Windows 7?

Now getting instant HTTP404 after the main download page (where you choose 32/64)...

Think MS has pulled the plug.
[H]'s main page:

"If you have been struggling all morning trying to get your hands on the new Windows 7 beta but haven’t been able to get it (links below give “server too busy” error) I got a couple very fast direct links for you: Windows 7 beta 32-bit and Windows 7 beta 64-bit. These are straight from Microsoft and the transfer rate right now on my download is 922KB/sec"

Getting 350kB/s here
They have also pulled all the related sign up pages (had each step saved so I could go back 1 step every time it timed out).
[H]'s main page:

"If you have been struggling all morning trying to get your hands on the new Windows 7 beta but haven’t been able to get it (links below give “server too busy” error) I got a couple very fast direct links for you: Windows 7 beta 32-bit and Windows 7 beta 64-bit. These are straight from Microsoft and the transfer rate right now on my download is 922KB/sec"

Getting 350kB/s here

Link plz?

nvm got it. 1MB/s :D
Weird... I logged into Technet at about 11:30 AM, started downloading the beta, clicked "get key" and got my key, and had 600KB/s (got fios 20/20), and by 1:00pm I think it was done. At work right now so can't mess with it too much. I'm thinking of making this my primary OS until it does something to really piss me off like Vista did.... and XP... and ME..
Technet subscribers have been able to download since Wed. Its the public beta people (like me and what seems like 18.99billion others are trying to get) that cannot get the key or download.

I am willing to download from a torrent but as with everyone else I still need a BETA key or do a reload every 30 days.
im curious if the activated beta copies will do auto updates and what not whenever new fixes come out for the beta...

Id only want it for the key really. Im up for reinstalling vista since some system files got corrupted on my system *but im using it now*, figured id back all my stuff up and try installing the beta over my system in hopes i can limp on that for a while without needing to reinstall everything
From the Win7 blog:

Due to very heavy traffic we’re seeing as a result of interest in the Windows 7 Beta, we are adding some additional infrastructure support to the properties before we post the public beta. We want to ensure customers have the best possible experience when downloading the beta, and I’ll be posting here again soon once the beta goes live. Stay tuned! We are excited that you are excited!
Ugh I want the key. I was able to get on the site an hour ago, but was at work and it would have taken me to long to download.
I just got my key.

When they first started this I got through the part where you login and then got to the actual key part where it crapped out for me like it did for everyone else. I have been sitting here all day hitting refresh now and then and it finally spit a key out.

This is the page that game me the key. I think it was what was right after you answered the questions. I just kept refreshing every 10 min or so. I was trying for the 64 bit version.
Would it work for us if we were loged in with our Account and you gave us the link that had the applet on it? Not the one that says "Windows 7 Beta coming soon", but page you got after you chose a language on an OS?
anyone have any more links for where i can just get the iso, i will worry about key later when servers come online,but so far i tried a link posted, it downloaded 1.6gigs and said that it had finished, but i know that cant be right because its like 2.4gigs isnt it?
Well got another download going and it got to 350 megs and stopped. This is just an epic fail in the highest.
use a torrent, you could have had it by now

If you dont have a super fast connection (like 500k/s+) then you dont really have a chance to finish the regular download link today anyways.