Would you keep them? Hard drive & Shipping conditions!!!!


Nov 8, 2004
I ordered 8 SAS drives (used/refurb) from an ebay seller (business, tons of reviews), etc... expected them to be used / higher hour based on price, but still life on them and NOT abused.

The 8 drives arrived 1 box, about 1.5x1.5ft square, the drives were in pink plastic (separate), and each had bubble wrap (tiny bubbles) with 1 wrap around each drive. They were not bundled together, they were not fastened to anything, or taped together at all, or in any package at all. I pulled off some packing paper on the top and found them in a pile. Under the pile was more paper and a little on the sides, but they were not organized in order and looked like they were thrown in with paper and shipped.

I don't care if they aren't organized but they obviously were moving during shipping and smashing against each other even though they had 1/4" bubbles which don't do much with corners.

What would you do?

They are Cheetah 15k.7 ST3300657SS Drives.
I would run them individually to test whether or not they work. If the heads were all parked then you probably don't have much to worry about.
Ya, it's upsetting esp. since I don't have SAS breakout cables and had to spend money to even test them now. I should have done this anyway, but had planned to 'test' them in the case, but it's used too and I need to make sure these guys work and then check the case/expander/backplane. Oh-well, we will see and get them tested ASAP and returned before the TINY window closes!
I would contact the seller and let him know what is going on and that you are not happy with the way they were packed.
The seller says the drives should be fine and "they do this for a living". And if any issues they will re-test them after I return and refund then. Hopefully have my cables to test by Friday/Saturday.
WD Diagnostics Quick Test - No Problem

SMART Info -- Not available.

How do I get SMART info for a SAS drive in Windows?
The drive is connected through a LSI MegaRaid SAS 9361-8i.

I tried CrystalDiskInfo and it doesn't even "see" the drive. (Windows sees it just fine, and it's got a drive letter etc...)
C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>smartctl -x sdb
smartctl 6.3 2014-07-26 r3976 [x86_64-w64-mingw32-win7-sp1] (sf-6.3-1)
Copyright (C) 2002-14, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org

Vendor: LSI
Product: MR9361-8i
Revision: 4.23
User Capacity: 299,439,751,168 bytes [299 GB]
Logical block size: 512 bytes
Logical Unit id: 0x600605b00931b1001c42e4b106640d3f
Serial number: 003f0d6406b1e4421c00b13109b00506
Device type: disk
Local Time is: Fri Jan 09 20:29:50 2015 PST
SMART support is: Unavailable - device lacks SMART capability.
Read Cache is: Enabled
Writeback Cache is: Disabled


Error Counter logging not supported

Device does not support Self Test logging
Device does not support Background scan results logging

C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>

Well that sucks. I had ASSumed all drives had the ability to report errors/temp/power hours/etc... my bad!

WD Quick diagnostics came back ok.
Waiting on the 'full' scan for DISK #1. Looks like it will be 30mins per-disk to check for bad sectors.
May take awhile but shred is my go-to for bad sector check, use -v and watch the output for errors, failure to complete, etc.
Must be skipping loads of sectors. This is normally a few hours to check every sector.

For a 300gb 15k RPM drive, correct?

I used the WD Tool. I'll try another "Bad Sector" check on the same drive with another tool and compare.
7 more to test today

and 8 more on the way to test.

Then to decide which type and level of RAID to Run :D
Is it possible that the "raid" controller is blocking SMART? I have seen that on older controllers. Smartmon is listing the HDD as LSI, is that the RAID card and not the HDD itself?
Is it possible that the "raid" controller is blocking SMART? I have seen that on older controllers. Smartmon is listing the HDD as LSI, is that the RAID card and not the HDD itself?

Yes, you need to try different commands to try and get through. Try adding

-d auto


-d scsi

Before the device id
Yes, you need to try different commands to try and get through. Try adding

-d auto


-d scsi

Before the device id

Are you talking about using DOS, and 'smartctl'? If so, I tried and got:

SMART support is: Unavailable - device lacks SMART capability.

If not, what software are you using?
Are you talking about using DOS, and 'smartctl'? If so, I tried and got:

SMART support is: Unavailable - device lacks SMART capability.

If not, what software are you using?

Yes, try the all command (a) also.

so try:

smartctl -d scsi -a (deviceid)
Ya, I pretty much tried them all and SMART not available for the drive is ocmmon, I cansee dsome info like write back on/off etc... but no temps or smart info.

So far no bad blocks, but still would like to see smart info ;)

I'm using a LSI Raid controller (new 12g/s one) and it's supposed to work through it just fine...

Edit: I like how the post that was the actual necropost has somehow disappeared. :rolleyes:
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