X2 3800+.....$239.99

EH gota love sites that dont take down items once they have sold out. Gotta love newegg and zipzoomfly for that. If they dont have it, you ant getting it. Kinda helps out on price mistakes too, since they wont get 2000 orders of one item. This place will just keep racking in the $$$ on this and then swim in the interest for a few days and then send it back to ya. Well really the CC company will swim in the interest and then send it to the company first. If you have ever owned your own shop ya gotta love the fact that when you swipe a CC ( which is an all digital transaction) it is instantly taken out of the the customers account, but magicly takes a few days to get into the shops account. Ah the joy of waiting for a $5000 plasma credit to go thru so you can acualy pay for the dam thing from your supplier.
Sigh... I just bit, how can I pass up $100 off?!. :( :)
I'm half hoping it gets cancelled, half hoping it doesn't, stupid money stealing PC parts. :D
Now they just have the A64 3800+ listed... for $289.99 as a "Super Special"

Bummer - I really wanted to get in MORE trouble with my girlfriend.
vibe said:
Okay, rule #1 when doing deals that are possible price mistakes:
Unless basically you just don't want to get the deal and kill it for everyone.

Sorry noob, that's called theft, which isn't cool. If it is a price mistake that goes through that small vendor gets ripped off for what is now probably several thousand dollars. Treat small vendors like you would want them to treat you. If they made a mistake, I don't want the processor, I only want it if it is legitimate good deal. Ripping off small shops like this guy is totally uncool!

Small businesses are usually run by one person or sometimes a partnership, imagine if you were running a similar business and you made a mistake, would you want to loose several grand, I didn't think so.
vbrtrmn said:
Sorry noob, that's called theft, which isn't cool. If it is a price mistake that goes through that small vendor gets ripped off for what is now probably several thousand dollars. Treat small vendors like you would want them to treat you. If they made a mistake, I don't want the processor, I only want it if it is legitimate good deal. Ripping off small shops like this guy is totally uncool!

Small businesses are usually run by one person or sometimes a partnership, imagine if you were running a similar business and you made a mistake, would you want to loose several grand, I didn't think so.

Theft? How is it theft? I agree with the part about taking advantage of a mistake is going to cost that guy money out of pocket, but it certainly isn't theft.
Way too late on this one :mad:

IF all those orderes got thru, wouldnt they lose thousands of dollars ? And someones getting fired to hell.
Ronin_ said:
Theft? How is it theft? I agree with the part about taking advantage of a mistake is going to cost that guy money out of pocket, but it certainly isn't theft.

I don't see how it can be theft either, its not like you are walking in sticking it into your pocket then walking out again without paying.
I hope everyone who ordered one of these gets it but I wouldn't sell my current cpu just yet. ;)
Ronin_ said:
Theft? How is it theft? I agree with the part about taking advantage of a mistake is going to cost that guy money out of pocket, but it certainly isn't theft.

What part of cost that guy money out of pocket am I failing to understand.. if you get the processor, due to a pricing mistake YOU are taking money out of his pocket.

For instance, you list a car for sale in the newspaper for $10,000; someone writes you a check for $1000, but you don't notice where the decimal place is; a similar mistake; you sign the title over to him. OOPS is that theft? IMO yes .. courts .. probably yes, though I'm not a lawyer.

I remember several years ago .. maybe 5 maybe more. There was a case where an owner of a baseball card shop accidently priced a famous sports rookie card for $100 instead of $1000. The card was bought by someone, the shop owner said that it was a mistake, after the sale. The guy would not give it back for a refund. Is this theft? Well, the courts thought so, though the guy didn't get charged, the card was eventually returned to the small business owner.

If you like ripping off small businesses; I really don't have anything nice to say to you, and I don't want to polute this thread with trash.
vbrtrmn said:
What part of cost that guy money out of pocket am I failing to understand.. if you get the processor, due to a pricing mistake YOU are taking money out of his pocket.

For instance, you list a car for sale in the newspaper for $10,000; someone writes you a check for $1000, but you don't notice where the decimal place is; a similar mistake; you sign the title over to him. OOPS is that theft? IMO yes .. courts .. probably yes, though I'm not a lawyer.

