of the screen. Bleh. Thanks for your help, though
STALKER came included with my motherboard, and I mean to play it soon. After upgrading to the latest patch (1.0005 I think), the options include an AA slider. However, the AA slider doesn't seem to work. And forcing AA using the nVidia control panel doesn't work either, using the nVidia 169.75 WHQL drivers in Vista 64.

Is there a way to get AA working in this game? I swear I've seen people post screenshots of AA working in STALKER. But I've heard that the game uses a type of postprocessing that prohibits AA. The game runs great at 2048x1280 resolution on my monitor though, so AA isn't all that necessary. But there are still some "shimmering" and crawling textures that I'd like to get rid of with AA.
the AA slider has always been there. static lighting(DX8) is the only way to truly use AA. using AA in either of the dynamic modes just blurs the edges to make jaggies a little less noticeable. ;)
Stalker was probably the GOTY for me. I found it difficult at first but after persevering the game rewards you with better weapons and armour. I would say the game is a good challenge. This surely is a PC gaming classic, developed purely for the PC and it bloody well shows. I can't wait for the prequel.
STALKER is amazing - the challenge is what almost makes the whole game what it is...

I think I play it on the 2nd easiest difficulty (experienced?), and found it just right. I engaged in battles - I took them on like battles, not just like another NPC...

There are people who dislike STALKER and there are those who absolutely LOVE it.
STALKER reminds me a lot of how a little no-name game can be a smashing success.

Half Life 1 anyone? Reminds me so much of HL1 with its innovation and stark difference (a breath of fresh air like HL1 was when it came out).
I'm not seeing the HL1 connection. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a commercial failure, and is merely a cult hit. I don't think it really does much for the genre either other than pushing for the setting. I doubt many developers will try to code clever free-range AI, especially given GSC's long development time and lack of polished product.

I was going to say Fallout, but that niche title actually turned the genre on its head. Maybe something like Deus Ex instead, though it doesn't quite reach that game's appeal.
I was excited about STALKER when it was originally slated to be released back in 2004-2005. I had picked it to be a hit with Far Cry, but instead it came out three years later. Did not seem nearly as impressive in 2007 as it looked in 2004.
I'm not seeing the HL1 connection. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a commercial failure, and is merely a cult hit. I don't think it really does much for the genre either other than pushing for the setting. I doubt many developers will try to code clever free-range AI, especially given GSC's long development time and lack of polished product.

I was going to say Fallout, but that niche title actually turned the genre on its head. Maybe something like Deus Ex instead, though it doesn't quite reach that game's appeal.

Actually it sold very well in russia.

Blame THQ for the final condition of stalker, the people at GSC (very small in comparison to the games that it gets sized up too) had planed MUCH more to this game, but THQ got impatient and rushed it out the door, there is GB's of info left on the CD that isn't integrated into the game in anyway because it got taken out. Originally the story wasn't supposed to be linear at all in the way that its presented in the final game.

I also believe they changed the plot of the game in 2002 or 2003, which is why it got changed from stalker : oblivion lost to shadow of chernobyl.

GSC has dropped THQ for their next installment so I hope they will have free range to create the game that they intended to make, stalker even its current state was capable of GOTY status, but some people couldn't see beyond the rough edges, I think next year if they can get clear sky right, and get the engine working with DX10 like they have said they will (I read SoC was supposed to be DX10 on launch but because of THQ that got scrapped) then it will be GOTY in 2008.
...but THQ got impatient and rushed it out the door...

Now I'm no expert in what happened with the development with STALKER, but to me, taking 6 years to get a game finished is not rushing it out the door... it's pushing people to finish the effing game and FINALLY get it out the door instead of scrapping the whole project :eek:
Now I'm no expert in what happened with the development with STALKER, but to me, taking 6 years to get a game finished is not rushing it out the door... it's pushing people to finish the effing game and FINALLY get it out the door instead of scrapping the whole project :eek:

Agreed. However lets rush 3D Realms a little.
While that makes a ton of sense...I'm aiming for the head and things just aren't hitting enemies. It's not like Crysis where people take a few shots to take down. .

A few? You mean a whole warehouse, surely.

