Wii. Itz coming!

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Tutelary said:
meaningless. Every Nintendo console between the NES and Gamecube was 200 USD at launch. $250 for what amounts to a slightly more powerful gamecube is not worthwhile.

What is your basis for that? That just because something has always been one way it should never change? And it's already been shown to be more than "slightly" more powerful. Remember how much the PS1 was at launch? $299. Look how many people bought it. Besides, inflation always comes into play. $200 was significantly more money in 1986 than it is now.
Tutelary said:
meaningless. Every Nintendo console between the NES and Gamecube was 200 USD at launch. $250 for what amounts to a slightly more powerful gamecube is not worthwhile.
Yeah, but like someone else said, they don't usually include a game at launch.

I wasn't expecting it to be bundled, and I was going to buy Wii Sports.

Better than PS3 or 360 prices.
Slartibartfast said:
What is your basis for that? That just because something has always been one way it should never change? And it's already been shown to be more than "slightly" more powerful. Remember how much the PS1 was at launch? $299. Look how many people bought it. Besides, inflation always comes into play. $200 was significantly more money in 1986 than it is now.
Slartibartfast said:
What is your basis for that? That just because something has always been one way it should never change? And it's already been shown to be more than "slightly" more powerful. Remember how much the PS1 was at launch? $299. Look how many people bought it. Besides, inflation always comes into play. $200 was significantly more money in 1986 than it is now.

your inflation meanderings totally go out the window when you look at the period of time between the NES and Gamecube, all those systems were $200. Please stop rattling on about inflation. By your own reasoning you're telling me there was no inflation between the launch of the NES and that of the Gamecube, right?

You can call roughly 50% more powerful a lot if you like. I'm simply not seeing it.
l177l3d said:
its still not that bad from a price perspective... its still very cheap

so we are looking at...
250 for the console and 1 controller
180 for 3 more controller sets

so itll only be like 430 for the whole deal... good shit...

throw in a few games and a few downloads and still well under a grand :D

The problem for Nintendo will be that it is only marginally cheaper than the Xbox 360. Especially with Gears of War coming out right before it. Alot of people will take one look at the Wii, and one look at Gears of War and just shell out the extra 100$ or so for the 360 instead of the Wii.
slowbiz said:
Yeah, but like someone else said, they don't usually include a game at launch.

I wasn't expecting it to be bundled, and I was going to buy Wii Sports.

Better than PS3 or 360 prices.

The Wiisports stuff arent even games, they are essentially tech demos. They are giving people the same crap they were showing at E3 AS DEMOS.
Tutelary said:
your inflation meanderings totally go out the window when you look at the period of time between the NES and Gamecube, all those systems were $200. Please stop rattling on about inflation.

It's relevant because it shows that consistently having hardware priced the same is abnormal, so a price raise is to be expected. You're getting angry because Nintendo raised the price $50? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. Either way it's going to come down in price, so I don't see how this is such a big deal.

Besides, Nintendo made it clear from the beginning that this system was not about hardware specs. If you need more bang in your console, you've got two other systems to choose from.

You can call roughly 50% more powerful a lot if you like. I'm simply not seeing it.

Nobody's seeing that because it's not out yet.
Tutelary said:
The Wiisports stuff arent even games, they are essentially tech demos. They are giving people the same crap they were showing at E3 AS DEMOS.

QFT. dont expect highly polished games. they will be simple games to show of the controller. no mario golf or mario tennis comparisons.
Wiisports is also a gimmick, considering on the ps3 and x360 you can/will download demos and try actual games. For all we know the ps3 might come with a game demo cd, or the HD might be demo packed already. I dont remember what the x360 did .
on the wii, you will have to pay for the clasics, and a lot at that. 10 bucks for a n64 game? id rather just plug in my n64 and use the controller the game was designed for. same for nes and snes.
Slartibartfast said:
It's relevant because it shows that consistently having hardware priced the same is abnormal, so a price raise is to be expected. You're getting angry because Nintendo raised the price $50? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. Either way it's going to come down in price, so I don't see how this is such a big deal.

