unhappy_mage, a recommendation.

Nice work. I picked up my third WRT54G this weekend at Fry's. I found it in the back of a huge display, v3.1. It was only $50, even though it was marked for $70 on the box. :D I now could setup a farm over at my parents place. I caught someone spoofed my dad's laptop mac address and was using the old dlink I had setup there, I figured it was the perfect excuse to move them to a WRT.

I'd like to try it out on my home one, and maybe my work one as well. I've got a plethora of crapper hardware sitting around in the lower speed P3, athlon, and k6-2(ugg) range.
My ISP (cable co) doesn't care how many computers I have behind my router. They even have pretty comprehensive guides on setting up your router. What difference does it make to them, provided I'm not saturating the network?

Of course, if you can't access the internet, all those online guides aren't worth much...
unhappy_mage said:
What, you want me to take my ball and go home? :p

:D lmfao, that made me laugh out loud. :cool: And no, I like you balls..errr... :eek: Get back to your 12 hours of slave labor!

Full Folding Ahead!

I know I'm supposed to wait, but yeah, that's not happenin. :D My fileserver with it's 4x200GB HDD RAID-5 array shared via samba is waiting for some folding penetration. :p Hit any snags, or is she still chuggin' along? Also, did that router you picked up show up yet, or are ya still waitin' on that?
I've been completely bogged down with school work that I put off about two weeks ago and is now coming due. This week and next I have 3 more midterms.

If you're interested in helping out, tell me where dnsmasq is started. I can't for the life of me find it. Heck, a description of how the init scripts are run (and where they are!) wouldn't hurt :p

unhappy_mage said:
I've been completely bogged down with school work that I put off about two weeks ago and is now coming due. This week and next I have 3 more midterms.

If you're interested in helping out, tell me where dnsmasq is started. I can't for the life of me find it. Heck, a description of how the init scripts are run (and where they are!) wouldn't hurt :p

*puts on private eye hat*

I'll see if I can find anything.
unhappy_mage said:
I've been completely bogged down with school work that I put off about two weeks ago and is now coming due. This week and next I have 3 more midterms.

If you're interested in helping out, tell me where dnsmasq is started. I can't for the life of me find it. Heck, a description of how the init scripts are run (and where they are!) wouldn't hurt :p

Mage: http://forum.bsr-clan.de/ftopic5471.html

However, there isn't shit on mine in the directory. Hmmm, I'll dig around some more.
Yep, that directory only exists if you turn on jffs. And I'd rather not do that. It's very confusing - there's no inittab, no rcS scripts, nothing. I have no idea how the boot process works on this thing.

The other thing I'm going to have to look into is the web configuration pages. I'd like to add a tab to the standard configuration page so it looks nice and follows the style of the rest of the pages, but they didn't use an include for the tabs, so I'd have to modify every single page :( before it'd work. Yuck. Maybe I'll just make my own include system.

unhappy_mage said:
Yep, that directory only exists if you turn on jffs. And I'd rather not do that. It's very confusing - there's no inittab, no rcS scripts, nothing. I have no idea how the boot process works on this thing.

The other thing I'm going to have to look into is the web configuration pages. I'd like to add a tab to the standard configuration page so it looks nice and follows the style of the rest of the pages, but they didn't use an include for the tabs, so I'd have to modify every single page :( before it'd work. Yuck. Maybe I'll just make my own include system.

I found a bunch of startup scripts in /etc/config, but it's been so long since I screwed with linux on a daily basis I can't really figure out what's happening.

This is confusing as hell looking at the filesystem. I have no idea what's going on, and it's not helping that my ssh connect keeps dropping, even though I'm hardwired to the router.
You talking about the NVRam startup options that you have to Commit ?

Heres and example.

This search (NVRAM) on the WIKI may be of some help. You used to have to do this for proper pptp VPN startup with Sveasoft.
Well, NVram settings would be one yucky way to do it. Yucky because it requires changing the NVram of the end user (with a firstboot script or something?) rather than just a firmware upgrade. And I see that dnsmasq_enable=1 is set (for example), but where is this value read and dnsmasq started? It's a very strange thing to deal with, having a read-only root filesystem.

In other news, I just picked up the router I bought. Good condition, apparently brand new as stated in thread. Working fine as a switch.

Okay, I guess it's time for an update. I haven't advanced any since last time, but I have a legitimate reason which we call a stomach virus :eek: So this weekend was spent between the pot and the bed, and now I have a lot of homework due tomorrow that I'm working on. Hopefully next weekend will be a little more productive in a software sense and I'll get those 11.5 hours in that I keep hoping for. Until next time, get plenty of fluids!

unhappy_mage said:
Okay, I guess it's time for an update. I haven't advanced any since last time, but I have a legitimate reason which we call a stomach virus :eek: So this weekend was spent between the pot and the bed, and now I have a lot of homework due tomorrow that I'm working on. Hopefully next weekend will be a little more productive in a software sense and I'll get those 11.5 hours in that I keep hoping for. Until next time, get plenty of fluids!

