What colour is your computer room?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I guess this is kind of off topic, but I couldn't find any better place to post this.

What is the colour of the walls in your computer room? What would you change it too?

I'm planning on painting my room soon, and I can't decide which colour to paint it. I didn't think that it would be this hard to make up my mind. I'm thinking more of a dark colour to capture the mood when I'm playing those FPS games like doom 3. Something like a blue or maybe a red? I'm not too sure. Any help is appreciated!

you should do some research into the physiology and psychology of color before you do. for example, if you paint it blue your appetite will be supressed and if you paint it red it will be stimulated. green is the most visible color and has been known to help with critical thinking when children are surrounded by lots of green. the color green which is around the 532nm region of the spectrum is also the most visible to the human eye. in dark settings, dark brownish red walls actually disappear more than black walls will.
mine is just standard off-white. My ultimate room would have black carpet on all surfaces, like a movie theater.
Bugalaman said:
mine is just standard off-white. My ultimate room would have black carpet on all surfaces, like a movie theater.

that would suck for dust, but i like the idea, ive thought of it as well.

this room is off-white, i hate this room more than can be imagined. cant wait to MOVE in a few months.
Some kind of shitty blue. I can't stand it. Hopefully I'm get to paint it soon.
My home office is still white.

however plans are this year to paint it a blue-grey color. I think it is called dolphin or whale or something like that. It wasn't too grey, and it wasn't too blue. A nice mix.
domoMKIV said:
that would suck for dust, but i like the idea, ive thought of it as well.

this room is off-white, i hate this room more than can be imagined. cant wait to MOVE in a few months.

HEPA filter
Dark green here. Most theaters use full length curtains, not carpet. Better sound baffling, and easier to clean to boot. Basically, to do it their way(ish) get two curtain rods, hanging one at the top of the wall, and one at the bottom of the wall. Get some HEAVY tapestry material of color/pattern you like. Buy roughly 2x length of wall you are installing onto to allow for pleating. (Get someone to) sew a seam/loop lengthwise along the top and bottom of the tapestry material, so that the finished length is the same as the difference between your upper and lower curtain rods. Slide fabric onto rods, and even fabric across length of rod.

BTW...does it show that I used to work at a theater for a number of years and that my wife is big into crafts?

Good luck if you decide to go this route.
Me neither. What i have though is a partition wall seperating the PC station. I have UV lights under/behind a jerker desk.
Beige with white trim.

Ideal colors for me would be silver and black.
ahh my kinda thread. ;)

My room is painted white with a spung it's green and alittle bit of grey. I also have a dark green rug.


heres a pic, maybe later ill take a picture of my wall.
my room is a nice light red, almost pinkish hue, with light green trim. there are gentle daffodils painted near the bottom, like a vine that reaches all the way around my room. at the top, there are spots of white painted ever so softly to signify clouds and then there is is a nice bright Sun. In the morning, the room is filled with sunlight and makes it ever so appeasing....


I mean off-white. Yeah, its off-white.
computer room puts stress on computer and implies it is a room meant for a computer / workstation, as opposed to a bedroom, which is a room meant for a bed. If he meant "room your computer is in" he would have said so.

Bugalaman said:
if its not in a room, it must be outside
my basement...in which my computer lives, is all wood paneling with black stripes (about 8-10 inches apart) going from floor to ceiling and black spots/lines randomly scattered in between the black stripes.

i hate it.....
Three walls are beige/tan, the side with the closet doors are a chocolate brown, and a whole hawai'ian/polynesian theme is going on in the room.

