Supreme Commander 2 demo is released


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2004

Some images to take a gander at while downloading (taken from 1up):




My comp is going to be crying tonight. :D

It is supposed to be much less demanding than SupCom 1 (including FA). The AI should no longer bog down either, partly thanks to the new pathing system - no more bumper car engineers!
I loved the first one.....

However the spread from ordinary joe's and the pro's is HUGE. I got up to rank 200 or so, but the < 200 ranking people are just insane to play against. Made me not want to play anymore.

I will check out the demo though, thanks.
I loved the first one.....

However the spread from ordinary joe's and the pro's is HUGE. I got up to rank 200 or so, but the < 200 ranking people are just insane to play against. Made me not want to play anymore.

I will check out the demo though, thanks.

Same with most games, imo. If you're actually a 'gamer' and play pretty much everything that comes out that's worth a squirt, then you never really get the opportunity to be competitive at anything.
Does it have a benchmark? Would be awesome to run a 12 thread processor on it...... :)
I just played demo for 2 hours and I think that game is pretty well ballanced.

Too bad that demo didnt have any BIG battle.

id play it if i didn't need an uber cpu, my e5200 even at 3.06ghz will prolly barely play this game
I get better FPS on SupCom2 than I do the original? Why? Because the game is inferior to the original. The only thing that stands out as actually being better is the pacing. No longer does it take 20 minutes to break out the big guns.

This game is less Total Annihilation and more Warcraft/CnC this time around. At least that is the impression I get from the demo. I already bought the game on STEAM so I will give it the benefit of the doubt. I don't really care about single player anyway so it would be stupid for me to completely condemn the game until after I have spent a few hours on multiplayer.

Anyone else feel a little let down after playing the demo?
Guys with slow(er) computers - they dropped the system requirements for this one. Plus, the demo is only 4 small maps that don't take much to run.

I played SupCom1 last night, 1v1 x1000 units and each game second took 8-10 seconds, but this demo runs fluidly. Have to wait till Tuesday to see how epic battles play out.

However, as a supcom1 fanatic (not very good - just played with friends) I'm not liking this game as much. They definitely dumbed it down for the console port. They now have CnC style resources.

Json - yeah, definitely let down. Tech trees add something to the game, but they dumbed down everything else.

Queue issues are annoying - you can't queue up units unless you can afford the entire queue, however you can hit repeat and it'll just keep churning those guys out. So if you want 3 tanks for every 2 turrets, you have to be able to afford all 5 units to build the queue. Poor design decision.
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I loved the first one.....

However the spread from ordinary joe's and the pro's is HUGE. I got up to rank 200 or so, but the < 200 ranking people are just insane to play against. Made me not want to play anymore.

I will check out the demo though, thanks.

Supcom 1 was one of the games I rocked at. At LAN's it would be me vs three or four others. I normally destroyed them in 3 v 1 but 4 v 1 got to be a little to much.

got to the point where i stopped playing because no one ever played against me anymore :(
I get better FPS on SupCom2 than I do the original? Why? Because the game is inferior to the original. The only thing that stands out as actually being better is the pacing. No longer does it take 20 minutes to break out the big guns.

This game is less Total Annihilation and more Warcraft/CnC this time around. At least that is the impression I get from the demo. I already bought the game on STEAM so I will give it the benefit of the doubt. I don't really care about single player anyway so it would be stupid for me to completely condemn the game until after I have spent a few hours on multiplayer.

Anyone else feel a little let down after playing the demo?

Nope. I liked the original SupCom, but I prefer the CnC style of RTS anyway so if its more like that then I'm happy.
Thanks for posting. Have been interested in this for a while now.
The performance is great. Runs better and looks better than the first one.

A couple screens (accidentally down-rezed them to 1280x800 in Photoshop):




Looks cool. I hope its good, since I don't like the changes in C&C4 which was the RTS game I was looking forward to.
That was pretty underwhelming. The graphics honestly looked worse than SC1 in some ways. No dirt trails, no smoke - no real detail in unit animation and movement. And the units look like lego blocks.