Nobody's seeing that because it's not out yet.

Next you'll tell me that only having white at launch is something other than pure marketing bs.
Tutelary said:
meaningless. Every Nintendo console between the NES and Gamecube was 200 USD at launch. $250 for what amounts to a slightly more powerful gamecube is not worthwhile.
My NES was $300 in 1986, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
w00t! Finally...

For $250 I am definitely picking up one of these although I was hoping for a slightly lower launch price but for what the system is going to come bundled with I believe its worth it. The inclusion of Wii sports I believe was a good move on Nintendo's part. Got the internet? Check. Got Wi-Fi? Check. Now all I need is the Wii and I can bring it home, plug it in and start playing online against some people. :D

I would like to say though for the people who are unhappy about the power of the Wii and the launch price, get over it! When people started hearing about this console they would complain its just a gimmick, not powerful enough, the games are for "kids" and now people are upset over the launch price. Just look at how many people in the industry are excited about this thing coming out. They are out to change how you game, not out-do Sony or Microsoft in terms of raw power. Also the $250 launch price is not bad for what you are getting out of the box. If Nintendo kept trying to "keep up with the Jonses" then I do not think they would have all the hype they have going on now. This new console is just what people need to get back into playing games. I mean, cmon, its Nintendo, creators of the party machines. So get some friends and have some fun when this thing comes out. Wii

For the person who was talking about Wii Sports being a tech demo, this looks to be one fun tech demo! :p
GilmourD said:
My NES was $300 in 1986, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Only if you bought a limited system that came with ROB would you have paid that much. If you bought a system with ROB you're a sucker anyway. The NES didnt launch in 86, it launched in 85, buying a ROB system in 86 means you were paying more for a premium bundle.

Nintendo has had a traditional price of $200 since the NES.
Erasmus354 said:
The problem for Nintendo will be that it is only marginally cheaper than the Xbox 360. Especially with Gears of War coming out right before it. Alot of people will take one look at the Wii, and one look at Gears of War and just shell out the extra 100$ or so for the 360 instead of the Wii.


are u comparing the price of 1 game to the price of an entire system... or are u comparing the price of the wii system vs the price of the 360 system?

just reviewing, the price of the 360 is still 400 (since no fool in their right mind would get the 300 core package since the 400 is a far better deal)...and the wii will be 250... i dunno about u... but when a system is 1/3 the price cheaper than another console... thats considered a LOT cheaper...

newho, i just think the wii is a great buy considering what type of gaming they are bringing to gamers... something new and different...

and to those who are arguing about inflation... also consider that the price of hardware has gone down, so the actual cost to manufacture the wii should be relatively low... meaning nintendo COULD have dropped the price even more, but i believe they are playing the right hand, 250 is still cheap for consumers and they are making a profit on their hardware... no reason to lose money if they dont need to... dropping the price to 200 probably doesnt justify the (losses or less profits) they may incur for the few additional units sold...

edit: also wanted to add... gears of war is gonna be one serious piece of eye candy... not exactly comparable to the wii... if ur sole interest is in games like gears of war, i dont find it likely that u will be picking up the wii netime soon...
JustinSane said:

proving Art direction art direction art direction is the most important thing.

I finished Metal Gear Solid 3 and FFX not too long ago and to this date, those are some REALLY good looking games. And I'm primarly a PC gamer so I'm used to higher resolutions and textures.

I can't wait for Wii. What I like is it feels like games are bundled back with a system like hte original nes, genesis, turbographx (Mario, Altered Beast, Keith Courage). I remember being annoyed that they charged their prices and stopped giving a game and the second controller. I KNEW the system was goign to be $250. Now I'm getting at least something with it? SCORE.
Tutelary said:
Next you'll tell me that only having white at launch is something other than pure marketing bs.

