USB problem with MSI p35 neo2 fr


Jan 25, 2007
Ive had my MSI P35 Neo2 fr for quite a while, its a great board in my opinion, and i got a decent deal on it, ive never had any problems with it until now.

I have been having problems with almost all my other devices on usb locking up when i transfer files to a flash drive or to my zune, or an external drive etc. The mouse locks up no matter what, the keyboard sometimes locks up and i cant access any of my other usb devices, they still get power, but no data transfer. Sometimes this even continues until after the files are done transferring. The only way to fix it is to unplug and re insert each device either into the same port or a different port.

This isnt an issue with just one port, its all of them.

Help would be appreciated,

Thanks :)
Have the latest BIOS installed on the board?

What about clearing the BIOS? Some random setting could have gotten corrupted.

You might also want to try and delete the PCI bus from Device Manager and then restart and let it re-detect everything.
Im pretty sure the bios are current, but i dont think new ones have been released in a while. This just started happening out of the blue. Ill look into clearing the bios, if worse comes to worse ill just buy a pci usb card
I tried clearing the bios, and deleting the pci bus and having it redetect everything, still to no avail, is this a sign of my northbridge dying ?
what if you unplug a certain device that could possibly be shorting?
hmm, seems that unplugging the mouse fixed my problems, which is what was locking up the most out of any thing else plugged in, which is a shame, i liked that mouse.