I remember several years ago .. maybe 5 maybe more. There was a case where an owner of a baseball card shop accidently priced a famous sports rookie card for $100 instead of $1000. The card was bought by someone, the shop owner said that it was a mistake, after the sale. The guy would not give it back for a refund. Is this theft? Well, the courts thought so, though the guy didn't get charged, the card was eventually returned to the small business owner.

If you like ripping off small businesses; I really don't have anything nice to say to you, and I don't want to polute this thread with trash.
Buying something from an online shop is not theft, regardless of whether you believe on your subjective criteria that there is a pricing mistake. When a store puts something up for sale with a price they agree to sell that item for that price, it is their responsibility to ensure that they are willing to sell the item for the price they advertise. If they make a price mistake on an item, they are obligated to sell at the previously advertised price to anyone who already ordered.
My opinion on this matter is that it is the price someone has to pay from making mistakes. So if a business makes a mistake, they should stick it out. Like if I sold a painting out of my attic for say $20, and it is worth say $500,000 the law would be on that other persons side, because I sold it without getting it appraised. My mistake and I will learn from it.
vbrtrmn said:
What part of cost that guy money out of pocket am I failing to understand.. if you get the processor, due to a pricing mistake YOU are taking money out of his pocket.

For instance, you list a car for sale in the newspaper for $10,000; someone writes you a check for $1000, but you don't notice where the decimal place is; a similar mistake; you sign the title over to him. OOPS is that theft? IMO yes .. courts .. probably yes, though I'm not a lawyer.

I remember several years ago .. maybe 5 maybe more. There was a case where an owner of a baseball card shop accidently priced a famous sports rookie card for $100 instead of $1000. The card was bought by someone, the shop owner said that it was a mistake, after the sale. The guy would not give it back for a refund. Is this theft? Well, the courts thought so, though the guy didn't get charged, the card was eventually returned to the small business owner.

If you like ripping off small businesses; I really don't have anything nice to say to you, and I don't want to polute this thread with trash.

Save your BS for someone else! I will take advantage of any deals I can get!
darktiger said:
My opinion on this matter is that it is the price someone has to pay from making mistakes. So if a business makes a mistake, they should stick it out. Like if I sold a painting out of my attic for say $20, and it is worth say $500,000 the law would be on that other persons side, because I sold it without getting it appraised. My mistake and I will learn from it.

actually, i dont know if this works outside of texas, but in texas any contract with is obviously in favor of one party over the other can be nullified. :) i love Texas. :D
LOL, cmon lets stick to the deal, lets see if it works out for all those who ordered.
BAH always see the deals when the price goes up $50... $289 now... cheaper than pricewatch but not much of a deal anymore.
Of course this happens after I spend money on AR upgrades! Don't have enough at the moment. I did see this last night when the price in question was still available.

Oh, and about moral obligations to small business... As far as I know, they are responsible for their pricing mistakes unless they post a disclaimer which states they claim no liability in pricing errors. If they have that somewhere on their site, I believe they would be in the clear to cancel any order they see fit. Therefore, they would/should have posted said disclaimer and they were given ample opportunity to do so. And checking their 'About Us' section, I see they've been in business since 1995. You think they'd know this sort of thing by now? I can't find any disclaimer, but that's not to say it doesn't exist SOMEWHERE publicly accessible on their site. :)
price is now 339. prepare for cancellation e-mails! and watch your CC's for an extra 100 bux.
vbrtrmn said:
What part of cost that guy money out of pocket am I failing to understand.. if you get the processor, due to a pricing mistake YOU are taking money out of his pocket.

For instance, you list a car for sale in the newspaper for $10,000; someone writes you a check for $1000, but you don't notice where the decimal place is; a similar mistake; you sign the title over to him. OOPS is that theft? IMO yes .. courts .. probably yes, though I'm not a lawyer.

I remember several years ago .. maybe 5 maybe more. There was a case where an owner of a baseball card shop accidently priced a famous sports rookie card for $100 instead of $1000. The card was bought by someone, the shop owner said that it was a mistake, after the sale. The guy would not give it back for a refund. Is this theft? Well, the courts thought so, though the guy didn't get charged, the card was eventually returned to the small business owner.