Was it marketing BS when the NES only came in one color? The SNES? N64? The color is trivial, and having multiple colors increases the manufacturing cost.
Just an FYI (although it may have already been mentioned), on the offical Wii site, it states that the Opera browser will have to be purchased with Wii-points before users can browse the internet from the console.

It did not mention how many points it would cost (although we know that $20 = 2000 points).

I was under the impression that web surfing would be free, like the rest of the channels :(.
BarneyGumble said:
Better graphics and physics=natural progression, and to be expected
New and innovative controler and games= Not worth $250

Slartibartfast said:
Was it marketing BS when the NES only came in one color? The SNES? N64? The color is trivial, and having multiple colors increases the manufacturing cost.

Thats a bunch of BS. Those systems werent shown before launch in multiple colors, the Wii has already been promised in multiple colors.

"having multiple colors increases the manufacturing cost" Oh really, you mean like launching the Black DS Lite in Europe alongside the white, and America ONLY getting the white at launch? I can poke holes in everything you're throwing out.
Dykstraflex said:

I care so much... I only have DVD players in my computer, portables, laptop, DVD/VCR combo, standalone DVD player on another TV, and my other computers! Whatever shall I do if the Wii has no DVD playback to watch my DVD movies!? HELP!


P.S. This is a pre-emptive post at those who are going to undoubtedly complain about the no DVD playback thing. It is not meant to be anything bad toward the poster of this info ;).
so what this press event supposed to start?
I'm logged at gamespot and they stream it but all I see is nintendo log right now
theNoid said:
They blew it... absolutely blew it. Once MS gets the Core 360 down to $150 by 2008, game over.

No really, game over.

Cheap Core 360 bundle with Halo 3 in March is going to be the knock out punch to both Sony and Nintendo. Calling it right now.

Core 360 to $150? So what you're saying to me right now, is that less than three years after launch, they'll drop the price to $150....meaning ~50% off the current price? Somehow I doubt we'll see such a drastic price cut that happening so soon...especially when they'd rather you pay the premium for the premium box.

To everyone that wants an idea of how Nintendo has priced in the past versus the other companies, here is a site with nice little graphs of prices (click the pdf button below the charts), both nominal and real. I think it's funny how people demand Nintendo doesn't raise their prices by fifty dollars because their past four systems launched at $200...You cannot ignore the fact that the purchasing power of money has dropped over the years, and to me it's unbelievable that they didn't raise the price of those consoles earlier.

How do all of you justify the fact that Sony doubled the price of their console because they want you to adopt Blu-Ray? What about the Xbox360's inclusion of....nothing new? I say good work to Nintendo; I hope that they continue to drive innovation just like they did with the vibration in gamepads, the d-pad itself, analogue sticks, shoulder buttons, and the original zapper. The PS3 and Xbox360 are glorified computers, but Nintendo has finally given PC gamers a reason to enjoy console gaming again. They're returning to the pure fun side of it.
BarneyGumble said:
What the fuck is a WII?

its a video game console....made by nintendo .... its ... white.... and plays games and ...... stuff....

I'm confused.
Um... wow...

Am I the only one who likes both the Xbox 360 and Wii and thinks that they both fill different roles in the video game market? Guess so...
PWMK2 said:
Um... wow...

Am I the only one who likes both the Xbox 360 and Wii and thinks that they both fill different roles in the video game market? Guess so...

Ya no S.
I have a 360 and plan getting a Wii. apples and orangles

I sure as hell don't picture a core 360 a bargin.
Slartibartfast said:
If I have to edit or remove one more post I'm closing this thread.

Keep it civil! This thread can be constructive and interesting!
I have one question about the wii (other than the one I posted earlier). Why didnt they include the retro controller? The virtual console is one of the big draws of the system, but I dont really see how it is even possible to properly play an SNES or N64 game with just the wiimote (due to the button placement).
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