What's the best Single Player FPS?

Original Call of Duty + Exp. and Half Life 2 were "wow" moments for me. Crysis was the most recent "wow." but only for the graphics. HL2 series wins overall for graphics and epic storytelling combined... for me anyway (on a technicality, HL2 runs on even the shittiest of systems, so coding/graphics engine FTW).

*Doom 3 gets an honorable mention..
I agree with everything posted here. I have one more for you but I really think the multiplayer is what really got me as this was the first FPS I played online.

jedi knight:dark forces 2
first person light saber battles with customized force powers!
Nobody's giving love to STALKER?

Hands DOWN the best SP experience I have ever had. Get the Oblivion Lost mod for extra craziness.

You cant beat that atmosphere. Music, weapons, enemies, great stuff.

Someone else back me up here!
Nobody's giving love to STALKER?

Hands DOWN the best SP experience I have ever had. Get the Oblivion Lost mod for extra craziness.

You cant beat that atmosphere. Music, weapons, enemies, great stuff.

Someone else back me up here!

I like stalker but its way too bugged.
I cannot finish the game as each time, I get a show different stopper that prevents crucial tasks from being completed. Started 3 new games now.
Such a shame otherwise it would be high on my list too.
If youre going to say HL2 how can you not say HL1?! That was amazing. I didnt like 2 as much.

Deus Ex was also a good one.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines (or Redemption? whichever had the HL2 engine) was buggy as hell but had a great atmosphere.
Re: MAX Payne 1/2
You MUST get the FPS mod
if you haven't played these games using it, do so

QTF. That is all.


Actually, I would like to add that if you have any taste in FPS games and haven't played the following; No One Lives Forever 2, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, you'd be doing yourself a favor to try them unless you absolutely can't stand anything but the most cutting-edge graphics, no matter how much the gameplay suffers. Unless all you like doing is the "run and gun" thing, Half-Life just doesn't compare in terms of depth and gameplay. (Stalker could be on that list too, but I felt that it wasn't as complete as it should have been)

Play these, now.
Nobody's giving love to STALKER?

Hands DOWN the best SP experience I have ever had. Get the Oblivion Lost mod for extra craziness.

You cant beat that atmosphere. Music, weapons, enemies, great stuff.

Someone else back me up here!

Stalker was a great idea but the game was too bug ridden. On top of that I felt there were too many tasks/quests, regardless of whether or not they were optional.
Only problem with STALKER is it's not a kids game. I don't consider that a problem really but some here do. It is also not consolized. It is a PURE PC shooter.

I've played it across 3 different machines AMD to Intel from the original unpatched release to the current 1.5. Never a problem. Never a bug. (could have something to do with knowing how to actually build and use a computer)

STALKER hasn't won any Games of the Year yet cause their saving it for Game of the Decade!!!
My top FPS'ers in no particular order are these:

Cronicles of Riddick - Escape from Butcher Bay
Far Cry
Call of Jaurez
QTF. That is all.


Actually, I would like to add that if you have any taste in FPS games and haven't played the following; No One Lives Forever 2, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex

what was so great and NOLF2? I tried but I just couldn't find much that was so great about it...
Thief I and II top my list, although they're not really shooters.
Call of Duty
QTF. That is all.


Actually, I would like to add that if you have any taste in FPS games and haven't played the following; No One Lives Forever 2, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, you'd be doing yourself a favor to try them unless you absolutely can't stand anything but the most cutting-edge graphics, no matter how much the gameplay suffers. Unless all you like doing is the "run and gun" thing, Half-Life just doesn't compare in terms of depth and gameplay. (Stalker could be on that list too, but I felt that it wasn't as complete as it should have been)

Play these, now.

what was so great and NOLF2? I tried but I just couldn't find much that was so great about it...

Well, all of this is a matter of opinion (With the exception of System Shock 2, that is an indisputable fact) but where I see NOLF2 rising above and beyond your average or even good FPS game is that it has a skill system similar to Deus Ex's, it adds gadgets that allow a depth to the gameplay that is rarely seen in FPS games. While it does sport a comical feel, it still does have a seriousness to the story and gameplay that draws one in to it and offers a compelling single-player storyline that provides clear objectives and allows players some dynamic choices as to how they go about achieving those objectives. You can go for a full on lethal approach, or if you're not into killing stuff (why are you playing FPS games?) you can do non-lethal takedowns, or just take a stealth approach and avoid confrontation all together.

It is an often-overlooked game that has gameplay styles similar to Deus Ex and System Shock, while not being as overburdened with the interface clumsiness and being a bit more of a clear cut FPS rather than a hybrid. If you liked Deus Ex or SS2, its definitely worth a play, try it again!

Hmm.. I haven't played it in a few years.. I think it's about time for another run through myself!

That's a big number!
NOLF2 was ace and Deus Ex was too.
I need to pick up System Shock 2, looks like I missed a classic!
Deus Ex

I'm still a firm believer that the first Half-Life was my favorite. STALKER is catching up close although I have not completed it yet.
I give my votes to Bioshock and HL2 series.
I love their unique fictionaly setting and atmosphere.

COD4 was alright, its a really well made game but realistic FPSs aren't my taste I guess.