Yikes ! That rotovirus crap is nasty..... pretty much OTC symptomatic treatment unless you can't stop vomiting, then the prescription level stuff is much better. PM me if you want any more specific info.. . Hopefully you are feeling better by now :)

RPhArrow --\\\------------------>
I am feeling much better now, thanks. This weekend was no fun though, I looked like a plague victim. Luckily both roommates had it as well, so they weren't feeling well enough to take pictures (aka blackmail :p) Thanks for the well wishes, I'm delving back into homework.

tsuehpsyde said:
Get better, man. We'll patiently wait for those 11 and a half hours. ;)

No, we won't. At least not patiently. :p ;)

Just ignore the hot irons and boiling oil we have sitting off on the side. :eek:

Good news and bad news. Good news: Well, I've figured out where dnsmasq is started. Bad news: It's in /sbin/rc, which is written in C. There are no init scripts. All that stuff that would normally be in nice readable shell script? C. Yecch. Ah well, I think I can work around it. For the curious, it's started on DD-WRT\src\router\rc\services.c, line 713. I'm going to try just setting the options in nvram rather than screw with how it's started; hopefully this will make future updates easier.

Yeah yeah. School. :( I've got spring break starting on Friday, I'll work on it then. Maybe. That means another machine to bring home, though :p

Sorry this is taking so long, it's been a long couple of weeks and I keep getting started on other things. And then finishing other things. I promise I'll get something done. I'll even get out the ol' hub so I can do network debugging.

Well, I've gotten a start on this. More bad news, though - the http server doesn't actually do CGI scripting, it actually just looks at the HTML as it passes through and does replacement on <% %> sequences. And the code to do that is in C, of course. And this isn't documented anywhere, and things are named .asp just to confuse things a little more. It's okay; I was going to go around and modify all the files so that they'd have a common header file that would make it easier to add things in the future, but I'll just modify them all manually. I can probably even automate this with a patch, and that'll make it easier to build future versions.

In the meantime, though, I'm going to work on getting PXE going. Once that's going everything else is just details ;)

Triple Post! I've got tftpd working, sorta (I don't have any files for it to serve, yet, so I can't tell if that'll work when I get to it). Here's a grab from VMware:

So you can see the two things I've accomplished:
1) when it asks for a DHCP lease, it gets one
2) when it goes to do TFTP, it at least talks to the server before falling over and dying.
What's left to do?
3) Add a webpage to configure some of these things, for example what SMB share to mount
4) Get init script written to start tftpd, mount share, whatever else needs doing
5) Test a lot, with etherboot and pxe, with anything I can find, on a non-proxied network (sweet-talk parents or wait until I get to school ;)).

3) is done. 4) is mostly done. I've hit a few more snags, though, so I'll add to my list.
6) I need to figure out how to set the date correctly. Otherwise the client will download a WU, notice that (according to its clock, anyways) it's already overdue, delete, get another... on a fast connection this could really screw things up at Stanford. I'll get it fixed before I go back to school, for example ;)
7) NFS isn't built into the kernel, so I have to figure out how to go about that. Should be fun. Alternatively, I could build SMB into the clients. I'll figure it out sooner or later.

Last note: I'm gonna rebuild the kernel with NFS server turned on and see if I can flash the firmware with that. We'll see how that goes :-/

Awesome, something to sink our teeth into (status wise, at least). Idunno about everyone else, but I've far from lost interest in this project at all. :) Keep up the good work.

Well, I haven't forgotten you. But NFS is turning out to be more of a problem than I thought - all the binaries I can find for rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd, etc, fail because of a missing system call. I think if I were able to build the NFS tools myself, I could get it going, but until I get a large contiguous block of time to do that, I'm stuck. Hopefully this weekend I'll get to it, but who knows.

How did the weekend go? I'm beginning to miss my babies.. :) (actualy not, but I am curious..)
Got nothing done. The weekend wasn't the large block of time I was hoping for, I couldn't manage to bring my computer home, and thus, nonproductivity. Going home is fun, but I get nothing done. This weekend I'm staying on-campus, so hopefully I'll make progress :-/ I have both routers hooked up, and I'm using the smaller one for dev stuff now. Enough ethernet cables makes a big difference ;) But now... chem test, here I come!

Hey i was wondering if you knew they can now use the v5 to put linux on stuff?


so maybe now you willn't have to hunt these old ones down

how that chem test go mage?

Well, seeing as putting Linux on v5 is highly experimental so far, requires special hardware, there's only 2mb of flash and 8mb of ram, and I don't have one to play with... not yet ;)

The chem test went very well, I answered all the questions and felt good about the answers.

I'm working on the NFS tools. I have figured out how to compile things on the device itself, which makes it a lot slower, but at least it's not cross-compiling. Wait, no, I'm going to lunch. I just realized I haven't eaten since last night. I'll keep going when I get back, though. :p

Well, this is a blast from the past...

I officially Give Up on getting NFS serving going. What I'll do instead is make the clients understand Samba, and let them access the share directly. It shouldn't be a problem to do that, but it could be problematic if you've got a lot of machines doing this. But I do mean a *lot* - say more than 30.

I'll hammer on this some today and see how close I can get. When I get close enough I'll start another thread with beta-testing instructions and post some files for you all to play with.

Any news on what is happing with this? Just got my hands on another WRT54G v3 and would like to use it for this, but if it is not going to work I may pass it on.