Supreme Commander 2 demo is released

I loved TA but didn't care for SupCom. This though I found to be very enjoyable. It ran smoothly, seemed to have an interesting story, and liked the gameplay.
I played the full game today, and it is a pure EPIC FAIL. This is not Supreme Commander 2, it is Supreme Commander Fischer Prize edition, for <5 years old. They took one of the best PC strategy franchises and dumbed it down so much that it is a total turnoff.

The most major problems:
The economy is very dumbed down, no more flows of resources
Experimental units are massively underpowered compared to the past, and very easy to build
About half of the buildings are gone, and there are no more building upgrades to level 2 or 3
The graphics are much worse, for example units do not blow up to pieces any more.

From the comment section of
* Buildings don't link , so you can't link energy to factories to gain an advantage.
* You cannot assign a builder to assist another builder in order speed up the assembly of buildings.
* Formations appear to be gone.
* The fog of war is not shown.
* It appears impossible to display radar ranges, at least in the demo.
* The maps seem optimized for small/short game play.
* Units are more propotional to buildings, so of course this means building models are exceptionally huge for an RTS.
* The modelling is cartoonific, the units look bright and shiney and pretty instead of solid and metalic and gritty as they used to.
* The interface is clunky and iconic graphics are used to display the build queues instead of static renders of the actual item, so you have to learn to recognize the iconic symbol for the unit or building you wish to construct on the control panel, rather than simply having a picture of the unit or building like we used to before.

RIP SupCom.....

I agree, it's a complete disaster. One of my biggest gaming disappointments in a long time. It seems like EVERY fucking game these days is dumbed down to appeal to Xbox morons. Not that there's anything wrong with consoles, I own them all myself to play the exclusives. But I'm sick of my PC experience being ruined on account of consoles. Supreme Commander 2 will only sell 3 copies on the Xbox anyway so there was no reason to ruin it.
Strat games should be banned from Consoles. I have never once even thought about playing a strat game on xbox, ps2 or anything.

Supcom 2 demo was a waste of time, and no way i'm buying it.

I went back and started playing the first one just to feel good after the demo experience. The economy was so much more in depth and required actual planning.

I really don't like that engineers can not assist unit building, that was a real killer for me.

I didn't notice, but could you still build building queues for engineers with shift clicking?
You can make engineers have a build queue. And you can tell them to assist in building army units (I think up to 2 of them might be different per faction) but not buildings which seems odd to me.
I think I need to get a hold of Supcom FA since I actually like Supcom 2 but never really played the first one. I really like the scale of things but having a more complex econ sounds cool.
You can make engineers have a build queue. And you can tell them to assist in building army units (I think up to 2 of them might be different per faction) but not buildings which seems odd to me.
I think I need to get a hold of Supcom FA since I actually like Supcom 2 but never really played the first one. I really like the scale of things but having a more complex econ sounds cool.

Supcon FA is more complex, no doubt, but thats what make is fun, as opposed to the simple queue up a horde and rush. So many options, so many choices, so many strategies. And the Sorain AI is pretty damn good for an AI - surprisingly good.

I dont have anything against simple RTS's, as long as we have a niche RTS thats a little more complex. Now all we have is just another cookie cutter game you can get anywhere.
Can you even save a skirmish game on SC2? The button's there but greyed out. Maybe its my new win7 install that horked something up.
Fun can be had with this game, but it definitely doesn't deserve to be called SC2. I agree with the "SC Fisher Price" nomenclature. Even the graphics are shades of Red Alert.:eek:
Talk about a massive leap backwards, this game is garbage. An RTS for people with cognitive defects.
Could have been made using Flash, that's what I thought to myself when I started my first skirmish. They ripped the guts out of the economy system and threw resource management out the window, grabbing and holding onto precious metal deposits is a thing of the past in a game of infinite resources.
For all intents and purposes, fighting on sea has been removed from the game. Air units just hover mindlessly in the air when idle (VTOL animations aren't a lot to ask for). The UI is counterintuitive and doesn't give the same amount of information as SupCom1, they didn't give us AoE reclaim yet either.....

Only praise I have is the new tricks that the commander has (jump jets, escape pod, hunker) and err... that's it really, its really just total crap. Only the insane or the sadomasochistic will still be playing this game on a regular basis years from now.
Can you even save a skirmish game on SC2? The button's there but greyed out. Maybe its my new win7 install that horked something up.
Oh, you're not the only one with that problem!
Man what a let down this game was.
Yeah, I just warned my SC and FA game buds away from this game, its a total waste. I can't believe I would ever be saying anything like that about an SC game! Is the world coming to an end? I've love Chris Taylor's work since Total Annhilation, but now I have to ask: Who has taken Chris Taylor hostage and replaced him with a gamepad-slingin drone?? :confused:
I've love Chris Taylor's work since Total Annhilation, but now I have to ask: Who has taken Chris Taylor hostage and replaced him with a gamepad-slingin drone?? :confused:

In this case, Square Enix. You can find a recent interview with Taylor concerning how hard it is to stay independent and make the game that the devs want without running into funding issues.

