Where are the mid range nVidia cards?

on monday you will get to see Nvidia launch GTX 660 at USD 300. good for the mid range segment as the new competition will reduce pricing on HD 7870 to USD 300 or lower and push HD 7850 below USD 250. so good for people looking to buy USD 200 - 300 cards.

Monday came and went, with no 660 news. If this is really going to wait till Q3 or even Q4 it may be beneficial to just sit on what you have right now and see if Nvidia lowers the price on the other kepler cards when they release the GK110 Geforce in Q1 2013.
Monday came and went, with no 660 news. If this is really going to wait till Q3 or even Q4 it may be beneficial to just sit on what you have right now and see if Nvidia lowers the price on the other kepler cards when they release the GK110 Geforce in Q1 2013.

I was looking forward to some new info on the 660.

I think NVIDIA is going to kill their vendors GTX 5XX stock off if they release a $300 660 part with 2GB of VRAM and can beat a GTX 580. I expect GTX 570, 560 ti 448, 580 prices to drop quite a bit with the release of a 28nm $300 NVIDIA card.

I expect GTX660 to be about level with HD7870 for less money. It will be a big win if it is faster and more power efficient and can over clock to GTX670 like performance.
just passing this along, but it nothing more then a "Chinese forum" type of source. But if your desperate for any mention of the 660...


With the launch getting nearer day after day, details on the new Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 seem to be leaking on to the web all over. And this time, the new leaks will have you go readying up to cash out your wallets sooner than expected.

According to a Chinese forum member who had gotten access to the graphic card’s test department, the card over all is VERY SHORT in length and comparable to the GTX 670 without the cooler off course.

Coming to performance, the card will be 3 to 5% FASTER than the AMD Radeon HD7950 and has 87% similar performance as the GTX 670. And further if you’re wondering about the cost, we have confirmed from various sources of the price tag being $299 is turning out to be legit.

However earlier the launch had been slated for 25th of June which turned out to be a no go and still yet no valid launch date for the GTX 660 has been given. Who knows it just might be around the corner.
just passing this along, but it nothing more then a "Chinese forum" type of source. But if your desperate for any mention of the 660...


First off, the card is SHORTER than the current GTX 670 in terms of PCB length. The card will have a TDP of 100W (that aligns up with the rumors of the card having one 6 Pin PCI-E connector) and the memory bandwidth to have a total output of 192 GB/s.

The length will be around roughly 4 inches with the outputs to consist of a Dual DVI, a DisplayPort and an HDMI out. The card will also have a 4 to 6 Phase VRM so you can expect somewhat of overclocking to be on the card.

sounds legit :D
From everything I'm hearing, it sounds like the 660 will be perfect for my needs. I just hope it releases by September when I get home and do my new build.

670 seams like a bit of overkill for a single 1680x1050 screen.
From everything I'm hearing, it sounds like the 660 will be perfect for my needs. I just hope it releases by September when I get home and do my new build.

670 seams like a bit of overkill for a single 1680x1050 screen.
if the rest of your specs are high end then I think the gtx670 is a good card for 1680x1050 if you want to run the most demanding games.
if the rest of your specs are high end then I think the gtx670 is a good card for 1680x1050 if you want to run the most demanding games.

Still enjoying BF3 @1920 very much with a 460 upclocked a slight bit, I imagine the 660 is going to be killer for those of us who just want to maintain over 30fps with killer IQ.
just passing this along, but it nothing more then a "Chinese forum" type of source. But if your desperate for any mention of the 660...


Yea, I think il wait and see honestly.

I think the card will be good once released but it may be a little too late for the card.

I think the one card they are trying to beat is the 7850, where the 7870 has great performance it is expensive and the 7850 is not.

Nvidia needs to out shine amd here as this area will most likely be the new money makers for both makers as the integrated graphics slowly eat away at the ultra low end.
1.5GB is fine for a mid-range card. Its more than enough for 1920x1080.
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Excessive but whatever ya feel you need sir, just don't try to claim it is actually needed and post more falsehoods.

