What is Diablo?

They've been talking about a new loot system in D3. You see only what you can pick up, and each player sees something different.

"Loot is now generated per player. You only see the loot that you can pick up, which Blizzard hopes will create a spirit of cooperation."

I'm really excited about this, I hate having to fight over items once we get done fighting the enemy.
the graphics look pretty bad. maybe I'll just wait for #3 to come out. when does it come out like end of next year?

Dude i still play this game (runs on everything (OS/HW) love Blizzard programin) even when its goin on 10yrs+. The gameplay is where its at, thus after 10yrs they STILL are making this game and its still 20+$ and not liein in some bargin bin... BUY IT ... its worth best adventuring RPG ever.
I tried playing it but graphics looked like my cat regurgitated on my monitor. I'll hold out for d3 :p
Yeah. Graphics are always the most important and only thing worth considering when it comes to gaming.
Yeah. Graphics are always the most important and only thing worth considering when it comes to gaming.

^----- Target market for the GTX 280 and Crysis, Assassins Creed, Age of Conan, ect.

A pretty game is not always a good game, and a good game doesn't have to be pretty. Starcraft is so privative you could probably make a Flash version of it, but it is still bought, sold and played worldwide and is a fantastic game. WOW has shitty graphics but it the best selling game of all time. Lets try a non Blizzard game, how about Dawn of War. Decent but not fantastic graphics, but still a great game. How about a contrary example now, say Crysis, great graphics (if you have the hardware), terrible game.

By todays standards, Diablo 2 has terrible graphics. They were barely acceptable when the game came out, and that was 10 years ago. I do see how the graphics of D2 could interfere with the gameplay.

Please don't make the claim that graphics are the most important thing in a game. It should be self explanatory that GAMEplay is the most important thing in a GAME. If all you want is good graphics, go see a movie, go outside, (RL has great graphics, poor gameplay), or buy MGS4.
word, up the res 800x600 its not bad all, am an old school gamer, as long as gameplay/story is good i play it. I still play MOO2,Tie fighter, Wolfinstien, Doom2, Diablo2.... they still are great even 10+yrs on.
Ah, come on. It wasn't hard to tell with the post above it and my post starting with yeah.
word, up the res 800x600 its not bad all, am an old school gamer, as long as gameplay/story is good i play it. I still play MOO2,Tie fighter, Wolfinstien, Doom2, Diablo2.... they still are great even 10+yrs on.
I will load up Outlaws, Deus Ex, Unreal, Undying, Anachranox, Half Life OG!, Star Craft BW, D2 every now and again for some good nostalgic fun.
Yea , a coworker from work bought a voodoo 5 jsut so he could play outlaws online... if you think the graphics r bad in D2, try playing that.. lol.
Diablo 2 has crappy graphics. The gameplay is pretty crappy too. Click click click click click click click click click click click.
Diablo 2 has crappy graphics. The gameplay is pretty crappy too. Click click click click click click click click click click click.

Diablo II was a runaway success for Blizzard. The game has achieved an overall score of 88 on Metacritic.[4] Gamespy awarded the game an 86 out of 100,[5] IGN awarded the game an 8.3 out of 10,[6] and Gamespot awarded the game an 8.5 out of 10[7] along with earning the 2000 runner-up Reader's Choice Award for role-playing game of the year.[8] It was awarded a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records 2000 edition for being the fastest selling computer game ever sold, with more than 1 million units sold in the first two weeks of availability;[9] according to the 2008 Guinness Gamer's Edition, the title still holds the record.[10] As of August 29, 2001, Diablo II has sold 4 million copies worldwide.[11] The game has received the "Computer Game of the Year", "Computer Role Playing Game of the Year", and "Game of the Year" awards from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences at the 2001 Interactive Achievement Awards.[11]

As for the click click click, isnt that the same with any game that uses a mouse?
Diablo II was a runaway success for Blizzard. The game has achieved an overall score of 88 on Metacritic.[4] Gamespy awarded the game an 86 out of 100,[5] IGN awarded the game an 8.3 out of 10,[6] and Gamespot awarded the game an 8.5 out of 10[7] along with earning the 2000 runner-up Reader's Choice Award for role-playing game of the year.[8] It was awarded a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records 2000 edition for being the fastest selling computer game ever sold, with more than 1 million units sold in the first two weeks of availability;[9] according to the 2008 Guinness Gamer's Edition, the title still holds the record.[10] As of August 29, 2001, Diablo II has sold 4 million copies worldwide.[11] The game has received the "Computer Game of the Year", "Computer Role Playing Game of the Year", and "Game of the Year" awards from the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences at the 2001 Interactive Achievement Awards.[11]

As for the click click click, isnt that the same with any game that uses a mouse?

I was looking into their sales data and stuff yesterday, and all I could find was that figure from 2001. I really want to know what the current sales numbers are for it including sales of the battle chest for the last 7 years. Couldn't find anything newer than that one number though. Weird.

Anyone know if there is a way to get a higher resolution than 800x600? I know some older games out there have mods that allow for higher resolutions. This would take care of all of the jagged edges atleast.
No, it's not a MMOG. If you choose to play it online with friends, you play over Blizzards battle.net service which is free.

Blizzard has stated it is unknown what type of fees will go along with this game. If any. It is undetermined but not a no.
Anyone know if there is a way to get a higher resolution than 800x600? I know some older games out there have mods that allow for higher resolutions. This would take care of all of the jagged edges atleast.

Best way is to install it in a VM and run D2 full screen within the VM and expand the VM window to whatever u like on your monitor.

Its a pita
I remember having a PC that couldn't run D2 and I had to wait for an upgrade. It could play it but I required I think it was either a cpu or ram upgrade.

Out of Blizz's game I played D1/D2 the most. I'm not proud of it but I botted some, was waiting for patch 1.14 or 1.08 (?) I think before I quit. I was collecting all of the set armors. My greatest accomplishment was finding an unidentified windforce. Sold it for SOJ's and bought me and my friends some equipment.

My favorite time playing D2 was in the second chapter, the middle eastern city and playing that with a bunch of guys online. D2 was the best mix between MMORPG and ORPG, Guild Wars expanded on it. But what made D2 unique was the capability of ith's lol, the online community, and hardcore mode. D3 should make for some fun times, but I get an odd feeling getting excited about D3 when I was just as excited about D2. It's like dejavu only I am much older, and can afford to really enjoy the experience this time. It's the flip side of aging with a franchise, you can look back on it with a little more insight and appreciation.
the music was great in this game to perhaps one of my fav game soundtracks

Werd, the soundtrack is haunting and brings back memories of getting iced by the butcher the first time around. The second soundtrack expanded more on the original sound, nice strings and wind instruments.

I feel really old considering Diablo wasn't even a first game for me and people are asking about it since the confirmation on 3.

As for people saying it looks bad, get your eyes checked, it looks great even by todays standards, the 2d artwork is pretty close to top notch.

I am stoked for number 3, I just need to get back into PC gaming, consoles stealing my life away :(
The game has achieved an overall score of 88 on Metacritic.[4] Gamespy awarded the game an 86 out of 100,[5] IGN awarded the game an 8.3 out of 10,[6] and Gamespot awarded the game an 8.5 out of 10[7]

Ah...the good 'ol days of game reviews where every game didn't get a 10 and where an 8-9 score was unheard of!