One thing people forget about in stalker is bullet drop and wind.

I played it through the first time with no mods, and enjoyed it. Hard at times, but then I didn't expect to be able to run about mutilating people at ease. The first bridge with the army guards I cleared out with the little viper or whatever - took a while, but that's because I had to stop and think a bit, then actually take time to aim, too.
No traditional anti-aliasing due to their shader engine. See

Again, to those that don't like it: that's okay. It's a cult, niche classic, so there's no need for angst if you didn't like it. I just thank heavens that I enjoyed the mechanics enough to get to the yummy dread atmospheric parts. (Maybe another way to put it: if you're crying about the gun accuracy or the side quests, you're missing the point, and that's why you're so incredulous as to why people love the game. It's not Halo/Half-Life/etc.)

So damn good.


Especially the accuracy, which reminded me of being an experienced HUMAN fighter, not a fucking cyborg. I've shot over 400 bullets during a fight with 7 or 8 guys (of course in the game :) ) and the fight was fucking immersing. No CS/HL bullshit with snapshot lead lobotomy, just a total fucking chaos and hoping that I don't get flanked from two sides. Just awesome.

Don't even ask me about the environment... I live in eastern Europe and oh my fucking god, developers knew how to show these parts of the world.
Now I'm no expert in what happened with the development with STALKER, but to me, taking 6 years to get a game finished is not rushing it out the door... it's pushing people to finish the effing game and FINALLY get it out the door instead of scrapping the whole project :eek:

Yeah those 6 years they were carving the x-ray engine out of wood, and making it just right, prob would of taken another after the release to of gotten it right. GSC doesn't have the programing resources of crytek or epic to design a game, they can't just crank it out.

I would of waited 5 more years for stalker if thats how long it would of taken to make it perfect, some things you cannot rush.
I enjoyed STALKER, im not sure what all this whining is about, played through twice, once with freedom once with duty. The starter pistols, viper 5 machine gun, and Akm aren't that great but once you get a TRs 301 with a scope, if you are still having problems hitting enemies ... its not the game.


I actually had no problem hitting anybody with anything once I got used to each weapons ballistics. It is definately more realistic than other point and click shooters. I use the term ballistics loosely here so no flaming from the experts. 2-3 round bursts from distance aiming for the head and more often then not, down they go. Up close, headshots are possible nearly every time. You can not spray in this game.

To me, this is a great great game and it is what I am currently playing for the umpteenth time. I absolutely love it.
I'm not seeing the HL1 connection. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was a commercial failure, and is merely a cult hit. I don't think it really does much for the genre either other than pushing for the setting. I doubt many developers will try to code clever free-range AI, especially given GSC's long development time and lack of polished product.

Stalker was a worldwide commercial success.
It is not merely a cult hit. It has attained cult status.
We need more of this kind of shooter. It is not a kid game. It is a thinking mans shooter. A PC shooter.
Clever free range AI will always be a goal that developers and programmers attempt to accomplish. It is going to get better as is the process to do that type of programming as each time someone raises the bar. I know it's something I look forward to in future titles.
Especially the accuracy, which reminded me of being an experienced HUMAN fighter, not a fucking cyborg. I've shot over 400 bullets during a fight with 7 or 8 guys (of course in the game :) ) and the fight was fucking immersing. No CS/HL bullshit with snapshot lead lobotomy, just a total fucking chaos and hoping that I don't get flanked from two sides. Just awesome.

Thats the point, you aren't a supersoldier. You aren't a cyborg, special forces agent, etc. Guns have recoil.

Yeah, at distance, its really hard to hit stuff, but I've never had any other problems. The most important way is to think how to get close and use cover.

Finally seem to have gotten the game running stable with my (never used) Vista installation. :p Hopefully the trend keeps up. :D
There are some real necessary mods. I would suggest the Trader mod, the Endurance mod, and the no time limit mod.

Trader mod alters the items you can buy at the main guy in the first camp, and other major traders. This will allow you to really choose what you want to use and customize your approach. In addition, it will give you more to spend the huge amount of money you'll get form exploring this game on. I can highly suggest the hunting rifle and dart shotgun rounds.

