The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings ann.

8) Date of release? Q1 2011 - according to CDP their engine will work on consoles, and you can use xbox pad to control it. But it's PC game, they made it primarily on PC, with PC gamers in mind, and then they might port it on Xbox/PS3... wonder how many people will whine that "OMGZ that gamez too hardz"
Am I the only one who felt like the first game was poorly suited to KB/M controls? The perspective, camera control, and the limited number of combat actions really made it feel like the game should have been played with a game pad to me.
Am I the only one who felt like the first game was poorly suited to KB/M controls? The perspective, camera control, and the limited number of combat actions really made it feel like the game should have been played with a game pad to me.

Worked fantastic for me on KB/M.
never had that problem. but than again, i hate using gamepads in general.

i need to re-buy the first one again. didn't realize it's like Mass Effect with the characters being transferable.
Am I the only one who felt like the first game was poorly suited to KB/M controls?

Yep. I don't see the problem. Controls are the least of my worries if this ends up being another POS console port.
Awwww, there wasn't auto health regeneration and health packs spread out all over the landscape? Booooooooooo hooooooooooooo

Not crying about it just thought it was pretty annoying and took away from the fighting that was actually some fun.
Worked fantastic for me on KB/M.
I'm not saying it didn't work. Just that it didn't quite feel right. Like the control scheme was in this nebulous area between what it should be if it were designed for M/KB and what it should be if it were designed for a controller, despite the fact that the game is clearly meant to be played with M/KB.
According to the lead moderator on the official Witcher forums, there won't be any console versions - at least released at the same time as the PC version:

There is no intention to release TW2 on PC and console simultaneously. As Sparrowhawk said, one of the devs in the dev diary mentioned the new engine has more flexibility which enables a console version. But the priority of the TW2 developement is the PC version. I think it's also mentioned (assured?) in one of the previous statements of the CDPR poeple.

So it looks like CD Projekt is sticking to their word about keeping PC users in mind first.
Am I the only one who felt like the first game was poorly suited to KB/M controls? The perspective, camera control, and the limited number of combat actions really made it feel like the game should have been played with a game pad to me.

It felt good to me with K/M and probably would feel odd on a controller. Polar
Yeah, seems like a misunderstanding. In the GameSpot interview, the developer, and I think he was the lead producer or something, said that The Witcher 2 was only on PC and the console versions were under consideration. I doubt they'd turn around from that to "consoles confirmed" so quickly.
I'm not saying it didn't work. Just that it didn't quite feel right. Like the control scheme was in this nebulous area between what it should be if it were designed for M/KB and what it should be if it were designed for a controller, despite the fact that the game is clearly meant to be played with M/KB.

Everyone has their own preferences. Like with Batman AA, I hear alot of people liked the KB/M fine for it, however I really couldnt get into the game until I plugged in an xbox 360 controller.

Everything I've read about TW2 says the new game will control much smoother for those who didn't like the controls before. Hopefully that means it will be smooth for everyone, even those of us who thought the original played fine.
I actually loved the different combat styles! I know Im not the only

Geralt looked much more badass in the first game.
Anyone played Witcher 1 with Flash Mod? It is the only Mod officially endorsed by CD Project and added difficulty levels to increase the depth substantially to the game.

I currently play DA with the Simple Increased Difficulty Mod on nightmare. I udnerstand lots of people find DA difficult but it seems to me that if you played Baldurs Gate/Planescape, the game is just not difficult enough on nightmare! Witcher had a balance issue with Igneus powers being too strong which I think the Flash mod fixed etc.
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I play dragon age on easy, enough of a challenge in some parts for me, although a newbie at that genre.

Witcher however was quite good on difficult. As long as you had the potions and used the right combat style you could survive most fights fine enough.
Witcher however was quite good on difficult. As long as you had the potions and used the right combat style you could survive most fights fine enough.