Here's a fact: you don't know what the hell is needed. Devs are going to go whole hog with textures shortly because guess what? The new consoles are coming.
Here's a fact: you don't know what the hell is needed. Devs are going to go whole hog with textures shortly because guess what? The new consoles are coming.

When? Another two years? Even then most games are still a 32-bit exe that can't use more than 4GB of system ram. Even then what about storage space? Most of the games that use a decent amount of vram now already use much higher resolution textures than the console version.
Like consoles are going to push on the edge of gaming hardware. Please insert Disc 2.

Anyways, I'm waiting for 560 vs 660 benchmarks.
my prediction: there won't be any solid mid-range from nvidia until 700 series. this is because in the 600 series, nvidia screwed up their big chip (gk100), and released their midrange chip (gk104) as high-end. I'm not saying it doesn't perform as high end or anything else, but just honestly look at historical nvidia naming conventions. So now all that's left below gk104 is too crap to be considered mid-range.

Once the 700 series rolls out then they can have gk110 at the top, gk104 refreshes (likely gk114) at midrange, and the rest below.

Not sure why anyone is really surprised there isn't a great 460/560 (gf104/gf114) successor.
Man, that GK104 design is being milked for all it's worth. Nvidia's probably glad AMD came up slightly weaker on 28nm, 'cause now they get to use all the silicon that didn't make 680 spec to fill a lineup, and boom, there's a generation for ya.
Man, that GK104 design is being milked for all it's worth. Nvidia's probably glad AMD came up slightly weaker on 28nm, 'cause now they get to use all the silicon that didn't make 680 spec to fill a lineup, and boom, there's a generation for ya.

I wouldn't say they are happy about their situation with all the money spent on the R&D for the GK100, then spent on the GK110 (which still isn't done). In the end they were able to sell cards because AMD didn't attempt a super large core. Wonder if AMD will attempt to compete on performance by releasing a huge core?
Like consoles are going to push on the edge of gaming hardware. Please insert Disc 2.

Anyways, I'm waiting for 560 vs 660 benchmarks.

Every console is bluray this round. Theres no getting around it.
Man, that GK104 design is being milked for all it's worth. Nvidia's probably glad AMD came up slightly weaker on 28nm, 'cause now they get to use all the silicon that didn't make 680 spec to fill a lineup, and boom, there's a generation for ya.

7970 ghz is faster than 680. Not sure how that equates to "slightly weaker".

Guess Nvidia is giving up the high end and going with smaller cores that dont really compete at the high end.

Anyways, so much for June 25th. I dont even see any reliable signs a launch is around the corner. There should at least be some non photoshopped pics of the cards floating around if a launch was imminent.
Man, that GK104 design is being milked for all it's worth. Nvidia's probably glad AMD came up slightly weaker on 28nm, 'cause now they get to use all the silicon that didn't make 680 spec to fill a lineup, and boom, there's a generation for ya.

Nvidia has no 28nm card at USD 200 - 300. thats the largest GPU segment by volume of cards sold. not the USD 400 - 500 segment where the GK104 is being sold.
Nvidia has no 28nm card at USD 200 - 300. thats the largest GPU segment by volume of cards sold. not the USD 400 - 500 segment where the GK104 is being sold.

I would have guessed the $100~200 range sells more than both the ones you mentioned
Wrong... go do some research. I'd post an LMGTFY link but you probably at least know the URL of google... I hope.

i have done research, it's called looking at any review where nvidia falls behind at 2560.