Worst thing? Can't even change the damn resolution properly - it's off the fucking screen. How ghetto is that?
:O Can't wait to try when I get home. I wonder if my Q6600 will be able to handle this smoothly...
That was pretty underwhelming. The graphics honestly looked worse than SC1 in some ways. No dirt trails, no smoke - no real detail in unit animation and movement. And the units look like lego blocks.

Worst thing? Can't even change the damn resolution properly - it's off the fucking screen. How ghetto is that?

change it to something close, then use that bigger resolution to change it again.
Looks and runs great on my aging core 2 duo system. I'll probably buy this one, its alot of fun. Finally a RTS with a zoomed out camera. Thank you SupCom developers. I can see again!.
change it to something close, then use that bigger resolution to change it again.

Tried this. Doesn't get me past 16x10, when my native HDTV res is 1080p.

The weirdest thing is that I tried to change the resolution straight from the config file in my local data/apps folder but the game just keeps resetting it. Oh well.
i still think it could look better even for an rts. there are plenty of rts games that look better than this and still run great

Please name the games that look better than this and allow the the battlefield to have over thousands of units on it on once.
Please name the games that look better than this and allow the the battlefield to have over thousands of units on it on once.

Well, there's the Total War series...but that's a totally different game. So far, I'm liking this game. Feels a bit better than teh first.
its not bad, but they went for a too cartoony look rather than more real, but other than that it seemed good
I'm sure this has been discussed to death already, but I still don't understand why they went for a multiplatform release for the sequel. Didn't the first game sell like, 10,000 copies on the 360 (in addition to being impossible to play)?
I'm sure this has been discussed to death already, but I still don't understand why they went for a multiplatform release for the sequel. Didn't the first game sell like, 10,000 copies on the 360 (in addition to being impossible to play)?

Maybe SE forced them to?
Sweet, I was iffy on buying the second but a demo could turn that around very quickly must like the first one.... I shall download this when I get home...
As a big fan of total annihilation and supreme commander 1, I am pretty disappointed with this. It has been dumbed down due to being multiplatform. I felt like there was no real variety in units. It has the basic stuff like anti-air, tank, etc, but nothing niche like the previous series had. I don't know if I couldn't find the option, but it felt like the units were very bland and you couldn't get higher tech vehicles. I understand you can upgrade them, but I wanted a new tank. Not the same old basic tank with more turrets slapped on it.

Speaking of the vehicles, I felt that the models looked like toys. In Supcom 1, the units felt like actual war machines going into battle. Now I am sending around lego tanks to go shoot at one another.

Then there is the economy. Why did they remove the one really unique feature that they had going for them? I loved TA and Supcom for its resource system, but now it is just the generic system every other RTS uses.

This game seems inferior in every aspect to supcom 1 other than the cool building animations.

This man pretty much summed up how I am feeling:
I still remember the days when I played the original TA in 1997. That game, its expansion, and the original SupCom were fantastic games. I've played TA via the Spring engine a bunch as well, and playing the game with friends always resulted in epic memories and battles.

People complained about some of the changes in SupCom and the way the tech tiers progressed, but balance issues aside, the gameplay felt very similar to the original. This and the newer videos made me pretty excited for SupCom2. I thought the new experimentals were interesting, and the research/tech/upgrades system sounded like a great way to add depth to an already awesomely complex and engaging series.

However, having played the demo, I just can't help but feel as though everything is too simple. The depth the series had is gone. What's left is just a shell. The feeling of accomplishment of building a gigantic unit is gone due to the low cost and low hitpoints of the experimentals, which are now basically flashy mass produced crap.

The economy that always made the series unique has been trashed in favor of the same old standard RTS resource model. Whatever happened to deficit spending? Queueing up giant forests of turrets/dragon's teeth/walls/etc is gone. Partially building stuff and having to stop and watch it decay because you need the materials for some other emergency is gone. Setting up a never ending queue or loop of units is gone.

WHAT THE HELL were you thinking when you stripped away everything that made the TA series unique and wonderful? Is nothing sacred in the world of multi-platform gaming? Gaming has gone from an art form to mass produced crap just like the rest of mainstream America.
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