Plus all my gaming flair on the walls.
my computer is in a corner in our appartment... not in its own room :D its a tan color...

should look up colors... and there affect on your "mood" (like that other person said) dont want something that will make you "angry" or depressed or something.... wall colors are important in a lot of places... for example prision..... if you have ever noticed the walls are white or grey... its creates a calm mood... if they were red... it would probly cause more anger and fighting... (haha i took a design class we spent like 3-4 days on color alone)

just a little usless off topic info ;)
my room is white with dark blue/dark green/dark purple flung onto the walls.. just dip the brush off into the paint and start flinging.. sorry no cam
Mine's a really light mint color. I really like it, just painted it a year or so ago.
offwhite(egg shell), whatever came with my apartment.....Wait till I get a house thou....:)
Mine is an old house and the walls are an off white. I'm too lazy to remove the wall mounted boodshelves to paint the wall...rather I'm too lazy to remove all the stuff off the shelves in order to remove the shelves to paint the wall. :p

...my $0.02... :cool:

Ummm well its a room :D Living room that is, and the Computer has it's own little corner it resides in, and I guess its some sorta white, It was like that when I moved into the Apt.

Um...white...And I would change it to a dark navy blue (Ralph Lauren has a good DARK Navy Blue), if I could.
uzor said:
Dark green here. Most theaters use full length curtains, not carpet. Better sound baffling, and easier to clean to boot. Basically, to do it their way(ish) get two curtain rods, hanging one at the top of the wall, and one at the bottom of the wall. Get some HEAVY tapestry material of color/pattern you like. Buy roughly 2x length of wall you are installing onto to allow for pleating. (Get someone to) sew a seam/loop lengthwise along the top and bottom of the tapestry material, so that the finished length is the same as the difference between your upper and lower curtain rods. Slide fabric onto rods, and even fabric across length of rod.

BTW...does it show that I used to work at a theater for a number of years and that my wife is big into crafts?

Good luck if you decide to go this route.

Would it be [H] to sew the seams yourself? Hehe..

I have no idea what color my office is. After all, I'm only in it every day. Light tan? Off-white?
Wow thanks guys!

I haven't really took the time to think that colour could affect my life. Makes me feel sorry for those who are blind... :(

I just wanted some examples because I'm building this computer soon and I'm placing it in this UGLY room, it's filled with three different wallpaper coverings with these really strange pictures. It looks like crap. I have no clue what the previous owner did with that room... :eek: So today's the day I'm going to rip all that stuff off :p (I hope it won't take too long) and then tomorrow might be the day I get the paint.

I've decided to go for a dark grey with a little bit of a blue in it. I wouldn't know what it's called...I'll take pics when I'm done if any of you want to see. It's just a room..but meh.. ;)
atherton213 said:
my computer is in a corner in our appartment... not in its own room :D its a tan color...

should look up colors... and there affect on your "mood" (like that other person said) dont want something that will make you "angry" or depressed or something.... wall colors are important in a lot of places... for example prision..... if you have ever noticed the walls are white or grey... its creates a calm mood... if they were red... it would probly cause more anger and fighting... (haha i took a design class we spent like 3-4 days on color alone)

just a little usless off topic info ;)
We actually have a prison in St. Augustine, FL thats painted pink inside and out for the very reason of calming inmates. Does it work? Hell if I know, do I look like a prisoner?
What it is now: real wood walls painted white. The kind of stuff the 70's veneer is trying to imitate. Don't like it though.

What i would love. 6 foot solid oak bookcases, full of books. on every wall. Nice leather chair with a streched leather top desk. Solid oak leather top. Ohhh yah that would be nice. Polished. Mirror finished. Hard wood floors. Not the shitty never been maintained hardwood you see in slum houses either. Redwood flat polished floors. Sanded with 600 grit sandpaper. Area rug over the wood so you don't see it except at the foot of the bookcases. The short hair kind of area rug. Maybe a window in front of the desk to look out from. Might as well change the outside temperature from hot as hell to 60 degree's and overcast. Nice tiffiny lamp or one of those green metal brass desklamps. Yah...

My bedroom/computer room is erhm...sand colored. The roof is sky blue with white clouds. Done it myself to see my creativity back when I was 16.