On 'normal' The Witcher was tough as nails for me. This was the original release and not the EE. Some of the boss battles were insanely hard. I know of someone who gave up at the end of Act 1 because they couldn't get past the Demon Hounds (or what ever they were called)
Yes, that boss was tough, AFAIK it couldn't be done without stunning it using an enhanced aard sign.

Still, hopefully they keep the same sort of difficulty levels. Gave everyone a chance.
Anyone played Witcher 1 with Flash Mod? It is the only Mod officially endorsed by CD Project and added difficulty levels to increase the depth substantially to the game.

I currently play DA with the Simple Increased Difficulty Mod on nightmare. I udnerstand lots of people find DA difficult but it seems to me that if you played Baldurs Gate/Planescape, the game is just not difficult enough on nightmare! Witcher had a balance issue with Igneus powers being too strong which I think the Flash mod fixed etc.

I was thinking of replaying the witcher sometime before the sequel comes out, especially if we're going to be able to carry our characters over. If I do, I'd be interested in giving that mod a shot.
Im also on the same boat as others and have not finished the first one. Think I just got into that tower.
Hidden message from the developers in the trailer???

i just popped in the old witcher for a moment... then realized my desktop can't play it all to well.. need to get more upgrades so i can play the first one finish it... and then on to the second. Witcher 2 is definitely going to be my my list of games.
I enjoyed the Witcher but it was a bit too long for me. But then I'm not a huge RPG guy.

I will say I love the developer though, they seem to have a good attitude and like-mindedness with the fans.
I enjoyed the Witcher but it was a bit too long for me. But then I'm not a huge RPG guy.

I will say I love the developer though, they seem to have a good attitude and like-mindedness with the fans.

Agreed its great to see developers like this still out there. The PC is a great gaming platform. I loved the Witcher although I know what you mean about it being too long, gets worse when you get older for this stuff (always find I have too little time now for RPG's).
I enjoyed the Witcher but it was a bit too long for me. But then I'm not a huge RPG guy.

I will say I love the developer though, they seem to have a good attitude and like-mindedness with the fans.

The Witcher is likely a 50hr game if you skip some parts but do the majority of it. To me, your "too long" is a selling point. Any RPG that has good gameplay and over 40 hours of content is usually a must buy for me. I spent probably 400 hours on Morrowind alone, with mods of course.
The Witcher is likely a 50hr game if you skip some parts but do the majority of it. To me, your "too long" is a selling point. Any RPG that has good gameplay and over 40 hours of content is usually a must buy for me. I spent probably 400 hours on Morrowind alone, with mods of course.

Yeah I understand the rationale is usually 'more is better', especially with RPG's.

But it's like the other guy said, as you get older, generally you're gonna have less and less free time. Heck I was actually laid off over the summer and mainly sitting at home all day and it still took me a couple weeks to crank through (I'm thinking I put in 60-70+ hrs). Just felt a little long in the tooth at times. I'll make the time to play a ~30-40 hour Zelda or Mass Effect, but only every once in a while.
IS the Witcher too long? I am currently playing DA and am at the 40 hour mark. And I still have around 60% of the game remaining. I easily think Ill pass the hundred hour mark. I 'am' playing on nightmare with an increased difficulty mod on top but any reloads would go on top for lost battle (another 20 hours I am guessing at the end lol). But then I read codexs, I explore, and I immerse myself. And since the experience is so great, it will still be too short for me.

Thank goodness for Awakening and then a replay of DA with other characters I really want to try out. Will be breaking the 200 hour mark for sure (most I have ever seen for a SP game - I did do 450+ hours with Neverwinter Nights but that was almost all online games.. also Bioware. Otherwise it was 100 hours in Final Fantasy X - Square with significant grinding).
Lame. Lets hope they don't dumb it down. It better be developed on the computer and then ported to Consoles otherwise I won't buy it. I want nudity, foul language and precarious situations in my Witcher thank you.

Agreed, and subbed.