Now, SupCom 2 does have quite a few improvements over SupCom 1/FA, but they are out shined by how much the game lacks compared to its predecessor. I am a fan of base building and base management when playing RTS games so I share the dislikes some of you feel about this game.

Some good news is that GPG has been working on a new RTS called Kings and Castles, in which they plan to stay independent and share weekly progress reports with the community: Still too early to tell if the game will be worthwhile, though.
Went back to Sup Com 1 instantly... i still play a match of SC2 for fun... since they r quick... in 10 mins i have my whole economy in place and i just pump units

Haven't heard of the new game... a medieval maybe with some fantasy type of Sup Com would kickass
Been playing skirmish all day. Not impressed, but not a total failure. I can run it fine on my old machine with all settings to max.
Economy is crap, research system is crap, experimentals are useless. Its true, it is a very dumbed down console version of SupCom.
I might as well sign in here to say how crap SupCom2 is.

Only played the demo mind you, but that's more than enough. Horrifically dumbed down.

We've said it all before, but it's just so sad to see a truly outstanding intelligent PC gaming experience get utterly RAPED for the consoles. And as someone else said, it's a wasted effort because most console peeps don't care for RTS's anyway and would probably STILL find it too complicated. It's a half-way house in the middle of nowhere that no one cares about.

As they say...

It's better to be loved by few, than liked by many. :eek:
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So why is it so many developers start making games they love and take pride in their art, and then they make some money and all of a sudden all they care about is money?

What a shame.
So why is it so many developers start making games they love and take pride in their art, and then they make some money and all of a sudden all they care about is money?

What a shame.

I suspect the real core of the devs that made Supcom were damn proud of what they achieved. The game definitely feels like a work of heartfelt passion.

However, they're hardly going to quit their jobs when asked to make a sequel, even if the producers demand it to be dumbed down. They just worked for the money, and it shows. I don't blame them, I just won't get the game. It's crap, and everyone knows it.
I suspect the real core of the devs that made Supcom were damn proud of what they achieved. The game definitely feels like a work of heartfelt passion.

However, they're hardly going to quit their jobs when asked to make a sequel, even if the producers demand it to be dumbed down. They just worked for the money, and it shows. I don't blame them, I just won't get the game. It's crap, and everyone knows it.

I thought SupCom was Chris Taylor's baby period? Does he have EA on his back with his balls in a vise saying "More $equels now!" I thought he owned the IP and GPG outright. I dont blame the coders, they do what they are told to or go find another job.
I thought SupCom was Chris Taylor's baby period? Does he have EA on his back with his balls in a vise saying "More $equels now!" I thought he owned the IP and GPG outright. I dont blame the coders, they do what they are told to or go find another job.

I don't think Supcom sold enough to cover the development costs for a decent sequel and so Taylor simply needed more capital to pull it off. Consequently he had to pander to the producers (EA) in order to secure that money.

Sad really. His best works have never enjoyed the success their quality deserves.

Oh well, I'm still enjoying Supcom with the Sorian AI mod and probably will for years to come. I'd still be idly playing TA if Supcom hadn't arrived.
SupCom has nothing to do with EA unless THQ or Square Enix belong to EA. The publishers were THQ (SupCom 1/FA) and Square Enix (SupCom 2). THQ killed the budget for post-patch support on FA since they had to close a lot of their offices, and since FA was not a blockbuster hit, THQ decided it was not worth the extra money to prolong support.

I wish FA had the new pathing system. Sure, formations don't work with it (which is why formations do not exist within SupCom 2, not due to dumbing down the game), but skirmishes take me several hours to finish due to the simspeed slowdown.
SupCom has nothing to do with EA unless THQ or Square Enix belong to EA. The publishers were THQ (SupCom 1/FA) and Square Enix (SupCom 2). THQ killed the budget for post-patch support on FA since they had to close a lot of their offices, and since FA was not a blockbuster hit, THQ decided it was not worth the extra money to prolong support.

I wish FA had the new pathing system. Sure, formations don't work with it (which is why formations do not exist within SupCom 2, not due to dumbing down the game), but skirmishes take me several hours to finish due to the simspeed slowdown.

Ahh, thanks for clarifying that.

And I think the sim speed problem is due to sloppy netcode with the game not fully terminating unit threads when they die. There was a big discussion about this in the GPGnet forums a while ago. Some guys worked on it alot, but they didn't really get anywhere significant AFAIK.

You can improve things alot by setting up games to limit unit count and encourage the AI to build fewer but stronger units. Not choosing an Aeon AI helps some.

Play on a lan and the sim speed doesn't suffer anywhere near as much. And Never play on a map with water if you in anyway want a fast game. ;)
There is a core maximizer mod that works pretty good to help multi thread some of SupCom, works real good. That and the Sorian AI mean I play it quite often.
There is a core maximizer mod that works pretty good to help multi thread some of SupCom, works real good. That and the Sorian AI mean I play it quite often.

Been using the maximizer since 2007. I also only play land maps, usually only 20k in size, and limit unit count to 500 each with four-six players. Becomes 1/4 the speed about an hour in. Of course, I play Sorian's cheating AI only since I find the rest too simple.