2gb, let alone 1gb, is definitely not enough, nvidia is always screwing customers on ram. how many people own junk 560 ti's with a useless 1gb of memory? but they dont even care cus hey, must kill amd!

take my case, i purchased a hd4890 in 2009. at that time everybody told me 512mb was enough memory. i purchased the 1gb model. good thing, cus 512mb is stupid now. just like 2gb will be in 2 years let alone the 1gb nvidia is peddling.

crysis 2 hi res pack actual recommends 2gb vram, though i'm sure most 560 ti's/570's stutter heavily in most games already despite doing ok avg framerates. i also remember the devs pointing that out in bf3 on twitter, stuttering due to 570's low ram was pointed out by the actual bf 3 devs on higher settings/msaa.
i have done research, it's called looking at any review where nvidia falls behind at 2560.

2gb, let alone 1gb, is definitely not enough, nvidia is always screwing customers on ram. how many people own junk 560 ti's with a useless 1gb of memory? but they dont even care cus hey, must kill amd!

take my case, i purchased a hd4890 in 2009. at that time everybody told me 512mb was enough memory. i purchased the 1gb model. good thing, cus 512mb is stupid now. just like 2gb will be in 2 years let alone the 1gb nvidia is peddling.

crysis 2 hi res pack actual recommends 2gb vram, though i'm sure most 560 ti's/570's stutter heavily in most games already despite doing ok avg framerates. i also remember the devs pointing that out in bf3 on twitter, stuttering due to 570's low ram was pointed out by the actual bf 3 devs on higher settings/msaa.

alert the presses!: 2 year old hardware can't run new games at max settings!
I don't see 2gb being a big deal for mid range, but at the same time I don't see it choking at 1.5gb either for their intended range. 512 on the 4870 although was a pretty lame move I agree, those cards choked and proved that AMD didn't do a good job of quality control to ensure they maxed out their product.
I don't see 2gb being a big deal for mid range, but at the same time I don't see it choking at 1.5gb either for their intended range. 512 on the 4870 although was a pretty lame move I agree, those cards choked and proved that AMD didn't do a good job of quality control to ensure they maxed out their product.

I don't think that GDDR5 was cheap at the time. Also the 4870 released a the hell of a lot less than the competition.
i have done research, it's called looking at any review where nvidia falls behind at 2560.

You clearly don't understand the difference between memory bandwith and actual memory usage.

though i'm sure most 560 ti's/570's stutter heavily in most games already despite doing ok avg framerates.

:rolleyes: Yeah, ok.
I don't think that GDDR5 was cheap at the time. Also the 4870 released a the hell of a lot less than the competition.

And shortly came out with a 1gb version not soon after the 512 due to the massive drop in performance when running crossfire. The memory wasn't AS cheap as say GDDR3 but they already released a card that bested the competition and for $200 cheaper. Even if it only came within 20% of the performance they could still make the card more expensive.

I say this while having a horrible memory of crossfiring the 2, then upgrading to the 1gb versions. Still a fun time with those cards as they gave a ton of people ultra performance for very little.
I don't see 2gb being a big deal for mid range, but at the same time I don't see it choking at 1.5gb either for their intended range. 512 on the 4870 although was a pretty lame move I agree, those cards choked and proved that AMD didn't do a good job of quality control to ensure they maxed out their product.

680, as well as 670 is a little light with 2GB. A $500/$400 card should include more (maybe why Nvidia fans got all excited about the 4GB edition, proving I'm right). Morseo with 680 than 670 which I'm ok with. 1.5GB is also pretty borderline imo for a hypothetical 660 imo. 560/Ti/570 simply not enough RAM imo. Wouldn't touch any of those.

Really Nvidia right along is screwing people by selling cards without enough RAM, through the last gen anyway. AMD had 2GB as the standard for 6950/6970 where it belonged.
Yet it isn't vram capacity limited, sir.

We're speaking of my 4890 512 vs 1GB dilemma of 2009. Sure glad I went with 1GB today.

And yes, most Nvidia cards are RAM limited or are bad buys going forward due to lack of RAM. 2GB or bust imo, unless you only keep your cards a year or less. At the high end AMD's 3GB is also superior, although I can accept 2GB cards. What I cant accept is the 1GB Nvidia cards.