If you like ripping off small businesses; I really don't have anything nice to say to you, and I don't want to polute this thread with trash.

Perhaps you should re-read my reply. I simply said it isn't theft. I made no judgement on whether it is right or wrong to try and take advantage of what may or may not be a pricing mistake. If it is a pricing mistake the vendor could simply cancel the orders like a lot of online sites do. If it was some kind of a loss leader or a big sale, the vendor could honor the orders. But theft? Nope.
$374.99, damn lol price increase in less than 5 mins. Maybe their going to try and make up the loss and honor the old orders? :)

went back down to $339.99
EvilRonin said:
Perhaps you should re-read my reply. I simply said it isn't theft. I made no judgement on whether it is right or wrong to try and take advantage of what may or may not be a pricing mistake. If it is a pricing mistake the vendor could simply cancel the orders like a lot of online sites do. If it was some kind of a loss leader or a big sale, the vendor could honor the orders. But theft? Nope.
I am manager of our second largest www.cpu.com location. Last week we gave a 1 gig stick to a guy instead of a 512. All inventory shortages come out of my commission. We are not sure who we gave it to, and I did call that last few sales, but it was my fault and I still have to pay for it. I look for and take advantage of mis-prices all the time. Now If I paid for a 512 and was given a 1 gig I would not hesitate to take it back, But It is the websites mistake not the purchasers for buying it. They can always cancel the order.
can't believe what this thread has turned into. this is a hot deals post, if you find a hot deal, you post it. many of these deals may be errors and so-forth. either take advantage of them or don't, your decison, your moral dilemma. no need to pass judgement on others.
Okay, rule #1 when doing deals that are possible price mistakes:
Unless basically you just don't want to get the deal and kill it for everyone.
Just for your peace of mind... I havn't called the vendor like I said I was going to... and quite frankly Im sorry I made mention of such a "despicable" act... but at least it gave us something to mumble about ;) .

They probably caught the error when they went in this morning and noticed that 359 3800 X2's had been sold between the hours of 2AM and 5AM. I suspect they probably thought that some one company bought a bulk order then shat their pants when they realized they lost several thousand dollars.
"price is now 339. prepare for cancellation e-mails! and watch your CC's for an extra 100 bux."

Wait, what does that mean? How can they cancel it and then charge another $100? Are they authorized to charge more to your credit-card than you agreed to pay without prior consent?
Looks like I may just get it. No shipping confirmation yet, but I have been charged for the price of 2 of them. I hope it comes!
nirkillerangel said:
Looks like I may just get it. No shipping confirmation yet, but I have been charged for the price of 2 of them. I hope it comes!

Heh... I really hope you mean you ordered two of them and you hope THEY come!
If we actually get them I will be amazed (im hopinh though). I wonder if they are talking with AMD right now seeing if they can get a massive dicount because of the error. (I know its not policy.. but maybe AMD will be kind enough and give them cost) on some.. asuming that they dont have the supply on hand.
nirkillerangel said:
Looks like I may just get it. No shipping confirmation yet, but I have been charged for the price of 2 of them. I hope it comes!

have you been charged or is it just a hold on your account?
well if you guys do get em would one of you who bought more than one wanna send one my way
i would sell em for a profit though ^_^

i spent a lil over $2k lets see what happens, if they cancel my order i loose nothing, if they dont and deliver i got myself on hot-as-hell of a deal
of course ya want a profit so we'll see what happens and as long as the still the best price don't see why not
noypi86 said:
i spent a lil over $2k lets see what happens, if they cancel my order i loose nothing, if they dont and deliver i got myself on hot-as-hell of a deal

wow... all from this deal? For a business or for your own personal gain, if the latter you're mean.
i got 3 comps at home, so i will be upgrading them all to x2 3800's if this deal goes through.
all 8 cpus will be used interchangebly to find the best overclocker, of course im not holding my breath for it at all, im just taking a chance that this will go through.
I will know if this goes through in...2-3 hrs, this is the time when UPS picks up deliveries.
wow i just had to go pick up my cousin durin this whole time!!!! i check the hot deals like every day and this is the first time in a while that i missed it not cool