Endurance mod ups your max weight from 50 to 150. I don't so much use this for carrying more, I just prefer to be able to run across the world more often, which you'll be doing a lot if you go exploring and find loads of artifacts.

The no time limit mod just takes away the headache of forgetting how much time you have to accomplish a task, and allows you more time to work your way to a goal.

The key above all: Get used to sniping with EVERY weapon from a distance. Go for headshots always. If pressure situations move in, empty your weapon steadily at center mass, keeping your aim true. You can waste a full clip and not put them down.

Trust me, you'll get the hang of it. I got to the point where I was looking for heavily armed areas just so I'd have a challenge. OH: And if you're in a military base or compound, find that goddamn siren and shoot it. Much easier once that annoying thing is gone.
Stalker was a worldwide commercial success.
It is not merely a cult hit. It has attained cult status.
We need more of this kind of shooter. It is not a kid game. It is a thinking mans shooter. A PC shooter.
Clever free range AI will always be a goal that developers and programmers attempt to accomplish. It is going to get better as is the process to do that type of programming as each time someone raises the bar. I know it's something I look forward to in future titles.

Good call. This was a great game for the truly mature FPS crowd. It not some wack little kid shooter like old CODs and MOHs. It was a true fresh breath of air for the PC shooter fans.

The harder the game the better is what I say. ;)
i found the game extremely difficult until the garbage dump area, once you get an armor upgrade and a couple good guns it is much easier.

also i found that using the pistol and NOT aiming down the sights is the way to go, aiming down the sights for me does not work.

but yea, take the time to get into the game and you'll enjoy it, its not like COD4.
OH: And if you're in a military base or compound, find that goddamn siren and shoot it. Much easier once that annoying thing is gone.

Holy hell, I didn't know this, it would of saved me so much time, I used to go the one military base in the research institute map, come in thru the sewer, with a full load of armor peircing rounds, and grenades, having to shoot my way in, building to building having to take people from both infront of people and behind, haivng to pick up ammo from all of them because of how much I would have to use (at the early stage of the game id be using an ak74 which isnt that powerful or acurate), quick saving twice a miniute, and die 2 or 3 times.

Never have I in a game ever avoided places (or even have the ability to avoid) because I felt out manned and out gunned like I have in stalker.

Ive beaten the game twice fully thru, and especially in the buildup to when it opens up and you can goto to chernobyl, I would have to seriously plan out, what weapons am I taking, do I take a sniper rifle, or take more grenades and health packs, and the 2nd time I went, I made multiple stash locations filled with items, because theirs 2 full maps before chernoblyl where you will be intense gun battles and you would need more than you could carry.

Its stalker, your not superman, your not max payne, You are a man in a post apocalyptic wasteland, stocked to the gills with the scum of the earth, nutjobs and pirates, and the only thing stopping them is your gun, and thats what makes the game better than the rest IMO.
I'm thinking about picking this up via Steam, are the patches applied automatically through Steam or do I need to do it manually?
I'm thinking about picking this up via Steam, are the patches applied automatically through Steam or do I need to do it manually?
Automatically and you cant do it manually through steam anyway. I personally would get a hard copy so you dont have Steam eating up extra memory while playing the game. Even at 1024x768, STALKER on full dynamic and max settings takes more memory than any other game I have played. I have a regular copy of the game and my memory usage goes from 400mb at desktop to 1900mb while playing. If I had the Steam version I would exceed my 2 gigs of physical memory. Also you DONT have to use the disc after installing the game at least not with the U.S. version.
Automatically and you cant do it manually through steam anyway. I personally would get a hard copy so you dont have Steam eating up extra memory while playing the game. Even at 1024x768, STALKER on full dynamic and max settings takes more memory than any other game I have played. I have a regular copy of the game and my memory usage goes from 400mb at desktop to 1900mb while playing. If I had the Steam version I would exceed my 2 gigs of physical memory. Also you DONT have to use the disc after installing the game at least not with the U.S. version.

Yeah, thats a bug with prefetch.

Goto the shortcut for stalker, goto the "target" line at the end, make a space after the quote and type -noprefetch. If you haven't done this, i guarantee this will solve your problems, atleast it did with me. Also their was a lot of memory leak issues with 1.00000 and 1.00001, i mean its still flawed even with 1.00005, but they made some noticeable improvements.
Automatically and you cant do it manually through steam anyway. I personally would get a hard copy so you dont have Steam eating up extra memory while playing the game. Even at 1024x768, STALKER on full dynamic and max settings takes more memory than any other game I have played. I have a regular copy of the game and my memory usage goes from 400mb at desktop to 1900mb while playing. If I had the Steam version I would exceed my 2 gigs of physical memory. Also you DONT have to use the disc after installing the game at least not with the U.S. version.

Steam eats up barely any memory at all (maybe 20-30mb). Also, that sounds like a bug or memory leak with your usage only goes up about 500mb or so.

Steam is great for PC games. No need to manually update, no need to keep CD Keys, 1 click install (great for when you reformat), easy to backup games to anything (including portable media), and full Steam Community support. I always buy the Steam version of the game if given the option.

I also find that with Steam, I'm more likely to play an older game. I'll usually never get out a disc of an old game and install it to play it. However, with Steam, the game is right there in my games list, and all I have to do is double click the uninstalled game and it gets downloaded while I do other things. Also, no fear of my CD Key being stolen or lost, no discs to lose either. The only real downside to Steam for me, is that I don't get a hard manual.
For rifles lesser than the Tunder (akms and vipers and obokans) you'll need to stick to chest bursts and let the recoil carry your fire up into their head. For the Tunders and better you can do headshots very easily and take down anyone not wearing an exoskeleton with one bullet. Use cover and the leaning system as well.

If you try to run and gun with the vipers and akms you'll die quickly.
Steam eats up barely any memory at all (maybe 20-30mb). Also, that sounds like a bug or memory leak with your usage only goes up about 500mb or so.

Steam is great for PC games. No need to manually update, no need to keep CD Keys, 1 click install (great for when you reformat), easy to backup games to anything (including portable media), and full Steam Community support. I always buy the Steam version of the game if given the option.

I also find that with Steam, I'm more likely to play an older game. I'll usually never get out a disc of an old game and install it to play it. However, with Steam, the game is right there in my games list, and all I have to do is double click the uninstalled game and it gets downloaded while I do other things. Also, no fear of my CD Key being stolen or lost, no discs to lose either. The only real downside to Steam for me, is that I don't get a hard manual.

Yeah, thats a bug with prefetch.

Goto the shortcut for stalker, goto the "target" line at the end, make a space after the quote and type -noprefetch. If you haven't done this, i guarantee this will solve your problems, atleast it did with me. Also their was a lot of memory leak issues with 1.00000 and 1.00001, i mean its still flawed even with 1.00005, but they made some noticeable improvements.

well I just checked and Steam was using about 70mb so it was less than I thought. I know the benefits of Steam as I have dozens of games on there. I just looked through some other forums and about 1400mb or more is perfectly normal on the settings I am using. BTW I am on 1.004 version of STALKER and already use -noprefetch.
Most people just don't know how to play games like Crysis and STALKER. You can't just run around shooting everything and always hitting. This isn't Quake 3. Hide behind objects and walls and don't expect to snipe people and get one-hit-kills with pistols. Play smart.
YES! OKAY! I finally beat the game. I'm beginning to see what y'all were talking about. The guns in the beginning were definitely gimped. You don't get the goods til right at the end. Anyway, I persevered (quicksave, quickload, quicksave, quickload...) and finally got to the end. No mods, no cheats, no nothing. I got the ending "I wish for the zone to disappear." 'Best' of the 'bad' endings, I hear. Good game after all. Effing masochistic!, but good. I'm actually looking forward to the pre(se)quel.
YES! OKAY! I finally beat the game. I'm beginning to see what y'all were talking about. The guns in the beginning were definitely gimped. You don't get the goods til right at the end. Anyway, I persevered (quicksave, quickload, quicksave, quickload...) and finally got to the end. No mods, no cheats, no nothing. I got the ending "I wish for the zone to disappear." 'Best' of the 'bad' endings, I hear. Good game after all. Effing masochistic!, but good. I'm actually looking forward to the pre(se)quel.

Now play it again and get to the "real" ending... :p